After eating, the group came to the door of the hotel, Lin Chen said to Tao Hongguang, "Thank you for your hospitality, then we will set off for Huanya Mountain."


PS: There will be a fifth update in a while. .


441 Mountain Highway [5 more for subscription]

Tao Hongguang smiled and said, "Be careful on the road. If you leave now, you will be at Huanya Mountain at around ten o'clock. Now is not the peak tourist season, so you don't need to book hotels."

"Yeah." Lin Chen nodded.

After saying goodbye to Tao Hongguang, everyone got into the car and drove towards Huanya Mountain.

In the evening, it was already raining lightly in the sky, and there were many vehicles on the road. On the street where it was raining lightly, the car owners were not driving fast.

It was raining outside and the temperature was a little low. Sitting in a car with a comfortable temperature, the girls chatted about Huanyashan.

Huanya Mountain, as the name suggests, is a mountain with dangerous terrain and cliffs on all sides. The road up the mountain is very steep and difficult. If you are lazy, you can choose to take the cable car up.

At this moment, the three women had a little disagreement about the time to take the cable car tomorrow.

Miao Yunfei said that she started to climb from the bottom of the mountain and climbed all the way to the top of the mountain. Only in this way can she conquer a big mountain.

Xia Miaoyan said that she was a little tired from playing in the past two days. She would take the cable car to the halfway up the mountain, and then start to climb the mountain after 11. Xiaohui is small and it is very difficult to climb the mountain.

Zhang Tiannan can do anything, let Miao Yunfei and Xia Miaoyan decide for themselves.

Xiaohui listened to the discussion of the three women, she blinked her eyes and said, "Sister Xia, I'm sleepy."

Xia Miaoyan hugged Xiaohui in her arms: "go to sleep when you are sleepy, elder sister will hold you."

Xiaohui lay in Xia Miaoyan's arms and soon fell asleep.

After leaving the urban area of ​​Dongming City, after driving for about an hour, a bridge without guardrails appeared in front of it, and the bridge was two meters wide.

Because of the rain, the water was high tide, and the turbid water covered the bridge deck, which was about ten centimeters higher than the bridge deck.

Miao Yunfei, who was sitting in the passenger seat, sat up slightly: "Lin Chen, can you drive over?"

Zhang Tiannan and Xia Miaoyan also looked at it. It is somewhat dangerous to walk on this kind of bridge without guardrails and rising water. After all, you can't tell the exact location of the bridge deck. Get off the car.

Lin Chen lowered his speed and said, "There's nothing wrong with the height of the rising tide."

Everyone was a little worried, but the car navigation showed that this road was the closest road to Huanyashan, and changing the route temporarily would not be worth the loss.

Lin Chen carefully drove the car over the bridge, and when the car reached the other side, Zhang Tian'an let out a slight sigh: "If the rain continues, the bridge will be completely flooded, and it will be here at that time. I can't get out of the car."

As soon as Zhang Tian'an's voice fell, the sound of rain outside the car suddenly became louder. The raindrops fell on the roof of the car and on the window, making a slight dapping sound.

"Sister Tianan, look, as soon as you say it, the rain will be heavier." Xia Miaoyan chuckled.

"Don't have this kind of bridge without guardrails in front of you, it's very dangerous." Miao Yunfei said.

Miao Yunfei was afraid to cross this kind of bridge over the water again, so that the thing she was worried about did not happen, and she would never encounter that kind of bridge without guardrails on the way.

It was more than eight o'clock in the evening. The roads in this area were deserted. At night, there were no street lights on this road. Only Lin Chen and the others were driving on this road with the lights on and the low engine sound.

The surroundings are dark, and some roads are surrounded by dense forests. The forests are dark and deep, and various strange sounds are heard from time to time.

In this lonely mountain forest, only the Audi Q5 driven by Lin Chen was driving. Compared with this dark mountain, the light of the car seemed so insignificant.

Xia Miaoyan looked at the dark forest outside the window, and she said, "it's fortunate that you are here. If I drive alone on this road at night, I will definitely step on the accelerator in fright."

"It's okay, although this section of the road is lonely, it's not that scary." Zhang Tianan responded.

When Xia Miaoyan heard the words, an idea suddenly popped up in her heart: "Sister Tianan, you said, there is no shop in front of the village or in the back. If the car breaks down here, what should we do?"

Zhang Tianan rolled his eyes: "Miaoyan, don't be rude, if the car breaks down on this mountain road, get out of the car and push us along."


Xia Miaoyan smiled and said, "No, I'm just saying, master, this car is a new one, how could it break down?"

After chatting for a while, there are still two hours away from Huanya Mountain.

In this mountain road, when driving at night, you will see various small animals on the road from time to time, some hedgehogs, mice, and hares will jump across the road.

Some unlucky small animals will be run over by Ruo's car, and many small animal corpses are seen on the ground along the way.

After driving on this mountain road for more than half an hour, holding Xiaohui in her arms, she looked bored at Xia Miaoyan outside the window, and suddenly screamed.

Xia Miaoyan's cry was sudden and loud, full of panic.

Her scream startled Zhang Tianan and Miao Yunfei. Xiaohui, who was lying in Xia Miaoyan's arms, shuddered and opened her eyes.

"Miaoyan, what's the matter?" Seeing Xia Miaoyan's ugly face and panic, Zhang Tianan who was sitting next to her immediately asked.

Miao Yunfei also turned her head and looked at Xia Miaoyan with a frown.

Xia Miaoyan's lips were trembling slightly: "I, I... I just saw... I just saw a ghost..."

"See a ghost?"

Zhang Tianan and Miao Yunfei were surprised at the same time. On this dark mountain road, only their own car was driving, and there were dense forests on both sides.

Xia Miaoyan suddenly said she saw a ghost, which really surprised and scared the two girls.

"Ghost? What ghost did you see?" Lin Chen also turned his head and looked curiously at Xia Miaoyan with a terrified face.

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