The panic on Xia Miaoyan's face was not fake, it was really frightened.

But just as Lin Chen's voice fell, the driving car suddenly shook violently, and then the car shook violently.


Xia Miaoyan just said that she saw a ghost on the side of the road, but now the car suddenly has a problem again, and the girls in the car are startled.

Lin Chen grabbed the steering wheel with both hands and stopped the car quickly.

After the car stopped, it was obvious that the co-pilot was shorter.

"What's going on?" Zhang Tian'an felt a little terrified.

Lin Chen said, "It seems that the right front tire is punctured."

"Is the tire punctured?" Miao Yunfei was speechless, just now Lin Chen turned back to talk to Xia Miaoyan, and she didn't look at the road for a few seconds, but she was actually punctured.

Lin Chen was not in a hurry to get out of the car to check the tire condition. He asked Xia Miaoyan again, "Miaoyan, what did you see?"

Xia Miaoyan said in a trembling voice: "beside the road in the back, under the tree...there is a person in red...she smiled at me and waved to me...".


442 No signal [Subscribe]

On a rainy night, on this mountain road with forests on both sides, Xia Miaoyan said that she just saw a woman wearing red clothes in the woods beside the road through the car window.

The woman smiled at her and waved to her. At first glance, it was really creepy.

Xiaohui, who had slept well, was woken up by Xia Miaoyan. She opened her aggrieved eyes and yawned. Seeing that Sister Xia was very scared, she said in a milky voice, "Sister Xia. , what's wrong with you, is it because Xiaohui is too heavy and makes you sit aching?"

Zhang Tianan took Xiaohui from Xia Miaoyan's lap, and she said to Xiaohui, "No, Sister Xia saw something scary."

"What scary thing?" Xiaohui asked curiously.

However, Zhang Tianan didn't answer Xiaohui any more. It was impossible to tell a child that Sister Xia saw a ghost, and the ghost waved to her.

"The person in red, smiling at you and waving at you?" Lin Chen asked.

"Yes, yes." Xia Miaoyan was frightened, she shrank towards Zhang Tianan, as if she was afraid that the person she saw just now would suddenly appear by the window.

"No way..." Miao Yunfei turned her head to look at the pitch-dark mountains and forests all around, and said, "With this weather and environment, how could someone be in the forests... I didn't see it just now."

As policemen, Miao Yunfei and the others didn't believe in ghosts.

But even though she told herself in her heart that she didn't believe it, they were women after all. In this environment, Xia Miaoyan was frightened like that again, and she felt a little drum in her heart.

"Miaoyan... Did you read it wrong?" Zhang Tianan hugged Xiaohui and asked hesitantly.

Xia Miaoyan shook her head: "No, I saw it clearly just now. That person was standing under a tree. She smiled at me and waved to me..."

Zhang Tian'an and Miao Yunfei were speechless, and immediately looked at Lin Chen.

Lin Chen felt the eyes of the two women, but the expression on his face was very relaxed.

"Miaoyan, don't be frightened like that, you must have read it wrong, or have hallucinations." Lin Chen advised.

"No, no master...' 〃..." Xia Miaoyan held her legs in both hands: "I can see it very clearly, it is indeed a man in red..."

Lin Chen chuckled lightly and said, "Okay, then I'll get out of the car to take a look at the car's condition, and talk about that ghost later."

Lin Chen took an umbrella from Zhang Tian'an's hand, opened the car door and walked down.

It was fortunate that Lin Chen was here after being caught by Xia Miaoyan, otherwise Zhang Tiannan and Miao Yunfei would have started to be afraid.

The rain was heavy, Lin Chen held an umbrella, walked in front of the car, and came to the position of the right front tire.

Lin Chen squatted down slightly, and immediately saw a four-cornered nail made of several thin steel bars welded together. This nail is thrown on the ground, and always has one point pointing upwards. The car driving over it must be punctured.

This kind of four-cornered nail is also called black heart nail. Some criminals scatter such black heart nails on the road to make passing vehicles puncture the tires.

"What's the situation?" Miao Yunfei in the passenger seat asked Lin Chen outside the window.

Lin Chen stood up and replied, "The tire was pinned by a black heart, and I can't walk."

As police officers, Zhang Tiannan, Miao Yunfei and the others are no strangers to this kind of black heart nail.

"Is there a black nail on the way?" Miao Yunfei said immediately: "Is there a car repair shop in front of it? These illegal businesses rely on these methods to make money."

"I don't know." Lin Chen shook his head.

"Is there a spare tire on the car?" Zhang Tianan asked.

"No." Lin Chen replied.

In this dark mountain forest, there is no way to go to the village or the store, and the tires are punctured. This night, it is really troublesome enough.

"I'll make a call to see if there is a place to repair the car nearby." Miao Yunfei said as she took out her mobile phone and wanted to make a call.

But after taking out the phone, Miao Yunfei was stunned to find that the phone had no signal.

She shook her phone twice and then changed positions, but the phone still had no signal at all.

"I don't have a signal on my cell phone, use your cell phone to call." Miao Yunfei put down her cell phone.

"Okay." Zhang Tianan said okay, and took out his mobile phone.

After taking it out, Zhang Tianan snorted.

"Why, yours doesn't have a signal?" Miao Yunfei immediately had a bad feeling when she heard Zhang Tiannan's snort.

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