"Yeah, my phone doesn't have any signal either." Zhang Tianai pointed the phone screen at Miao Yunfei.

Miao Yunfei glanced at it and asked Xia Miaoyan to take out her phone again. Xia Miaoyan was frightened, but now she is a little better.

After she took out her cell phone, there was no signal at all.

Miao Yunfei looked out the window, Lin Chen was looking at her, Lin Chen said, "No signal?"

"No." Miao Yunfei frowned.

"I don't have mine either." Lin Chen stuffed his phone back into his pocket.

"Master... I'm sorry..."

Xia Miaoyan understood that if she hadn't screamed out in fright, Lin Chen would not have turned around to talk to herself, and the tires would not have been stuck on the four corner nails.

Now that the car is broken down in this wilderness, and the mobile phone has no signal, I really don't know what to do.

"...It's okay." Lin Chen shook his head and said to Xia Miaoyan, "get off."

"Why are you getting off the bus?" Xia Miaoyan wondered.

"Take me back to see that ghost in red clothes standing under the tree." Lin Chen said with a smile at the moment, a very terrifying topic.

Upon hearing this, Xia Miaoyan shook her head like a rattle. She leaned her body against Zhang Tiannan: "I won't go, master, it's too scary, I won't go..."

Lin Chen walked to the car door. It was raining heavily. The rain wet Lin Chen's pants and his shirt. An umbrella couldn't stop the heavy rain at all.

Lin Chen reached out to Xia Miaoyan: "don't be afraid, trust me."

"Why do you have to go back and watch?" Xia Miaoyan was puzzled.

"You think the one you saw is a ghost. If you don't clarify this matter, it will leave a shadow in your heart for the rest of your life." Lin Chen said, "Trust me, there are no ghosts in this world, I will take you back to see. , what is that?"

Feeling Lin Chen's soft gaze, Xia Miaoyan hesitated for a while, but (Li Qian's) still extended her hand to Lin Chen and got out of the car.

"What about us?" Miao Yunfei asked.

"Just wait in the car, Miaoyan and I will be back soon." Lin Chen said.

Lin Chen slammed the car door, put a hand on Xia Miaoyan's shoulder, and walked towards the road with her.

On this mountain road, the surrounding is dead and dark, and the rain is falling, falling on the ground, falling on the leaves, and making various sounds.

"Wow wow wow..."

The crow's cry came from the forest, which was particularly harsh in this dark night.

Xia Miaoyan hugged Lin Chen's arm tightly with both hands and walked forward slowly.

After walking dozens of meters, Xia Miaoyan suddenly raised her head and asked Lin Chen, "Master, you said that there are no ghosts in this world, so what I saw just now was a corpse hanging on a tree by someone else? The corpse still smiled at me."


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443 Can't read it wrong [2 more ask for subscription]

When Lin Chen heard Xia Miaoyan's words, he smiled slightly: "Isn't it such a coincidence, I just solved a case of hanging a corpse in a street lamp, and there is another case of hanging a corpse in a big tree on this mountain road?"

"But what I saw was really a human face." Xia Miaoyan said seriously.

"Look there and you'll know." Lin Chen held an umbrella in one hand and a mobile phone in the other, the light of the mobile phone's flash shone in front of him.

The light from the flash is scattered and cannot reach very far.

Xia Miaoyan saw the man in red under the tree through the car window about twenty seconds before the car was punctured.

At Lin Chen's speed at that time, he would have driven a long distance in about twenty seconds.

On the dark road, the two walked forward step by step, walking for dozens of meters, and Xia Miaoyan's trousers were also wet by the rain.

In the black Audi Q5, Miao Yunfei was sitting in the passenger seat, Zhang Tianan and Luo Xiaohui were in the back seat of the car, Miao Yunfei glanced back through the rearview mirror, and at this moment, Lin Chenhe could no longer be seen. Xia Miaoyan's figure is gone.

"Tian Nuan, did you think Miaoyan saw it wrong?" Miao Yunfei said.

Zhang Tiannan patted Xiaohui's back lightly: "Looking at Miaoyan's appearance, it doesn't seem like she got it wrong. I don't think ghosts are possible. Perhaps, someone was hiding under a tree by the roadside to play pranks."

"Please..." 660

Miao Yunfei shook her head helplessly and said, "Tian Nuan, look at the current environment and time, in such a ghostly weather with heavy rain, there will be someone standing under a tree where there is no place in front of the village and no shop in the back. Is the passing vehicle a prank?"

"I think... maybe it's a corpse."

"Uh..." When Zhang Tiannan heard Miao Yunfei's words, he nodded slightly: "It's also possible, when Lin Chen and the others come back, we'll know the specific situation."

As soon as Zhang Tian'an's voice fell, the rear of the car suddenly made a slight muffled sound, as if something jumped to the rear of the car.

Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan, who were in the car, heard the muffled sound very clearly. At the moment when they heard it, they turned their heads and looked behind at the same time.

It's just that when their eyes fell on the rear of the car, the two did not see anything on the rear of the car.

"Did you hear the sound?" Zhang Tianan asked Miao Yunfei.

"I heard, it seems that something has climbed into the car." Miao Yunfei looked around vigilantly, but didn't see anything.

"Little animals?" Zhang Tian was suspicious.

"I... get out of the car and have a look." Miao Yunfei said.

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