The third is the husband of the woman in the hotel lobby just now. After he heard the movement, he ran out to help together.

The man didn't dare to look at the corpse on the ground. He turned his back and wanted to go back.

Not to mention him, even the old detective would feel a chill on his back when he saw the deceased's eyeballs that were pulled out.

The deceased was strangled and then the eyeballs were pulled out. If the eyeballs were pulled out first and then strangled to death, it would be an unimaginable torture for the deceased.

Zhang Tian'an hesitated for a while, but stepped forward and squatted beside the corpse.

The man in the suit was very sad, his face was soaked, and he didn't know whether it was rain or tears.

"What are you two little girls doing here? Hurry back to the hotel." The man who turned his back said to the two girls.

"We are the police." Zhang Tianai said.

"What, the police?" The shop owner standing beside him looked surprised when he heard Zhang Tianan's words.

Zhang Tian'an turned his head to look at him and said, "Yes, we are police officers, and we passed by here today."

After the shop owner heard the words again, he said suspiciously: "Since you are a policeman, then look at who killed this girl. It is cruel enough to gouge out her eyeballs."

She checked the strangulation marks on the deceased's neck, as well as his hands and clothes, and then she said to Miao Yunfei: "The deceased's nails are very clean, there is no debris or blood, she should have been strangled first, and then buckled. Eyeballs dropped."

If the deceased's eyeballs were buckled first, when she was struggling, blood would definitely remain in the crevices of her fingernails. Also, it was more difficult to kill people after plucking out the eyeballs than first killing people and then buttoning the eyeballs.

Miao Yunfei nodded, she also squatted (bbbg) beside the corpse and reached out to touch the body's body temperature.

After checking, Miao Yunfei asked the man in the suit, "When did you find out that your wife was killed and lying here?"

The man in the suit said with a sad face: "My wife never came back after she left the room. I didn't answer her cell phone when I called her, so I went downstairs to look for it, but there was no one on the second and first floors, so I asked the proprietress if there was any Seeing my wife, the lady boss said no."

"I... I thought it was raining heavily. My wife couldn't have gone outside. Not on the third floor, not on the second floor, nor on the first floor. She must have gone to the fourth floor."

"After I went to the fourth floor, there was no wife on the fourth floor, so I was in a hurry and ran out to find her with an umbrella, but... I saw my wife's body here..."

While speaking, the man in the suit began to cry, but there were not many tears in his eyes.

"This part of the road is very remote, and there are no people near the hotel. Your wife was murdered here. The scope of the murderer is well established."

Zhang Tian'an said, "The murderer is one of the people in the hotel."

The man who turned his back nodded: "I also thought about it. There are no outsiders in this place. The murderer must be someone who lives in the hotel. Are you really the police?"

Facing the man's question, Zhang Tianan nodded and said yes.

The man hurriedly said, "That's really great. Let's see who the murderer is. Living with the murderer in this remote hotel is scary just thinking about it."

In this part of the mountain road, in a remote hotel, there are more than a dozen guests in the hotel, some of them are murderers. In this environment, it is really difficult to make people feel at ease without arresting the murderers.

"Take the dead back first, it's raining too much here." Miao Yunfei stood up.

"Okay..." The man in the suit wiped his face and reached out to grab the hands of the deceased.

The shop owner sighed and stepped forward, grabbed the deceased's legs, and together they carried the deceased towards the hotel.

The man who turned his back walked behind, holding the umbrella left by the deceased on the ground.

Braving the heavy rain, the group quickly returned to the hotel. At this moment, there were a few more people in the lobby of the hotel.

When people in the hotel lobby saw the body carried by the man in suit and the shop owner, the eyes of the deceased were dug up and hung on the corners of their eyes, which shocked everyone.


Several women shouted, stretched out their hands to cover their hands, and didn't dare to look at it.

The fat bearded man and the skinny man looked at them and turned their faces away, also frightened.

"Oh... God..." The proprietress's voice was the loudest, her face panicked, and sweat broke out on her forehead. .


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"Don't bring the corpse in, just leave it outside." The proprietress shouted immediately when she saw the corpse was about to be brought in.

The boss who was carrying the corpse turned his head and glanced at his wife with a cold expression on his face.

He said to the man in the suit, "Just put it here, the rain won't catch her."

"Okay..." The man in the suit responded and placed Qian Minghui lightly on the ground.

The man who was holding Qian Minghui's umbrella also quickly put the umbrella aside and trotted in from the corpse.

When the man's wife saw him, she immediately asked him if he had touched the body. After seeing her husband shaking his head and saying no, the man's wife breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, you didn't touch him, otherwise he would never touch his mother. .

In the hall at the moment, there are the boss and his wife, a man in a suit, a husband and wife holding an umbrella for the deceased, a thin man and his wife, a bearded man, a young woman in her thirties, and two men Zhang Tianan and Miao Yunfei have never met. Around the age of thirty.

In the hall, apart from Zhang Tian'an and Miao Yunfei, there are eleven people in total. The expressions on the faces of these eleven people are different, but they all have one thing in common, that is, the fear of the corpse.

"What are you doing, how could this happen?"

"Yeah, it's terrible. I took a look just now, and the girl's eyeballs were all pulled off."

"Button eyeballs... This murderer is really perverted."

"Call the police, hurry up and call the police."

"Don't think about this, don't forget, there is no signal in this area, and there is no fixed line. How can I make a call?"

"We're in this hotel now, and we've almost lost contact with the outside world."

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