One after another discussion sounded, and everything was said.

Miao Yunfei's eyes swept over them: "Everyone, be quiet, I'm a policeman."

Hearing that Miao Yunfei said that she was a policeman, those people were a little surprised, and Zhang Tianan also stood up and said that she was also a policeman.

"Comrade police, have you figured out who the murderer is?" the thin man asked.

"The police are not immortals, so how can they see it at a glance." Miao Yunfei responded.

When talking, she and Zhang Tianan both observed the expressions on the faces of these people to see if there was anything unusual.

After taking a look around, I didn't see anything weird on the faces of these people.

Zhang Tiannan glanced at the hall: "Madam, you don't even have a surveillance camera in this hotel, do you?"

"Uh..." The proprietress nodded: "Well, not pretending."

"Why not pretend to be one, if you pretend to be one, you will know who the murderer is." said a woman in the crowd.

The proprietress sighed and said uneasy: "We do a little business, don't we want to save some money?"

"It won't cost you a few dollars to install monitoring, how convenient it is to have monitoring." The woman muttered again.

The proprietress lowered her head and stopped talking, while the shop owner had a gloomy face, as if someone owed him some money.

"How many people stayed in the hotel tonight?" Miao Yunfei was about to start screening for the murderer.

"I'm going to look at the receipt book." The proprietress walked to the front desk. She took a look at the receipt book and said, "A total of eleven rooms are opened.

Qian Minghui was killed by someone in the hotel. First, check the hotel staff to see if there is any missing.

After the discussion between the proprietress and the guests in the hall, the number of people in the store was all determined. In addition to these people in the hall, there were Xia Miaoyan and Luo Xiaohui, the young woman's son, and the two pairs of Buicks. The couple who came did not come down.

Children do not have the ability to commit crimes. Xia Miaoyan has been by Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan's side before, and they are not suspected.

"It was them, they must have killed it." The man in the suit suddenly raised his head and roared loudly.

The residents in the hall all looked at the man in the suit, and the bearded man asked curiously, "Do you know who the murderer is?"

"I know, I know." The man in the suit gritted his teeth.

Zhang Tiannan and Miao Yunfei immediately understood who the man in the suit was talking about.

"You mean, those two couples who quarreled with your wife?" Zhang Tian'an asked.

The deceased Qian Minghui and the couple had a quarrel, but they quarreled so fiercely that they almost got into a fight. When they quarreled, Zhang Tianan and the others were eating instant noodles next to them.

"That's right, they must have done it." The man in the suit roared: "My wife said something bad to them, and they took the opportunity to kill my wife. I want to find them, I want go find them."

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

The man in the suit looked fierce and was about to walk upstairs.

"Don't get excited yet." Miao Yunfei immediately stepped forward to stop him and said, "When your wife quarreled with them, I was by my side. It stands to reason that they are a little suspicious, but now there is no evidence, and they cannot be Make sure they did it."

"Tian Nuan..." Miao Yunfei said to Zhang Tian Nuan, "Go upstairs and call the couple down."

"Okay." Zhang Tian'an agreed and ran upstairs.

While running, she was looking forward to Lin Chen's return soon. If Lin Chen was around, the murderer of this case would soon surface.

...... .......

Zhang Tianai ran upstairs, came to the door of the two couples, and knocked on the door.

Soon, the door of a room opened. There were two women and a man in this room. The man was already lying on the chuang, and the two women were still holding mobile phones.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Tianan thought to himself that they were not two couples, but one of the men had two girlfriends?

The man and the woman asked Zhang Tianan what was the matter, and Zhang Tianan said, "You should have heard the movement downstairs, right?"

"I heard." A girl stared at the screen of her mobile phone: "I seem to hear something dead, is it really dead?"

"Yes, someone was killed." Zhang Tianai said.

As soon as these words came out, the two girls who were addicted to mobile games immediately raised their heads with horror on their faces.

"The deceased is the girl who got out of the Mercedes-Benz and had an argument with you. She was killed on the road. Now the husband of the deceased is more suspicious of you. Please get down immediately."

When Zhang Tianan said this, he quickly added: "I'm a policeman."

"Doubt us, do we dare to kill?" Another girl said, "Let's go and have a look."

The door of another room opened at this time, and Xiaojian, the owner of Buick, came out.

Zhang Tianan glanced at Xiaojian, he was the one who lent Lin Chen the car, and he almost beat the dead Qian Minghui.

After explaining the reason, the four followed Zhang Tianai downstairs. .


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When Zhang Tianan was telling the two couples about what happened below, he also looked at the room, but standing outside, he didn't see anything.

After coming downstairs, everyone in the hall looked over.

When the man in the suit saw Xiaojian, he immediately rushed over: "It was you, you must have killed my wife, and you killed her!"

The man in the suit rushed halfway, Xiaojian's friend Xiaodong immediately stopped in front of the man in the suit and said, "Hey, calm down, don't think that the murderer is us because of a little conflict, we are all college students, How can you kill someone?"

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