"After I got together with Minghui, she kept urging me to divorce my wife. In order to make her calm down, I told her that it would be delayed like this before the time..."

"When she saw me watching the video of my wife and children, she was angry, and she brought this up to me again. She asked me when I was going to divorce my wife, and asked me to give her an accurate answer, otherwise... otherwise..."

"How about otherwise?" Miao Yunfei asked.

The man in the suit glanced at Miao Yunfei and replied, "Otherwise I won't want to touch her tonight, she will go to my wife to make trouble in two days, and tell my wife that she is my mistress outside, Minghui said angrily. After finishing these words, I went out of the room..."

As soon as the man in the suit finished speaking, Xiaojian's voice rang out: "Oh oh oh, I know, I know, you are the murderer, you are here shouting to catch a thief."

The man in the suit was stunned for a moment, and then roared, "What did you say? Who is calling for a thief to catch a thief?"

The eyes of the man in the suit were bloodshot, and he could see his emotions at the moment.

"you are you."

Xiaojian pointed his finger at the man in the suit's nose and said, "I can be [-]% sure that I'm not a murderer, I can't kill anyone, and the other people here have no grudge against your mistress, who would kill her? The one who killed her must be you."

"She forced you to divorce your wife and told your wife that you raised a mistress. You killed her in a fit of rage. Am I right?"

When Xiaojian said this, he was very emotional.

When everyone heard the words, they all fell silent.

If Xiaojian is really not the murderer, and the people in the store and Qian Minghui have no grudges, then the murderer may really be a man in a suit.

There are cases where Xiaosan was forced to kill Xiaosan.

However, everyone knew that the most suspicious person was Xiaojian, and the second most suspicious person was the man in a suit.

"Bastard, you killed Minghui, and you dared to play with dirty water on me. I'll kill you."

It's just that the bearded man, the skinny man, and two strange men stopped between them and didn't let them fight.

Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tiannan looked at each other and asked in a low voice, "What do you think?"

Zhang Tianan replied in a low voice, "This Xiaojian has a motive for murder. The lady boss saw someone wearing a blue striped jacket going out, and his jacket was wet again. The suspicion is really big."

"The man in the suit... The deceased had a dispute with him before he died, and his suspicion cannot be ruled out."

"Yeah." Miao Yunfei nodded, her inner thoughts were similar to Zhang Tian's.

It's just that there is no signal in this area now, and the connection with the outside world is completely lost, and the local criminal police cannot be contacted. Otherwise, using those professional equipment to extract fingerprints, the murderer can be locked, but there is also a possibility that the murderer did not leave any fingerprints.

What should I do next? This question appeared in the minds of the two girls. Their first thought was that Lin Chen would be fine. I don't know why Lin Chen didn't come back. place.

"Okay." Miao Yunfei clapped her hands and said, "Now you all stay here, and none of you are allowed to leave. Officer Zhang and I will go to Xiaojian's room to check."

"Are you really the police?" Xiaojian asked when he heard Miao Yunfei and the others were going to their house.

Miao Yunfei's police card was with her, and when she was about to take it out, Xiaodong's voice suddenly rang.

"No, there is another person who is very suspicious."

Xiaodong's words attracted everyone's attention, and Xiaodong's girlfriend hurriedly asked, "...Who is there? Who else can come out of Xiaojian and this man?"

Under the gazes of everyone, Xiaodong said, "It's the guy who asked us to borrow a car. He drove out. Could it be that he drove back and saw Qian Minghui, so he raped and killed her? ?"

Miao Yunfei rolled her eyes.Said: "The one you mentioned is our friend Lin Chen, he is a very famous detective, how could he rape and kill, and there is no trace of the deceased being raped by him, and Lin Chen has no motive for murder. He is now a man. On the way back, don't make such unfounded speculations about him."

Xiaodong pouted: "You are allowed to doubt us, and we are not allowed to doubt your people?"

No one else knew about Lin Chen, so Xiaodong borrowed Lin Chen's car and went back to find his luggage to tell everyone about it.

"The person who borrowed the car seems suspicious too," said the bearded man.

"Indeed." The other young woman nodded.

Now (Li Nuo's) in their hearts, there are not only Xiaojian and the man in suit, but also Lin Chen.

Zhang Tiannan was very helpless, Miao Yunfei took out her police card at this time, and said, "I am a policeman, I can prove Lin Chen's innocence, don't make unreasonable guesses."

The man in the suit took a step forward, and Xiaodong also looked at Miao Yunfei's police card.

"Uh...Are you a police officer in Tianhai City?" Xiaodong said, "You're out of town, don't you have the power to enforce the law?"

"Who said there is no law enforcement power?" Miao Yunfei said coldly, and immediately put away her police card, and let these people stay in the hall and are not allowed to leave here.

Immediately, Zhang Tianan and Miao Yunfei walked upstairs and came to the door of Xiaojian's room.

After opening the door and walking in, the two saw a backpack thrown on the ground, full of clothes, and a wet blue striped jacket hanging on the rope by the window. .


457 The boss has a big problem [4 more subscriptions]

Zhang Tianan and Miao Yunfei walked towards the window and came to the blue striped jacket.

Zhang Tian'an reached out and took off the striped jacket, looked at it carefully, and said, "No bloodstains were found, but there is a soapy smell on the clothes."

Miao Yunfei said: "It's really suspicious to wash your coat on a rainy night."

"Look to see if there is anything suspicious in the house." Zhang Tianai said.

Immediately, the two quickly rummaged in Xiaojian's house. After searching, they found nothing suspicious.

"Xiaojian's room is not available, go to Xiaodong's room to see."

The two walked out of Xiaojian's room, stepped on the thin carpet outside the corridor, and went to Xiaodong's room.

A few minutes later, the two came out of Xiaodong's house and found nothing.

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