Then there is the room on the third floor. The door of the room is facing the room of the man in the suit at the entrance of the stairs. There is a thin carpet in the corridor on each floor. The carpet is dark and looks dirty.

After the two women went to the room of the man in the suit, they saw a lot of things piled up on the chuang, including a box of condoms, which the two should have used after taking a shower.

In the room of the man in the suit, nothing was found either.

640 Standing at the entrance of the stairs, Zhang Tianan said to Miao Yunfei, "Sister Yunfei, what should we do now?"

"Lin Chen should be back soon, let's talk about it when he comes back." Miao Yunfei said.

The two walked down the stairs, and when they came downstairs, Xiaojian immediately said to them: "Comrade police, can you prove that I am not the murderer?"

"Don't worry, our friend Lin Chen, he is already on his way back. With him, we can know who the murderer is." Miao Yunfei said.

Hearing Miao Yunfei's words, everyone was a little surprised.

The young woman in her thirties with a child asked, "Is that Lin Chen that powerful?"

"Yeah, can he find the murderer when he comes back?" the thin man asked.

"Well, there is absolutely no problem with him." Miao Yunfei said confidently.

"Then how long will he be back?" A woman yawned: "I'm so sleepy, I want to go back to my room to sleep."

"That's right, I'm sleepy too." Another said.

"It's so late, everyone is sleepy, if that Lin Chen doesn't come back so soon, can we go back to the house to sleep first?" someone asked.

The answer given by Miao Yunfei (bbcc) is naturally impossible: "The murderer is in this hall. If the murderer is scattered, the murderer is likely to commit the crime again."

Miao Yunfei's words shocked everyone. The shop owner looked indifferent, and the proprietress looked scared and nervous.

After being startled, the fat bearded man said, "It's not as exaggerated as you said. Let's go back to the house and lock the door. How could the murderer attack us?"

At this moment, Zhang Tian's gaze noticed the indifferent shop owner. She was slightly moved and felt that the shop owner was a little weird. Could it be that he was also suspicious?

After Miao Yunfei reassured everyone, she and Zhang Tianan walked to the corpse together and started a simple autopsy.

Qian Minghui's fatal injury was a strangle on her neck. She was strangled to death, and then the murderer pulled out her eyeballs.

Qian Minghui's clothes and trousers were wet and dirty, but there was no sign that they had been taken off or raped. On her feet, she was wearing a pair of high-heeled shoes with a heel of eight centimeters.

While Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan were doing autopsy and recording some performances and data of the corpses, the lights of the Happiness Hotel, which had been lit up, went out all at once.

The entire hotel was instantly immersed in darkness.

The rain was still falling, and the sky was covered with dark clouds. Except for the sound of rain, nothing could be seen in the dark environment.



The suddenly extinguished lights made the people in the hall panic, the woman screamed, and the man couldn't calm down.

"What's the matter, why did the power suddenly go out..."

"Who closed the main gate?"

"Turn on the light, it's so dark, in case the murderer comes out to commit the crime again..."

Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan immediately took out their mobile phones, and while turning on the flashlights, they comforted everyone: "Don't be nervous, it might be a power outage, take out those who have mobile phones."

When the words fell, Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tian's cell phone flashlights were turned on, and the hall regained its light.

"What happened." The thin man also turned on the flashlight function of his mobile phone.

As more and more people turned on their mobile phone flashlights, the entire hall lit up again under the illumination of mobile phone lights.

"Husband, see if the trip has tripped." The proprietress said to the shop owner.

The shop owner walked to the back room, glanced at it, and shook his head: "There is no trip, it seems that there is a power outage."

"Ah? Power outage? Isn't there no electricity tonight?" Someone exclaimed.

No electricity is not scary. What is scary is that it rained late at night. In this remote hotel, after a murder occurred, it was not known who the murderer was.

Now that the power goes out, will the murderer take the opportunity to commit the crime again?

The crowd chatted loudly, and a layer of haze shrouded everyone's hearts.

"Let's see if there are any fewer people." Miao Yunfei began to count the number of people.

Everyone was stunned, is there anyone missing?Are you afraid the murderer will run away?

After a quick count of the number of people, there is not a single person in the hall, all of them are here.


At this time, a boy's cry came from upstairs, and he kept calling for his mother. The boy's voice came down from the upstairs.

After hearing this voice, the young woman in her thirties immediately glanced at the stairs: "My child is awake, I'm going back to the room, I'm very sleepy, I locked the door, it should be fine."

After the young woman finished speaking, she took the phone and ran upstairs.

The other couple also yawned and walked upstairs, expressing that they were sleepy and did not want to stay here. It was also safe to stay in the house.

A few people took the lead, and the others would follow, and then they all walked upstairs regardless of Zhang Tian'an and Miao Yunfei's dissuasion, indicating that they were going back to the house to sleep.

Seeing this, Zhang Tiannan sighed and said to the boss, "Boss, let's move the corpse in a little, and then close the door. Some of those people just now were murderers, so we can't let them run away."

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