When Lin Chen came to the fourth floor, his cell phone beeped, the last bit of power was used up, and it turned off automatically.

Stepping on the carpet in the aisle, Lin Chen strode to the door of several rooms.

Due to the power outage, there was no room with lights on, and Lin Chen didn't know which room the three girls lived in, so Lin Chen directly shouted, "You haven't slept yet? Open the door."

A few seconds after Lin Chen's voice fell, the wooden door of one of the three rooms opened was opened, and the three girls rushed out of the room almost at the same time and came to Lin Chen's side.

The reaction of the three girls made Lin Chen stunned for a moment.

"I'm not here, are you scared?" Lin Chen teased.

Xia Miaoyan held a mobile phone in her hand, and the light of the flash was very bright.

"You guy, knowing that there is a problem with this hotel, you still left us here." Zhang Tian'an dropped his fist directly on Lin Chen's arm, with blame in his tone.

"587 Yes, master, you're going too far, do you know what I'm scared of?" When Miao Yunfei blamed Lin Chen before, Xia Miaoyan still helped Lin Chen, but now she sees Lin Chen Chen, Xiao Nizi couldn't help but tell the grievances in her heart.

"Give us an explanation, or we'll have a meeting to criticize you." Miao Yunfei put her hands in front of xiong and looked at Lin Chen angrily.

In the face of the three women's complaints, Lin Chen helplessly spread his hands: "I saw that there was something wrong with this hotel before, but there are a lot of people staying in this hotel, it shouldn't take long for me to pick up my luggage, and I didn't expect it. There will be fatalities.”

The three girls complained about Lin Chen for a while, and then walked into the house.

"Just downstairs, the shop owner told me what happened, you can tell me in detail again." Lin Chen said to the three girls.

"it is good."

Zhang Tian'an and Miao Yunfei agreed, and then changed to Lin Chen to explain in detail.

Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan talked in great detail, and even told Lin Chen which guest stayed in which room.

"Lin Chen, who do you think the murderer will be?" Miao Yunfei asked Lin Chen.

"We speculate that it is the owner of the store. He is very suspicious." Zhang Tianai pointed at the ground behind him: "This room, there is a lot of blood on the ground, this used to be the scene of the crime.".


461 Another thing [4 more for subscription]

When he entered the house, Lin Chen saw the places on the floor of the house that radiated light green light.

Through the smell, Lin Chen smelled that it was luminol, and when Zhang Tiannan didn't say it, Lin Chen thought of what had happened in this room.

"I see." Lin Chen nodded to Zhang Tiannan and said, "There has been a murder in this room, that's for sure. The owner and the couple have problems, but they shouldn't kill the money. Minghui's murderer."


Zhang Tian'an and Miao Yunfei were both a little stunned.

They felt that the most suspects were the boss and his wife. Now Lin Chen said that they should not be the murderer of Qian Minghui. Could it be that the murderer was Xiaojian or a man in a suit?

"Who do you think?" Miao Yunfei asked again.

"Who is the specific murderer, I'll talk about it later, and now I'll talk about another thing." Lin Chen said.

After hearing Lin Chen say another thing, the three girls were a little curious and wanted to know what the other thing was in Lin Chen's mouth.


Lin Chen looked at Xia Miaoyan and said, "Before the car was punctured, you said that you were under a tree by the road and saw a man in red clothes smiling at you with a green light on his face. woman, right?"

Hearing Lin Chen mention this, Xia Miaoyan nodded again and again: "Yes, master, why did you mention this again?"

When Xia Miaoyan thinks of the woman in red now, she feels scared for a while.

"In order to keep your heart from leaving a shadow in the future, on the way back after finding the luggage, I went to look for it near the tree again. I brought back the female ghost you saw." At the end In a sentence, the corner of Lin Chen's mouth rose, revealing a sinister smile.

When the three girls heard Lin Chen say that they had brought the female ghost back, and then saw the expression on Lin Chen's face, a thought came out of their minds for the first time.

Shouldn't there really be that female ghost, when Lin Chen went to look for that female ghost, he was overwhelmed by that female ghost, right?

In those movies about catching ghosts and catching zombies, when some people go to catch ghosts, they are often attacked by ghosts hiding in the dark, and then that person is controlled by ghosts.

The evil smile on the corner of Lin Chen's mouth was really weird in the eyes of the nervous three girls at the moment.

"Master, you...don't scare me ¨ˇ." Xia Miaoyan looked aggrieved.

"Lin Chen, you said you brought the female ghost back... What do you mean?" After Zhang Tian'an was startled, he came back to his senses.

"Why are you so nervous? I really brought the ghost back, but that ghost is just someone else's prank." Lin Chen said, crouched down, opened the zipper of a backpack, and began to rummage. .

The three women stared at Lin Chen, and then saw Lin Chen take out a folded dress from a backpack.

When Lin Chen unfolded the dress, the three girls understood what happened to the female ghost they saw under the tree.

In the dress Lin Chen took out, the black trousers and the red top were sewn together, and an oval plastic plate was sewn with thread at the collar of the top. On the plastic plate, a miserable and strange picture was drawn. Smiling woman face up.

"Well, this is what you saw, it's not a ghost at all, it's just a piece of clothes that someone else deliberately spoofed, there is fluorescent powder on this plastic plate, the fluorescent powder will absorb light during the day and emit it at night, so you Said to see that woman smiling at you, her face still glowing with green light." Lin Chen pointed to the spoof clothes and said.

Immediately, Lin Chen told the situation at the time. When looking for his luggage, he kept thinking about Xia Miaoyan's story of seeing a ghost, so after finding the luggage, Lin Chen parked the car again at the tree below.

There is not a single footprint under the tree, and there is a small cliff full of rocks next to it. Lin Chen turned over beside the tree, walked down the small cliff, and then found this spoof scary dress under the small cliff. .

When I picked up this dress, there were bamboo sticks inside the clothes, which were used to hold the clothes open, and a hook on the plastic board, which was hooked on the branches.

It was also when he went under the cliff to find this thing that Lin Chen's cell phone was all used up.

"Before we got out of the car, the sky was only raining heavily and there was no wind. At that time, the clothes were still hanging on the tree. After we got out of the car, there was such a strong wind, and the branches were blown off."

Lin Chen shook the clothes in his hand: "At that time, the clothes happened to be blown under the small cliff next to them by the strong wind. After we got there, we didn't see anything."

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