
Xia Miaoyan breathed a long sigh of relief: "So that's the case. The person who hangs this dress on the tree is really too much. How can there be such a prank."

"I don't know which wicked thing did it." Zhang Tianai also spat.

This spoof and scary dress, if you see it in the daytime, it is easy to see the flaws, but in the dark night, when you are sitting in the car and glance at it, plus your inner imagination, it is easy to see Think of this spoof scary dress as a ghost.

Lin Chen casually threw the dress on the ground and said to Xia Miaoyan, "...Miaoyan, I told you that there are no ghosts in this world, so stop being suspicious."

"Master, I won't." Xia Miaoyan smiled crisply.

At this moment, Xia Miaoyan's heart is sweet. The master cares about herself so much that in order not to leave a shadow in her heart, she specially climbed to the bottom of the cliff next to the tree.

The master is so kind to himself, it seems that it is worthwhile to be slapped by the master and let him take advantage.

"That's right, Lin Chen." Miao Yunfei seemed to suddenly remember something: "Originally, we wouldn't get luminol on the ground because someone knocked on the door before you came back, (Wang Dezhao) asked He didn't say who he was, and wanted to slam the door open and rush in, but fortunately I deliberately indicated that we were carrying guns, and then the man left."

"What time did he knock on the door?" Lin Chen asked.

Xia Miaoyan happened to be looking at the time. After speaking about the time, Lin Chen nodded and said, "The person who knocked on the door should not be the shop owner, but someone else."

After hearing that Lin Chen speculated that it was someone else, Miao Yunfei also said that the man in the suit had knocked on the door when he was looking for Qian Minghui.

After chatting for a while, Lin Chen said to the three women: "Okay, now go down and call everyone up and find out who the murderer is."

"Okay." Zhang Tian'an and Miao Yunfei responded quickly.

Lin Chen wanted Xia Miaoyan to stay in the room, but she wanted to follow, and then the three of them walked downstairs together.

When he was about to go down to the third floor, Lin Chen stopped and made a silent gesture to the three girls. .


462 What is the reason? 【Subscription】

Seeing Lin Chen's silent gesture, the three girls who had been downstairs lightly stopped immediately and didn't make a sound.

Lin Chen reached out to Xia Miaoyan and gestured for her to give him the phone in her hand.

After Xia Miaoyan gave the phone to Lin Chen, Lin Chen took two steps and pressed his hand on the phone twice. Women can go down the stairs.

Lin Chen reached out and knocked on the door of one of the two rooms on the third floor facing the stairs, and shouted inside, "Come out and gather on the first floor."

The knock on the door didn't sound twice, the door was opened, and the man in a suit walked out of the house.

Looking at Lin Chen, the man in the suit said, "Are you the Lin Chen that the two policewomen said?"

"That's right." Lin Chen nodded.

The man in the suit grabbed Lin Chen's hand and said with a trembling voice: "Hello, you must help me find the murderer who killed Minghui, the damn murderer, he was so cruel to Minghui, he smashed his eyeballs. Out……"

While talking, the man in the suit cried in front of Lin Chen.

Lin Chen looked at the crying man in the suit, and just reached out and patted his shoulder without saying anything.

Zhang Tiannan and Miao Yunfei stared at the man in the suit. He was one of the suspects and wanted to see if there was anything wrong with his 657 expression.

Lin Chen knocked on the next door to the man in the suit again, the door was next to it, facing the room at the entrance of the stairs.

After knocking a few times, the door opened, and the fat bearded man came out of the house.

The bearded man yawned, still undressed: "What are you doing?"

"Go downstairs to gather and prepare to catch the murderer." Lin Chen replied.

The bearded man continued to yawn: "I just fell asleep and woke me up again. Can I go downstairs tomorrow?"

The bearded man looked tired and couldn't stand up straight.

"It won't take much time. If you catch the murderer, wouldn't you sleep more peacefully?" Lin Chen smiled.

The bearded man nodded and said, "Well, yes, yes, then go downstairs."

At this time, Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan had already notified the others who lived on the third floor and were going downstairs together.

The man in the suit with a sad face was the first to walk towards the second floor, Miao Yunfei and the others were behind the man in the suit, the bearded man followed behind Miao Yunfei and the others, and Lin Chen walked last.

It's just that he just walked a few steps, and the bearded man who was just woken up and was still in a daze, he stepped down when he walked down the next step.

The bearded man exclaimed, and his body was about to fall towards Zhang Tianai who was in front of him.

Lin Chen's eyes are fast and his hands are fast. When the bearded man was about to fall, he reached out and grabbed the bearded man's shoulders, and pulled him back without letting him fall.

Zhang Tian'an was also taken aback, this man was really careless when he walked, but fortunately Lin Chen was fast, otherwise the man would have hit him.

The bearded man also had a look of fear, he turned his head to look at Lin Chen, and smiled shyly: "Brother, thank you, fortunately you held me, or I would fall."

Lin Chen smiled slightly: "It's alright, it's just a little effort."

After the bearded man turned around and continued to walk down, Lin Chen muttered in his heart, "Could it be that...is this the reason? But this reason is a little dull...in the end...what is this because of?"

This sentence, Lin Chen was muttering in his heart. If Miao Yunfei and the others heard it, they would be very curious about Lin Chen's mindless words.

After arriving on the second floor, as on the third floor just now, Lin Chen and Zhang Tianan went to knock on the door together and called the residents on this floor downstairs.

"Hey, are you bothered, the murderer is not us, why are you knocking on the door again." The short man before, after being woken up, stood at the door very unhappy and complained.

If the object of his complaint is Xia Miaoyan, Xia Miaoyan will also explain to him the importance of catching the murderer, but the object of his complaint is Miao Yunfei.

Miao Yunfei was also very frightened by this series of things tonight, and now she is sleepy and tired. After hearing the complaint of this short (bbch) man, Miao Yunfei's fire suddenly came up.

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