She scolded the short man at the head and face, but unlike the shrew who scolded the street, Miao Yunfei scolded people without swear words, and the short man was scolded for a while.

The short man was a little angry, but considering Miao Yunfei's police status and Lin Chen who was standing next to her, he did not dare to do anything to Miao Yunfei.

The short man and his wife came out of the house. Although the man who went to the crime scene and helped the deceased to get the umbrella back was a little reluctant, he was not as long-winded as the short man, and honestly prepared to go downstairs.

According to Lin Chen's request, after these people came out of the room, they were not allowed to lock the door, not all of them.

Lin Chen took the lead and walked from the second floor to the first floor.

At this moment, there is a lot of light in the hall on the first floor. The hotel owner and his wife have lit candles in several places in the hall.

Only the color of that candle is white.

The short man was scolded by Miao Yunfei, and when he saw the white candles in the hall, he said to the proprietress, "I said the proprietress, did you make a mistake?"

The proprietress was confused: "What's wrong with me?"

The short man pointed to the door: "There is a corpse lying outside. You light a white candle in the hall. Are you hooking a ghost or a ghost? It's very unlucky for you to light a candle like this."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" The man in the suit glared when he heard the short man say this about his girlfriend, "Even if Minghui turns into a ghost, she won't hurt anyone, she will only seek revenge for the murderer."

Others in the hall had some opinions on the lady boss lighting white candles, but no one mentioned it.

Lin Chen looked at the proprietress who was about to enter the back room and called, "Gu Meixiang!"

The proprietress continued to walk into the back room, and after Lin Chen finished calling, she took another three or five steps before stopping suddenly.

The proprietress quickly turned around and looked at Lin Chen: "What do you want me to do?"

"Is there a flashlight in the store? This candle is not very bright." Lin Chen said.

"I'll go into the house to help you find it," said the proprietress.

After speaking, she immediately asked, "How do you know my name?"

Lin Chen smiled and pointed at the business license on the wall: "The registrant on the business license is Gu Meixiang. Such a feminine name isn't yours, is it your husband's?"

The proprietress glanced at the wall, then went into the back room to find a flashlight for Lin Chen.

Soon, the boss and his wife came out of the back room and took out a strong light flashlight.

Lin Chen glanced at everyone: "Okay, we're all here. Next, I want to ask a few questions."


463 During the time of the incident [2 more for subscription]

Hearing that Lin Chen said that he had something to ask, everyone's eyes turned to Lin Chen.

"Boss lady."

Lin Chen looked at the proprietress who was standing by the side, and asked her, "You said that during the period before the incident, you were cleaning in the back room. At the door of the back room, you caught a glimpse of a blue The figure in the color striped jacket walked outside, didn't he?"

"Yes, I saw it, but I just glanced at it and couldn't see the specific characteristics of that person." The proprietress nodded and said-.

"You didn't see that person's face clearly, whether that person's figure is fat or thin, you should have an impression, right?" Lin Chen looked at the proprietress.

The proprietress lowered her eyes, thought for a few seconds, and said, "I have an impression, the figure I saw is not fat, and the figure is medium to thin."

"The body is medium and thin." Lin Chen nodded to the proprietress, his eyes fell on the group of residents opposite, and said, "Since this is the case, please stand on both sides, the medium-thin body is on the left side, followed by The skinny one stands on the right."

The young woman who brought her son to the hotel asked, "I'm too thin, should I stand apart?"

"We women don't need to stand apart, there's no suspicion, right?" Xiaodong's girlfriend also said to Lin Chen.

The murderer of Qian Minghui must be a man. They felt that there was no need for women to do what Lin Chen said. It would be fine for men to stand apart.

"It's the same for men and women, just stand apart." Lin Chen said.

Immediately, more than a dozen guests, all according to what Lin Chen said, divided into two sides and stood.

There are medium to thin people: a young woman with a son, Xiaodong couple, Xiaojian couple, a short man, a man in his thirties who rarely speaks.

Those with a slightly fatter body include: the deceased's boyfriend in a suit, the bearded man who rode a motorcycle to the hotel, the man and his wife who went to the crime scene and helped the deceased to get the umbrella back, and the other with short hair. man.

After these people were all separated and stood on both sides, Lin Chen turned to look at the boss and his wife beside him, and said, "What are you still doing?"

"Uh..." The proprietress was slightly stunned, she pointed to her nose: "Are we going to stand in line too?"

"Of course, everyone in the hotel is suspect." Lin Chen nodded.

"Okay." The shop owner agreed, his physique was the strongest here, standing on the side of the slightly fatter side.

After everyone stood up, Lin Chen said again: "Now, tell me what you were doing during the time of the incident."

"We've said this before," a man said.

"I want you to say it again in front of me." Lin Chen responded lightly.

The young woman with her son said: "I was coaxing my son to sleep and telling him stories. I also wanted to call my husband to make sure he was safe, but there was no signal."

Bearded man: "I took a shower after I went upstairs, and then went to bed. I was woken up by their yelling, and then I knew someone was dead."

The man in the suit: "Minghui was angry with me. After I left the room, I didn't take it seriously at first. After a while, when I saw that she hadn't come back, I went to look for her. When I looked for her, I didn't see anything. People go up and down the stairs."

The man who brought the umbrella back to the deceased: "After my wife and I took a bath, I was going to get back the feeling of being in love before, but just halfway through, I heard someone calling a dead person, so I put on my clothes and rushed downstairs. "

The man's wife slammed his fist on him: "I'm going to kill you, so I'm not ashamed to say this kind of thing?"

Short man couple: "We also heard the movement before going to sleep."

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