The shop owner's remarks were still eloquent, and the words blurted out, it didn't look like he was lying.

"Have you traveled half a year ago?" Lin Chen said with a smile: "I said boss, just now I said that Li Erzhuang didn't make a draft when he lied, and you didn't make a draft when you lied."

"You didn't write the year, month, and date on the receipt, but one page of this receipt has the year, month, and date, and, I believe, in the drawer at the front desk, there is also the previous receipt book."

Lin Chen opened one of the pages of the receipt book in his hand, and the date was written on it, which was written eight months ago.

"The location of your hotel is so remote, and the business is not good at all. You seem to love saving money, but you are willing to travel and give others 3000 yuan in wages. When the business is not good, you can't earn it for a month. 3000 yuan, right?"

When Lin Chen refuted the shop owner, Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tian'an had already rushed into the front desk and rummaged through the drawers at the front desk.

"What are you doing, are you trying to rob money?" the proprietress yelled.

"I don't want your money, I'm just looking for the receipt." Miao Yunfei said.

The shop owner got a little angry, he shouted: "Get out of the front desk for Laozi, don't think I dare not hit a woman."

The shop owner was tall and strong, his arms were bigger than that of the short man, and his legs were thicker. After hearing his words, Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan didn't feel scared at all.

Miao Yunfei pointed at Lin Chen: "If you want to hit us, you can, but you have to ask the person behind you."

What Miao Yunfei was referring to was naturally Lin Chen.

The expression on the shop owner's face began to change. He sighed and said, "Forget it, you can find it. I'm too lazy to care about you. I'll go drink some water."

The shop owner said, and was about to walk towards the back room.

"Stop." Lin Chen said, "Going to drink water? Are you going to find guys inside, are you going to deal with us?"

Lin Chen sneered: "Li Erzhuang was holding a gun just now, and he wanted to kill people and wash the hotel with blood. Do you want to kill people now, kill everyone here, and then continue to open this hotel safely? "

When the shop owner heard this, he was about to rush into the back room.

Lin Chen reached out and grabbed a thick wooden table beside him, swung it up, and with a click, smashed it on the shop owner.

Although the owner of the shop is very strong, after being smashed on a table, he was still smashed to the ground. .


473 Looking for two corpses [4 more subscriptions]

The proprietress saw that her husband was smashed by Lin Chen on the table, and the table was all smashed. She screamed and rushed towards her husband, tears streaming down her face.

She didn't feel bad for her husband, but was frightened, because what their husband and wife did will soon be made public.

"There are receipts in the drawers, and the notes are completely different from this lady's." Zhang Tian'an and Miao Yunfei found other receipt books in those drawers again. The handwriting in them was different from this lady's.

Others also gathered around and looked at it. Through the receipt books, they could tell that there were three types of handwriting, and the other two should belong to the husband and wife of the real owner of this hotel.

Lin Chen looked at the terrified and crying proprietress, and said, "The business license on the wall is registered by Gu Meixiang. When I called you just now, it took you three or four seconds to respond, and a person's name was wrong. The reaction speed is 0.5 seconds, and the name Gu Meixiang is not yours at all."

The proprietress cried loudly, and the shop owner, who was smashed to the table and couldn't get up, also had a sullen face, because at this time, Zhang Tian'an had already pointed Li Erzhuang's black gun at his head.

"They don't speak anymore. It seems that what Mr. Lin said is true..." Xiaojian felt a little emotional.

"I didn't expect that in addition to catching the murderer Li Erzhuang tonight, this couple is also a hidden murderer," said the short man.

"It's really scary to open a hotel in this remote place. After being killed, the dove occupies the magpie's nest, and no one else knows about it..." The young woman in her thirties sighed.

"Where did you hide the real owner of this hotel?" Zhang Tianai, who was armed with a gun, questioned the owner and his wife on the ground.

"Woo woo..." The proprietress trembled and cried.

"We are the owner of this shop." The shop owner coughed twice, still stubborn.

Lin Chen looked at the shop owner: "The room at the end of the corridor on the fourth floor is the crime scene where you killed the original boss, right? We happened to have luminol on our bodies, because Li Erzhuang knocked on the door, and luminol was accidentally spilled. On the floor of the room, although you wiped the floor of that room very clean, in front of the chemical reaction of luminol, there was once the scene of a case, and there was nothing to hide."

The shop owner's pupils suddenly dilated, and when he saw the gun in Zhang Tiannan's hand and Lin Chen's confident expression, he immediately slumped.

"Come on, where is the original boss?" Xiaojian asked loudly.

The proprietress didn't speak, and the shop owner didn't say anything.

Miao Yunfei kicked the shop owner, but the sturdy shop owner still didn't speak. It seemed that the couple were not ready to say anything.

"It's okay, even if they don't say anything, they can still find the bodies of the original boss couple." While everyone was waiting for the couple to speak, Lin Chen spoke.

Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan cast their eyes on Lin Chen: "How to find out?"

Xia Miaoyan's eyes lit up and said, "Master, there is always a strange noise next door to the room we live in. Could it be the real hotel owner and his wife, in the room next to us?"

Xia Miaoyan's remarks made Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tiannan a little stunned. Could it be that the room next to the room where she lives is really where corpses are stored?

"It shouldn't be." Lin Chen shook his head: "If they put the corpse in that room, you won't be allowed to go up to the fourth floor, and the corpse will rot. No matter how well it is sealed, it will have a strange smell."

"Where are we going to find their bodies?" asked the man who helped Qian Minghui get the umbrella back.

Lin Chen didn't speak, he walked to the front desk, took down a few ham sausages from the sales shelf at the front desk, and then walked towards the door.

When everyone saw this, they immediately followed Lin Chen. Only Zhang Tianai, who was armed with a gun, and two other men stayed in the hall.

After coming outside, Qian Minghui's corpse on the ground still had eyeballs hanging on the corners of his eyes, and corpse spots began to appear on the corpse.

Lin Chen walked towards the kennel, and a pair of green eyes stared at Lin Chen as he approached.

Inside the pot outside the kennel, is the food that the proprietress fed the big yellow dog, but the big yellow dog did not eat at all.

Lin Chen squatted in front of the kennel, greeted twice, the big yellow dog dragged the chain and walked out tiredly.

Lin Chen opened the ham sausage and brought it to his mouth: "Eat it, eat more..."

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