
After seeing the ham sausage in Lin Chen's hand, the big yellow dog whimpered and ate it in big mouthfuls.

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

The ham sausages that Lin Chen took were all thicker ones, and the big yellow dog ate a few sticks in a row as soon as they ate them.

Seeing that the dog didn't eat what the boss and his wife fed, the people in the back feasted on the food that Lin Chen took, and became more convinced that the boss and his wife were fake.

After the big yellow dog had eaten a few ham sausages, it seemed to have a lot of strength.

Lin Chen gently stroked its hair, and said to it, "If you're full, then take me to your master."

With that said, Lin Chen untied the chain around the big yellow dog's neck.

After breaking free from the chains, the big yellow dog barked at Lin Chen twice, and then it kicked on all fours and ran out of the hotel.

"Just follow it." Lin Chen picked up an umbrella and followed behind the running big yellow dog.


Others also took flashlights and umbrellas and followed.

After the big yellow dog ran to the road, it whimpered and turned around in place, seemingly losing its direction.

After spinning around for a while, the big yellow dog ran towards the road that came to the hotel.

Going around, stopping and going, the big yellow dog purred all the way, ran into a small hill by the roadside, and finally stopped under a tree.

"Wang wang wang... woo woo..." The big yellow dog yelled at the ground under the tree, and it began to scrape with its limbs, and use its nose to arch the soil on the ground.

There was a lot of dirt on the big yellow dog's legs and nose. The nose was arched onto a sharp-edged stone, and the bleeding didn't stop.

"Woooo..." Tears flowed from the eyes of the big yellow dog. It pulled and arched desperately, and the blood mixed with the soil stuck to its face and fell to the ground.

Seeing the dog's reaction, everyone was speechless.

Lin Chen took the shovel brought from a man's hand, pulled away the bleeding big yellow dog, and quickly shoveled it up on the ground.

The soil was very soft, and after digging down more than a meter, two corpses appeared in front of everyone.

The corpse had already begun to rot, and the stench was blowing. Many people covered their noses, but the big yellow dog pounced on it and rubbed the two corpses lying on the ground with its bloody nose.

It whimpered and rubbed hard, as if it wanted to bring the two corpses to life. .


474 How did it happen 【Subscribe】

Seeing the two rotting corpses and the unpleasant smell in the pit made everyone feel scary and disgusting.

Seeing this big yellow dog rubbing against two corpses, wanting them to come alive and play with them, everyone felt a burst of sadness.

Lin Chen looked at the two corpses in the dirt pit. Both corpses were beginning to rot. Their clothes were stained with blood. The corpse in women's clothes had its entire face rotted, and strips of milky white maggots were all over her. The rotting flesh on his face wriggled.

Milky white maggots passed through the flesh on one side of the rotten face, and appeared on the other side. A piece of rotten flesh that looked fine would suddenly shake, and a maggot burrowed out of it.

The maggots were squirming back and forth in the corpse. After Miao Yunfei looked at it for a few times, she quickly averted her eyes and did not dare to look again.


The big yellow dog "Five Eight Seven" saw the maggots on the corpse's face, and it used its front legs to scratch and pull the maggots away from the owner's face, but as soon as it scratched, the rotten flesh on the corpse's face was pulled down by it. The big yellow dog I got didn't dare to touch it again.

"This dog...is really heartfelt..." The little man sighed.

Lin Chen squatted down and observed the two corpses: "According to the temperature and the degree of decay of the corpses, the two people died about ten days ago, their necks were already rotten, and the wounds could not be seen clearly."

Lin Chen was going to find the corpse. He was going to carry the corpse back. Now that the corpse is so decomposed, it is no longer easy to carry it, and no one wants to carry it together.

"Let the local police handle it," Miao Yunfei said.

"Yeah." Lin Chen nodded, turned to look at the short man: "There are some plastic sheets in the lobby of the hotel, go and get them."

"Okay." The little man nodded, didn't refuse, turned around and ran back.

When the short man went back to get the plastic sheet, Lin Chen walked down the dirt pit and briefly checked the bodies, and found wounds on the heads and abdomens of the two deceased.

After the plastic sheet was brought, everyone built a small shed on the pit to prevent all the rainwater from falling into the pit.

The big yellow dog stood outside the pit, his hair was soaking wet, and he didn't know whether it was tears or rain in his eyes.

Everyone is going back, but the big yellow dog is unwilling to leave and wants to stay here.

Lin Chen put the umbrella in his hand on the ground, let the big yellow dog hide under the umbrella, and then everyone walked away.

After walking for a while, Xia Miaoyan turned around with a flashlight with a strong light. The rain fell on the plastic shed and made a crackling sound. The big yellow dog was lying on the ground, guarding its owner and refusing to leave. half step.

"Hey..." Miao Yunfei sighed lightly, turned around, and said to Lin Chen, "That dog looks so pitiful."

Lin Chen reached out and patted Miao Yunfei's shoulder, but said nothing.

The group quickly returned to the lobby of the hotel. The fake boss and his wife lying on the ground in the lobby were tied up with ropes by two other men.

In the hall at the moment, three people on the ground were tied up with five flowers.

"Can't you bring the body back?" Zhang Tianan asked, looking at Lin Chen who was walking back.

Lin Chen shook his head and said, "The corpse is very badly decomposed, so it's hard to bring it back. Just notify the local police tomorrow and let them come over to deal with it."

Zhang Tianan snorted and looked out of the hall again, but did not see the big yellow dog.

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