She asked where the big yellow dog went, Lin Chen said, "Stay by its owner's side and protect its owner."

After talking to Zhang Tianan for a few words, Lin Chen walked over to the fake boss couple.

Looking at the couple, Lin Chen said, "When you carried the bodies to bury, you were seen by the big yellow dog at the door."

The fake shop owner didn't speak, but from his expression, it could be understood that Lin Chen was right.

It is precisely because the big yellow dog saw that its owner was killed, so it would choose not to eat the food that the two of them fed.

"Tell me, how did all this happen?" Miao Yunfei asked the two of them.

When refuting Lin Chen before, it was the shop owner who was talking all the time. Now, after being controlled, the shop owner didn't speak, and became a fake proprietress to tell everything that happened before.

The couple is a rural family. The county where they live is relatively poor, and they can't make much money from farming in the countryside. In addition, the man has a hot temper. In the countryside, he often fights with people in the village because of farming.

In the end, the couple decided to work in Dongming City. If they find a good job, the money they earn from working is much better than farming. .

The couple rode a motorcycle, starting from the county seat of their hometown, and riding for more than a day, finally came to the door of this hotel in the evening.

Their motorcycles had run out of gas, so they wanted to ask the owner of the hotel to buy some gasoline, but the hotel didn't have a single guest that night, and the original owner didn't sell gasoline at all.

If there are other cars, you can also take some out of their cars.

As a result, the couple moved in and prepared to see the situation tomorrow before leaving.

After talking with the original boss and his wife, both of them unexpectedly discovered that they were fellow villagers.

There is a saying that when a hometown meets a hometown, tears well up. Although in reality, it is not so praised, but when people are in other places, they are more or less cordial when they meet the hometown.

The original store owner opened a room on the fourth floor for the couple, which is the one where Miao Yunfei and the others stayed.

Because they are fellow villagers, the original boss invited the couple to have dinner together.

It is precisely because of this meal that the couple chose to stay and open the hotel after the murder.

At the dinner table, the couple learned from the conversation that the boss and his wife had no relatives, and the two could not have children, so they guarded the hotel to earn some money. income.

3.9 After the meal, the couple went back to the room to rest. When the man was taking a shower, he found that the water heater was not working. Then the man came down and asked the original male boss to go up and have a look.

At that time, the woman called her family and didn't know that her husband went downstairs to ask the male boss to come up and fix the water heater, so she took off her clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower, but the male boss and her husband came in.

This woman's body was accidentally seen clearly by the male boss. Naturally, the woman's husband was not happy. He had a hot temper, and the two quarreled.

Then the original male boss was not the man's opponent. After being beaten, he said something about a woman's body, isn't it? He didn't mean to look at it. Let's see what happened?

This sentence angered the man even more, the two sides scuffled together, and the man accidentally killed the original boss. .


475 The Hotel Once Upon a Time [2 More Subscriptions]

In criminal homicide cases, there are many murders because of impulsiveness.

This man had a bad temper himself, and after his wife's body was seen by others, he negligently killed the original boss.

When the original boss remained motionless, his eyes stared at the ceiling, and the broken scalp was bleeding frantically, the man realized that he had actually killed someone.

In the past, fighting with fellow villagers in the village would at most mean that they would not interact with each other in the future, but killing people now is not so easy to solve.

At that time, the couple was so panicked that they killed someone. What should I do next?

The proprietress, who was originally downstairs, heard the big movement upstairs, so she went upstairs to check the situation.

When she quickly came to the room at the end of the corridor on the fourth floor, the original proprietress saw her husband fell to the ground motionless, bleeding all over the floor, and she screamed.

The two couples who were immersed in confusion and stupor were also brought back to their senses by the screams of the original proprietress.

The proprietress from the original 11 was not stupid. Seeing that her husband was killed by these two fellow villagers, she hurriedly ran downstairs and wanted to call the police and call 110.

The original proprietress had just run away, and the woman jumped up on the spot: "What should I do, what should I do, my husband, you murdered, you are going to jail, woo woo... I told you to stop fighting, why do you keep fighting? what……"

While the woman was crying and worried, the man made a cruel decision in his heart.

Since people have already been killed, killing one is killing, killing two is also killing, and there is no other person in this hotel, so just kill them all.

The man rushed downstairs. The original proprietress was holding her mobile phone to make a call, but before the number was dialed, the man came to him and snatched the mobile phone from her hand.

The original proprietress was so frightened that she cried and yelled, and the big yellow dog in the kennel at the door also roared loudly after hearing the owner's terrified bark.

The big yellow dog seemed to sense that its owner was in danger. It desperately wanted to run into the hall, but unfortunately, it had an iron chain tied around its neck.

It struggled hard, and the chain made a rattling sound.

But it couldn't break free from the chains, and could only hear the miserable howls in the hall.

It turned out that the screams of the female boss stopped, and the big yellow dog at the door walked back and forth restlessly.

In the hall, the man had strangled the original female boss to death.

The man's wife walked down, and when she saw her husband killed another person, she was so frightened that she sat on the ground.

"Why did you kill again?" The woman's eyes were full of horror.

"If I don't kill her, I will go to jail. If I kill her, this store is ours. Don't forget, when they were eating, they said they had no children and no relatives. The owner of this store changed. No one will know." The man killed two people in a row, his heart was numb, and he became extremely crazy and cruel.

After this, it was irreparable. The two took two large plastic sheets, went back upstairs and carried the original boss down. Then the couple carried the original boss and his wife to a hill on the roadside in the distance. .

When they were carrying the corpse, it was very dark at night. When the big yellow dog at the door saw that his master had an accident, it roared so much that its throat was about to be torn open.

The couple buried the original owner couple under the tree, and they buried it so deeply that no one would find two bodies here in this remote section.

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