After returning to the hotel, the dog was still barking. The man picked up the stick and beat the big yellow dog, causing it to be unable to get up on the ground.

He wanted to kill the dog and bury it together, but his wife liked dogs and said it was okay, and it would be mature after a while.

Then they dealt with the crime scene on the fourth floor, wiped off the blood on the ground, and also dealt with the lobby on the first floor.

After finishing everything, the couple lay on the chuang where the original boss couple slept, the man patted his wife on the shoulder and said to her: "This matter is a blessing or a curse, no one knows that we killed people, we still Picked up a building for nothing, there are no regular customers in this hotel, they are all passers-by, so don’t worry about being discovered.”

As a result, the couple became the new bosses here.

The next night, they welcomed their first guest to take over the hotel.

They were a little nervous, afraid of being seen, and their hands were shaking when they opened the receipt.

But their worries are superfluous, and no one will find out that they are fake bosses.

After doing business for ten consecutive days, they became more and more skilled, and their worries gradually disappeared, and they were about to regard themselves as the real bosses here.

If it weren't for the heavy rain tonight, the road ahead and the bridge deck were flooded, the bearded man and the others returned to the hotel to check in, and Lin Chen and the others had their tires punctured, and Qian Minghui's murder would not have happened, and the luminol also Won't spill in that room.

It is also possible that this pair of fake bosses will continue to operate here, and they will occupy the magpie's nest with the fake.

After hearing all this, Xia Miaoyan couldn't help scolding: "You two husbands and wives are really nothing, the original boss and his wife invited you to dinner for the sake of fellow villagers, but you treated them like this. ."

"Woooooo..." The fake shop owner's face was ashen, and the fake proprietress sat on the ground and cried.

"It's no wonder that after Qian Minghui's death before 653, I saw you, the proprietress, was so worried." Zhang Tianan said, "At first I thought your husband was the murderer of Qian Minghui, so you were so worried, so you were afraid. When the police came, they found out that you are not the boss here."

"What two beasts." Xiaojian on the side cursed.

Others also spoke out, pointing fingers at the fake boss couple.

" many years will I be sentenced to?" the fake boss asked tremblingly.

"How many years?" Miao Yunfei sneered: "Your husband's first manslaughter, the second is intentional homicide, he can't escape the death penalty, you, it depends on the judge's decision."

Hearing this, the fake proprietress cried even more sadly, and the fake boss lying on the ground did not say a word.

Everyone was ready to go back to the house to go to bed. It was already past two in the morning. Now that they went to bed, they could still sleep for a few hours.

Lin Chen said to Xiaojian, "I will use your car tomorrow, and I will give you the key when I run out."

"It's okay, it's okay, you can use it, it doesn't matter." Xiaojian said quickly.

There were two men who volunteered to stay to take care of Li Erzhuang, the fake boss and his wife. For safety's sake, Lin Chen stepped on the fake boss and broke one of his legs, making him unable to run. .


476 Set off to Huanya Mountain [3 more subscriptions]

Immediately, Lin Chen and the three daughters returned to the fourth floor.

This room at the end of the corridor on the fourth floor was the scene of the case more than ten days ago, and the original owner of the store died here.

Although Lin Chen was by his side, the three girls still felt panicked for a while, picked up Luo Xiaohui from the chuang, packed her luggage, and went to another room.

The three girls and Luo Xiaohui slept in the same room, and chuang obviously couldn't sleep, so Lin Chen picked up Luo Xiaohui and said to them, "You three will fall asleep, I'll bring Xiaohui."

Back in the room, Lin Chen put Xiaohui on the chuang, and then closed his eyes to rest.

After sleeping for a few hours and the sky was bright, Lin Chen got up from the chuang and went downstairs.

The two volunteered men were still looking at the fake boss and his wife in the hall, as well as the corpse outside the door.

Lin Chen greeted them, and then drove Xiaojian's Buick towards the road ahead.

There was a problem with the signal tower in this area, and the mobile phone could not contact the outside world. After driving forward for more than an hour, Lin Chen finally came to a place with a signal.

I called the police where the hotel is located, and after explaining the situation, the police said that the police would arrive soon.

After calling the police, Lin Chen contacted the car repair shop again. It was very early now, but fortunately someone answered the phone at the car repair shop. During this time period, in such a remote place, they asked them to change the tires. Naturally they are going to charge high prices.

Lin Chen is also not short of that few money. It doesn't matter if the price is high, he just asks them to come over quickly, the car will be used soon after the car is repaired.

When Lin Chen returned to the hotel, Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan had woken up and stood at the door of the hotel lobby.

Qian Minghui, who was lying under the eaves, had also been covered with a white cloth, otherwise her eyeballs that were pulled out would be really scary.

"Have you contacted the police?" Miao Yunfei walked over to Lin Chen who got out of the car.

Lin Chen nodded: "The police have been contacted, and the repair shop has also been contacted. They will be there in a while..."

There were still a lot of instant noodles in the hotel. Everyone ate a bowl of instant noodles. After filling their stomachs, Miao Yunfei got some food for the big yellow dog and was going to send it to the big yellow dog.

Just after reaching the hotel door, three or four police cars stopped on the road outside the hotel.

The police car slammed open the door, and the policemen and forensic doctors jumped out of the car one by one.

Lin Chen hadn't spoken to them yet, when the leading policeman saw Lin Chen, his face showed a look of surprise, and then hurried up to greet him.

"This...isn't this Mr. Lin Chenlin?" The leading policeman shook hands with Lin Chen enthusiastically.

His name is Zhong Xiangfei, and he is a squad leader of the former Gao County Public Security Bureau. The former Gao County is no longer within the territory of Dongming City. The famous scenic spot Lin Chen and the others are going to this time, Huanya Mountain, is in the former Gao County.

"Hello." Lin Chen shook hands with this Zhong Xiangfei.

Zhong Xiangfei held Lin Chen's hand tightly with both hands, and said a little excitedly: "Mr. Lin, I have heard and understood a lot about the cases you solved. No, I found a street lamp hanging in Dongming City two days ago. I have read all the news reports about the corpse case, and your process of solving the case is really wonderful."

Zhong Xiangfei is in his forties, and when he sees Lin Chen, he is like a young man who sees his favorite star.

The other policemen had also seen Lin Chen's case-solving documentary, and came up to greet Lin Chen one after another.

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