After a few words of greetings, we started to get to the point.

The police entered the happy hotel, began to interrogate the three criminals, and took pictures of the scene for evidence collection.

Because of the arrival of the police, all the residents in the Happy Hotel also woke up. It was after two o'clock in the morning last night. Everyone only slept for a few hours, but no one fell asleep. When they got up, they all wanted to leave early. This horrible place, back in the city.

The police went to the room at the end of the corridor on the fourth floor, re-sprayed some luminol on the ground, and collected a little residual blood with it.

On the other side, Lin Chen took Zhong Xiangfei and his group to the place where the fake boss was buried.

The plastic shed that Lin Chen and the others beat on the corpse pit last night was still there, and it didn't collapse.

The big yellow dog was still standing beside him, with wet hair on his body, and he could not leave an inch. After seeing Lin Chen and the others, the big yellow dog was a little hostile to the police.

Miao Yunfei stepped forward, put the prepared hot food in front of the big yellow dog, and let it eat more.

Several policemen carefully lifted the decomposed body up, and the forensic doctor began to examine the body to determine the fatal wounds of the deceased and the time of death.

The police are still busy here for a long time, and Lin Chen said everything that should be explained, he said to Zhong Xiangfei: "Captain Zhong, we are going to Huanyashan this time. When your police are here, we will leave this place to you. ."

When Zhong Xiangfei heard that Lin Chen was leaving, he still wanted to keep him, but after hearing that Lin Chen was going to Huanyashan, he said, "...Okay, don't delay your travel plans, Mr. Lin, this is my cell phone. Number, I got down from Huanya Mountain, and I also hope to have a meal with Mr. Lin."

Zhong Xiangfei gave Lin Chen his cell phone number, but after Lin Chen wrote it down, he didn't take it to heart.

Before leaving, Lin Chen glanced at the big yellow dog standing beside him, and he said to Captain Zhong: "That dog is very heartfelt, if it's not troublesome, you can take it back and find a family willing to take it in. Its people."

"No problem." Zhong Xiangfei readily agreed.

After arranging the big yellow dog, Miao Yunfei on the side was slightly relieved. If the police didn't take it away, when the police left, it would just stay here alone until it died.

Lin Chen's tires had been repaired. After returning to the hotel, he threw the keys of the Buick and two hundred dollars to Xiaojian.

Xiaojian took the two hundred yuan and asked Lin Chen, "What does this mean?"

"(Wang Dehao) Gas bill." Lin Chen's answer was very simple, and he got into his car after speaking.

Xiaojian ran up quickly, saying that Lin Chen was very grateful for helping him clear his suspicions, how could he still ask for Lin Chen's oil bill.

After some delay in the hotel, Lin Chen drove the car with Miao Yunfei and the others towards Huanya Mountain in Yuangao County.

Not long after the car drove out, Xia Miaoyan yawned: "I'm so sleepy, sleep for a while, master, call me when you get there."

"Yeah." Lin Chen nodded, looking at Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tian'an: "You can also squint for a while, or you won't have the strength to climb the mountain for a while."

Xiaohui blinked her big eyes, and she asked in a milky voice, "Brother, sister, are they not sleeping well, that's why they are so sleepy?"

This little girl fell asleep last night when the tire punctured, and didn't wake up until this morning. She had no idea what happened in the hotel last night. .


477 The scream on the mountain [4 more subscriptions]

Lin Chen smiled and patted Xiaohui's head, and said, "Yes, Sister Miao, Sister Zhang, and Sister Xia are not well behaved, and if they don't sleep well, Xiaohui is the most obedient."

Hearing Lin Chen's praise, the smile on Xiaohui's face thickened.

"Not only am I obedient, I can also do housework and wear my own shoes." Xiaohui boasted in a serious manner.

The car was driving forward, Miao Yunfei and the others fell asleep in a daze, only Lin Chen and Xiaohui were in the car with big eyes and small eyes.

Lin Chen talked to Xiaohui from time to time, but he wouldn't feel bored.

After driving on the road for a while, Lin Chen's Audi Q5 finally came to the foot of Huanya Mountain.

Huanyashan is surrounded by steep cliffs on all sides, with dense forests and rugged mountain roads. It is quite difficult to climb this mountain.

Lin Chen stretched out his hand and pinched Xia Miaoyan's fair face sitting beside him, and said, "Wake up when you reach the place."

Xia Miaoyan woke up in a daze, yawned, reached out and rubbed her face: "Master, don't pinch my face, you'll pinch my face later."

When Lin Chen heard this, his eyes fell on Xia Miaoyan's buttocks.


When Xia Miaoyan saw Lin Chen's gaze, she knew what Lin Chen meant.

She wanted to be right, she could pinch my butt in the future, but not my face.

However, Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tian'an were sitting in the back of the car, and Xia Miaoyan was still shameless to say such shameful words, she just pouted.

After parking the car in the parking lot, a few people got out of the car, and Lin Chen asked them, "I didn't decide whether to take the cable car up the mountain before, so let's make a decision now."

Before the tire was punctured last night, Miao Yunfei said that she would climb from the foot of the mountain, while Xia Miaoyan said that she took the cable car to the halfway up the mountain, and then climbed up again. This saves time and effort, and it is considered to have climbed the mountain.

After Miao Yunfei and Xia Miaoyan heard the words, they discussed it. It was still early, so they decided to start climbing from the foot of the mountain, climb to the top of the mountain before evening, and then take the cable car down the mountain.

Lin Chen didn't have any opinion. Just when she was about to go to the ticket office, Xia Miaoyan found that Xiaohui was still wearing slippers, so she asked Xiaohui to change a pair of shoes, stop wearing slippers, it was not easy to climb mountains.

Xiaohui kept shaking her head: "No, Dad bought it for me, I don't want to take it off."

"Xiaohui, it's very tiring to climb the mountain (bbec), you can't wear slippers. Your little feet will be blistered later." Xia Miaoyan said.

Xiaohui thought for a while: "Sister Xia, if I get foamy, you can carry Xiaohui up the mountain."

Xia Miaoyan was speechless, this little girl is already very tired of climbing the mountain, and she is even more tired if she has to hold a baby.

Lin Chen smiled and touched Xiaohui's head: "If you wear slippers, just wear slippers. If you're tired, brother will hug you."

"Okay." Xiaohui laughed, her big eyes narrowed into crescents.

The group brought two backpacks, and the heavy things were on Lin Chen. After going to the ticket office to buy a few tickets, they walked towards the mountain.

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