Although Xiaohui was wearing small slippers, she got up faster than anyone else.

Holding a bottle of mineral water, she sat on a big rock in front of her, beckoning to Lin Chen and the others: "Brothers and sisters, hurry up, you are taller than me, and you can't walk as fast as me."

As Xiaohui said, she reached out to unscrew the bottle cap, but she couldn't unscrew it even after a lot of force.

I couldn't handle it, so I bit my teeth. After biting on the bottle cap, I still didn't bite off the cap of the mineral water bottle.

When Xiaohui was fighting against the bottle cap, Xia Miaoyan stepped forward. She took the mineral water from Xiaohui and said with a smile, "Xiaohui walks fast, but her strength is not as strong as her sister's."

After opening the mineral water bottle, Xia Miaoyan handed the bottle to Xiaohui.

Xiaohui took it and took a few sips, put down the bottle, and wiped the water stains from the corners of her mouth: "When I grow up, my strength will be stronger than my sister."

After resting in place, everyone continued to walk forward.

Xia Miaoyan held the picture book of Huanyashan in her hand and walked while looking at it. After looking at it for a while, she pointed to the road ahead and said, "There is a resting place in front of you, and there are many trails going up the mountain. There is a road, one is the big road up the mountain, which is relatively spacious and relatively flat, and there are six or seven small roads up the mountain, generally only mountaineering enthusiasts will take the more difficult paths.”

Lin Chen and the others have never been to Huanya Mountain. After hearing Xia Miaoyan's words, they all know how many roads there are to go up the mountain.

"Then should we take the big road, or do we take the six or seven more difficult paths?" Miao Yunfei asked the others for their opinions.

"Sister Miao, let's take the difficult path." Before Zhang Tianan and the others could speak, Xiaohui's voice rang out.

Hearing this, Xia Miaoyan asked curiously, "Why does Xiaohui want to take the path?"

"Because children have to walk on small roads, adults walk on big roads." Xiaohui replied.

Xiaohui's answer made several people wonder whether to laugh or cry. Only children can understand this kind of road.

"Looking at you guys, it's pretty tiring. Let's take the main road. This mountain is relatively steep, and the small road is a little dangerous." Lin Chen made a decision.

The girls had no problem with Lin Chen's words. The reason why Huanya Mountain has the word "cliff" is because there are many cliffs in this mountain.

The entire cliff-ring mountain has cliffs as high as [-] meters, and also tens or hundreds of meters of cliffs. Some roads up the mountain are built on the edge of the cliffs. People who are afraid of heights will feel weak when they walk through the cliffs. Can't walk.

After climbing up the road for three or four hours, we were almost halfway up the mountain.

Miao Yunfei and the others were a little tired from walking, so they sat down and rested for a while.

"There seems to be a mountain spring over there, I'll go take a look." Xia Miaoyan walked forward and came to the front of a mountain spring.

On this rock, there is a man-made puddle, and the mountain spring water flows out of the gap in the stone and flows into this puddle.

The water in the puddle is clear and sweet at first sight.

Xia Miaoyan washed her hands, took a sip of the mountain spring water, her eyes lit up slightly, the taste of the water was really good.

Xia Miaoyan held some mountain spring water with her white hands and ran towards Lin Chen.

"Master, this water is sweet, you can taste it..." Xia Miaoyan held the mountain spring water in her hands as if offering a treasure, and walked towards Lin Chen.

It's just that there are gaps between her fingers. Xia Miaoyan sprinkled the water as she walked, and when her hand came to Lin Chen's mouth, the water she was holding had already been sprinkled.

Lin Chen looked at Xia Miaoyan with a depressed face, and smiled bitterly: "Are you stupid? Can't you use a mineral water bottle? Just hold it with your hands, and you still run so fast."

"I don't want you to try it quickly." Xia Miaoyan pouted.

When Lin Chen was about to speak, a scream suddenly came from the mountain road ahead.

The scream echoed in the mountains, very harsh.

Miao Yunfei stood up immediately, frowning and said, "Ahead, it seems that something happened.".


478 The corpse under the cliff 【Subscription】

Lin Chen and the others also heard the screams. Zhang Tian'an said, "Uh... This mountain road around the cliff is so steep, shouldn't anyone have an accident?"

"I don't know." Miao Yunfei shook her head: "Go and see?"

"Go." Lin Chen nodded, got up, hugged Xiaohui, and walked forward.

After walking for so long, Xiao Hui's little feet were blistered by the sandals, and she was tired from walking. ~ Lin Chen hugged her.

Xia Miaoyan picked up a mineral water bottle, filled some mountain spring water in the mountain spring pit, and followed Lin Chen and the others.

In the mountains, when you hear someone's shouting and feel close to your ear, in fact, because the sound of the mountains and forests reverberates, it is possible that the sound came from far away.

Lin Chen and the others walked a step forward, looked around, they only saw trees and mountains, but did not see the screaming woman.

The group continued to walk up and ahead, and screams came one after another in the distance, but this time, the screams were not as harsh as the previous one.

"Listen to the sound, it should be not far away." Miao Yunfei said.

There were also many other climbers on this road. They also heard the screams, and they were all talking about what happened, whether someone was in danger or something.

Soon, a [-]-degree step appeared in front. The steps looked very steep. Next to the steps was a small cliff with a height of about [-] meters.

There are trees and boulders under the cliff. If you accidentally fall off the edge, it will be difficult to save your life.

"Be careful, this step is very steep." Zhang Tianai reminded a few people.

After climbing the mountain for several hours, their legs were a little weak. The three women walked in front, holding the iron chain of the guardrail and walking up. Every step seemed a little difficult.

Lin Chen hugged Xiaohui, carrying two backpacks, and followed behind the three girls in a dignified manner.

After walking through the steep steps, Xia Miaoyan put her hands on Xian.'s waist, Chuan got angry, and said, "Master, why don't you look tired at all?"

Zhang Tian'an and Miao Yunfei glanced at Lin Chen, this guy's face was not blushing and his heart was beating, his breathing was very even, but he was holding Xiao Hui and carrying two bags that weighed dozens of pounds.

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