"Because I'm in good health." Lin Chen's answer was simple.

When Zhang Tianai heard Lin Chen say that he was in good health, he couldn't help but think of the picture of doing that kind of thing with Lin Chen. Lin Chen was right. Just let yourself go.

After thinking about this aspect, Zhang Tianan remembered again that he didn't seem to be like Lin Chen for several days.

Because of Zhang Tian'an, who was thinking nonsense, he quickly recovered.

While speeding up the pace, several people walked forward, and finally stopped on a flat mountain road.

Below this flat mountain road is a small road going up the mountain. When I saw the small road, there were a lot of climbers surrounded by the guardrail at the moment. They gathered together and pointed in one direction.

The voices of discussion over there came from time to time. After Zhang Tianan heard the voices over there, she said, "It seems that someone has fallen off the cliff."

"Yeah?" Xia Miaoyan exclaimed: "No way, fall off the mountainside? That's not enough..."

Xia Miaoyan wanted to say that she should not be smashed to pieces, but she didn't feel good, so she didn't say it.

"Just look at it in the past." Lin Chen said, and walked down the stairs to the side.

There is a big road going up the mountain, and six or seven small roads going up the mountain. Some sections are far away from each other, and some sections are relatively close.

Just like the section of the road that Lin Chen and the others are standing on at the moment, there are only a dozen or so meters of steps away from the path below, and they can go down to the path.

After reaching the path, the narrow path looks obviously not as safe as the main road, and the cliffs are surrounded by guardrails or boulders.

"My God, why was that person so careless, hey... It's a pity."

"It looks like a young man, come to climb a mountain and fall off a cliff, what will happen to his family, they will be sad."

"There are extremely cliff-falling incidents in Huanyashan every year, but the local government does not report them. We should be more careful and pay attention to the road under our feet, so that we will not fall."

The voices of some climbers who were surrounded by the guardrail in front of them entered Lin Chen's ears.

"Someone really fell off the cliff." Zhang Tian'an shook his head.

Lin Chen walked in front, and after the group came to the side of the onlooker, they looked in the direction they were looking, and they saw a man lying with his back to the sky under the cliff about [-] to [-] meters below. silhouette.

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???

The distance of [-] to [-] meters is not far, and it is not too close, but Lin Chen's eyesight is very good, and he can see the person lying below very clearly.

I saw a man lying under the rocky cliff. He was carrying a black backpack, wearing a set of white casual clothes, and a pair of hiking shoes on his feet.

His body lay on a rock that had been dyed red with his blood.

The original white shirt and trousers were also stained with blood, and the whole person was lying in a pool of blood.

At this moment, if there is a telescope, it can be clearly seen that the man's head has been cracked, and the brain fluid has splashed out from it.

The white blood-stained brain is like a tofu brain, and it splashed softly on the rock.


"Hey... It's disgusting, my head was split open, and my brain was splattered..." An aunt with a telescope, when she saw the death of the man below with the telescope, put down the telescope and retched. stand up.

"Auntie, can you lend me a look?" Xia Miaoyan immediately stepped forward to ask when she saw her putting down the telescope.

When the aunt saw that Xia Miaoyan was really watery, she retched twice and handed the telescope to Xia Miaoyan.

This is a high-power telescope with a high price, which can see things in the distance more clearly.

Xia Miaoyan held the binoculars and looked down the cliff. What she saw was similar to that of the aunt. The deceased's head was split open and the brain splattered out. The whole person was lying on the ground. The face must have been sunken in.

"It fell so badly..." Xia Miaoyan sighed: "Why are you so careless? If you climb this kind of mountain and walk on a path, you should be more careful."

"I'll take a look." Miao Yunfei took the telescope over.

After Miao Yunfei watched it, Zhang Tianan watched it again.

After the girls finished reading, they gave Lin Chen the binoculars.

Lin Chen took the binoculars, observed the deceased who fell to his death from the cliff below, and looked at the surrounding situation.

He put down the telescope, narrowed his eyes slightly, and muttered, "No, there is a problem."


PS: This is the eleventh case in this book: 'The case of falling off a cliff', this is a small case, I beg brothers not to get fat, after this case, it will become a big case. .


479 The Case of Falling from a Cliff [Subscription 2]

Miao Yunfei, Zhang Tiannian, Xia Miaoyan, and the others felt a little pity for the deceased who fell off the cliff under the cliff. Seeing that a person who was still very young in attire is gone, his family will definitely not accept this fact.

However, after hearing Lin Chen's words, the three girls' eyes showed doubts.

Lin Chen said it was wrong, there was a problem.

What does this mean?

"Master, you said there is a problem, what's the problem?" Xia Miaoyan looked at Lin Chen curiously, holding the bottle full of mountain spring water in her hand.

"Yes." Zhang Tian'an subconsciously glanced at the corpse under the cliff, and asked Lin Chen, "When you say there is a problem, do you mean the corpse below?"

Under the gaze of the three women, Lin Chen nodded slightly and said, "Well, there is something wrong with the corpse below."

"Ah?" Miao "[-]" Yun Fei was slightly surprised. After her eyes widened a little, she asked Lin Chen, "What did you see? I didn't find any problems."

Lin Chen waved his hand: "I'll tell you later."

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