"How do you know that Manager Liu killed him?" Zhang Tian'an wanted to have a high-powered telescope in his hand, and looked down carefully to see what Lin Chen found.

It's just that the aunt with the binoculars has left, so I can't observe it carefully.

When Lin Chen was about to speak, there was another movement from the side where Huang Li was standing.

The eyes of several people looked over there again, and they saw a man and a woman, holding hands, shouting, and running towards Huang Li who was standing by the guardrail.

"Li Li." The couple who were holding hands, the woman called out immediately after seeing Huang Li.

Huang Li turned around, and when she saw the person who came, she said, "Xiao Lan, come from afar, you are here..."

The man's name is Cai Yuanlai, and the woman's name is Cheng Xiaolan. The phone call Huang Li just made was for Cheng Xiaolan.

"Yeah." Cheng Xiaolan nodded, and she asked anxiously, "Lili, Manager Liu... What about others?"

Cheng Xiaolan seemed to know that the person was under the cliff, but he didn't seem to have the courage to look down.

Cheng Xiaolan and Cai Yuan came to this couple. The route they chose was next to the route taken by Huang Li. Compared with other employees in the company, they were the second closest to the crime scene, so they would be faster to come.

Hearing Cheng Xiaolan mention Manager Liu, the tears in Huang Li's eyes couldn't help flowing again.

She bit her lip, pointed her finger at the cliff below, and said, "Manager Liu...he...just below..."

"Hey..." Cai Yuanlai sighed and walked to the edge of the fence with his girlfriend, looking down.

After seeing a person lying in a pool of blood on the rock below, Cheng Xiaolan took off (bbfa) and said, "That person's clothes look a bit like Manager Liu... Could it be a mistake, it's not Manager Liu? ?"

Cai Yuanlai stared at the bottom and asked Huang Li, "Is it sure that the one below is really Manager Liu?"

The location of Huang Li and the three of them is not far from Lin Chen and the others. Lin Chen and Miao Yunfei and the others clearly heard the conversation between them.

Zhang Tian'an whispered: "The reaction of the couple's colleagues when they arrived at the scene seems to be relatively normal."

"Well." Miao Yunfei nodded and said in a low voice, "They are not like Huang Li, who would cry as soon as they saw the person under the cliff, and immediately determine the identity of the deceased. This Huang Li is really becoming more and more suspicious. "

Xia Miaoyan wanted to say something, but when she saw Lin Chen staring over there without saying a word, she didn't express her opinion.

Over there, after Huang Li heard Cai Yuanlai and Cheng Xiaolan's words, she shook her head and said, "Are you short-sighted, see clearly, short hair, white casual clothes, white casual pants, sneakers, black backpack, and that body type, It's not Manager Liu, who could it be?"

Huang Li choked twice and continued: "I called Manager Liu, and it was turned off. He slipped and fell from it. It must be... The phone must have also been smashed..."

Cai Yuanlai and his girlfriend Chen Xiaolan also showed sad expressions when they heard the words.

"Manager Liu..." Cheng Xiaolan covered her face with her hand, and a slight whimper came out of her mouth.

Cai Yuanlai also withdrew his gaze and looked down, he clenched his fists and blamed himself: "Well, it's all my fault, it's all my fault, I grew up under this mountain, I'm very familiar with it, I don't know how much I've been here. This time, before leaving to go up the mountain, I should remind Manager Liu to be careful when letting him walk on the path."

"Manager Liu... how did he fall from here..."

As he was talking, Cai Yuanlai also squatted on the ground with his head in his arms. Although he didn't cry, his expression was extremely uncomfortable and painful.

"Far away, how can I blame you." Huang Li shook her head and said, "Manager Liu has come to Huanyashan quite a few times, and he is quite familiar with this place, so I can only say... that he was not careful. This kind of thing happened..."

The three were very sad, and Huang Li asked them, "Did you call to inform others?"

"Notice." Cai Yuanlai nodded: "They are already on their way, and it won't be long before they arrive."

Huang Li nodded, and Chen Xiaolan asked Huang Li, "Li Li, have you called Manager Liu's family? If something happened to Manager Liu, he should have informed his family as soon as possible."

Huang Li shook her head and said, "I didn't hit... I don't know how to speak..."

Here, Zhang Tianni looked at the three people and said, "The more you look at Huang Li, the more suspicious you become."


PS: After this small case is over, write a little daily plot, and the protagonist will go to Mohai City, a big city, to solve the case in Mohai City.

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483 How to intervene in this case [2 more subscriptions]

Hearing Zhang Tian'an's words, Miao Yunfei glanced at Zhang Tian'an: "I also think this Huang Li looks suspicious..."

After finishing speaking, Miao Yunfei looked at Lin Chen again. They would think that Huang Li was suspicious. Apart from some of Huang Li's strange behaviors just now, Lin Chen was sure that the deceased was murdered, not by himself. view.

Since what Lin Chen said was so certain, the manager Liu under the cliff must have been killed by someone else.

If you are looking for an acquaintance committing a crime, for now, Huang Li is the most suspicious.

"Master..." Xia Miaoyan called Lin Chen suddenly.

Hearing this, Lin Chen turned to look at Xia Miaoyan and asked, "what's the matter?"

"I remember that when you were looking at Huang Li's cell phone just now, the other hand was holding your own cell phone, and you shook your hands a little strangely." Xia Miaoyan said, "What are you doing like that? The reason?"

When Zhang Tiannan and Miao Yunfei heard Xia Miaoyan's words, they also remembered that when Lin Chen took Huang Li's mobile phone to look at it, he didn't always point the screen of the mobile phone to the three girls, but he still felt a little sore in his hand. The two mobile phones were thrown together, then looked at the other with one hand, and then returned the phone to Huang Li.

"There's no reason." Lin Chen smiled lightly, without explaining anything.

On Huang Li's side, after Cheng Xiaolan and Cai Yuanlai heard her saying they didn't know how to tell Manager Liu's family about it, the couple fell silent one after another.

Manager Liu is still so young, and the news of the fall from the cliff will be a big blow to his family. This mouth is definitely not easy to open.

"Notify Manager Liu's family, indeed... it's hard to tell..."

Cheng Xiaolan let out a long sigh and said, "But Manager Liu has already had an accident. It's not okay to not notify them."

"Yeah." Cheng Xiaolan's boyfriend nodded and said, "It's better to call Manager Liu's house and tell them about Manager Liu's death after falling off a cliff. They will know sooner or later, if they don't notify them in time, in case they return Blame us."

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