When Huang Li heard what they said, she shook her head: "Then you can fight. Anyway, I don't fight. I don't know how to say this."

"Okay, then I'll call." Cheng Xiaolan took a shot at Huang Li and said, "Li Li, give me your mobile phone, and I'll call Manager Liu's house."

When Huang Li heard this, she was slightly stunned. She said, "Don't you have a mobile phone? You also know the phone number of Manager Liu's house."

"My cell phone is out of power, and the original cell phone doesn't have Manager Liu's number, so of course I used yours to call." Cheng Xiaolan shook the hand that extended towards Huang Li.

When Huang Li saw Cheng Xiaolan's outstretched hand, the expression on her face was very hesitant. It seemed that she didn't want to call Cheng Xiaolan from her cell phone.

Lin Chen and the others on one side kept their eyes fixed on this side. The scene that Huang Li didn't want to call Cheng Xiaolan with his cell phone was also watched by Lin Chen and the others.

"This Huang Li, the mobile phone is always reluctant to give to outsiders... What's the shameful thing in that mobile phone?" Zhang Tianan looked over there and muttered in his heart.

Miao Yunfei also thought to herself, "Huang Li's cell phone is definitely faulty, otherwise she wouldn't even give it to a colleague to call."

"Brother..." Xiaohui handed the mineral water bottle in her hand to Lin Chen, and said, "Xiaohui is full, please put the lid on for me."

When Lin Chen heard this, he twisted the cap of the bottle, and after twisting the bottle, Xiaohui held it in his arms again.


"What's the matter, Lili?"

Seeing Huang Li's delay in taking out her phone, Cheng Xiaolan frowned slightly and asked, "Why didn't you give me your phone?"

"No...No..." Huang Li smiled embarrassingly, and the smile was very unnatural.

"Then give me your phone." Cheng Xiaolan said, "You don't know how to speak, so let me tell you."

"Okay..." Huang Li reluctantly unlocked the screen of the phone and handed it to Cheng Xiaolan.

After Cheng Xiaolan took over the phone, he found Manager Liu's phone number in the address book and called it immediately.

"Beep beep..."

There was a beep waiting to be answered from the receiver, and both Huang Li and Cai Yuanlai, who were standing beside them, could hear the sound.

After more than ten rings, the phone was finally connected, and a woman's hello came from the other side of the phone.

"Hello... My name is Cheng Xiaolan. I'm an employee of Manager Liu. Is that Manager Liu's wife?" Cheng Xiaolan said to the woman on the phone.

· · Flowers · · ·

Huang Li's eyes were fixed on Cheng Xiaolan who was on the phone. She was sitting on a stone at the moment, rubbing a small stone in her hand, looking a little anxious.

"Well, yes, what's the matter?" The woman's voice over the phone was soft and gentle.

Cheng Xiaolan glanced at Huang Li and her boyfriend, she took a deep breath, and while walking towards a place where no one was in the distance, she said, "Well... I have something to inform you, I hope you don't feel too sad... ...We came to Huanya Mountain with Manager Liu to climb the mountain, Manager Liu he..."

Cheng Xiaolan walked to the place where no one was quiet, and the farther he went, the more inaudible his voice became.

Huang Li, who was sitting on the stone, stood up and wanted to follow behind Cheng Xiaolan.

But Cai Yuanlai put his hand on Huang Li's shoulder and sighed: "Li Li, sit down... Let Xiao Lan and Manager Liu's family make an agreement... Hey... Manager Liu's mother is so old. , I don't know if I can withstand such a big blow."

Huang Li, who was about to stand up, sat on the stone again after hearing Cai Yuanlai's words.

No one left, but Huang Li's eyes kept looking at Cheng Xiaolan who was on the phone.

Lin Chen touched his stomach and stood up from the stone.

Seeing this, Miao Yunfei asked Lin Chen, "How are you going to intervene in this case?"

Hearing this, Lin Chen turned his head and glanced at the foot of the cliff, and said, "You guys are waiting for me here, I'll go to a toilet to take a nap, and I'll talk about it when I get back."

"Master, let me go with you." Xia Miaoyan walked to Lin Chen's side.

"You also want to go to the toilet?" Lin Chen looked at Xia Miaoyan and asked.

"No." Xia Miaoyan shook her head and said, "I'll go with you. What if you can't find the toilet?"

Lin Chen shook his head: "I'm tired of climbing the mountain, just wait for me here, I'll be back soon."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he didn't care about Xia Miaoyan, and walked towards the mountain climbing road above. There are many public toilets on the cliff, and there will be more on the road.

As soon as Lin Chen left, only Miao Yunfei's three daughters remained.

Looking at Cheng Xiaolan who was still on the phone, Zhang Tianan said, "Sister Yunfei, do you think Huang Li's phone is suspicious?".


484 The previous manager [3 more subscriptions]

"Well." Miao Yunfei nodded and said, "There must be something wrong with Huang Li's cell phone. I have to bring her cell phone over to find out where the problem is."

Zhang Tiannan nodded and agreed to take Huang Li's cell phone over to take a look, to see if there was anything in her cell phone that she didn't want to be seen by outsiders.

Some onlookers have already walked away.

After a few minutes, Cheng Xiaolan, who was calling with Huang Li's mobile phone, walked back slowly from a distance.

After Cai Yuanlai saw his girlfriend walking back, he quickly stood up, raised his eyebrows at his girlfriend, and asked, "Does Manager Liu's family know?"

Huang Li also stood up and looked at Cheng Xiaolan.

"Yeah." Cheng Xiaolan sighed deeply: "Manager Liu's wife immediately cried loudly when she heard the news from me. "[-]" I also heard Manager Liu's child on the phone with me. Cry, ask him. Why is my mother crying...hey...hey..."

Cheng Xiaolan sighed continuously, Cai Yuanlai reached out and patted Cheng Xiaolan's shoulder, and said, "It has already happened, there is no way to do it."

Huang Li's eyes fell on the mobile phone held by Cheng Xiaolan.

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