After Cheng Xiaolan sighed a few times, she handed the phone to Huang Li: "Lili, your phone."

"Well." Huang Li hurriedly took her mobile phone and put it in her pocket.

It wasn't until she put the phone in her pocket that her nervous expression eased a little.

"How long will it take for the police to arrive? We can't let Manager Liu keep his corpse under the cliff." Cai Yuanlai muttered at this moment.

"It should be soon." Huang Li explained: "The girl who first discovered Manager Liu's body had already called the police."

At this moment, behind the three of them, a voice sounded: "Hello."

After hearing this voice, Huang Li, Cheng Xiaolan, and Cai Yuanlai turned around to look at the same time, and saw three beautiful girls, facing him, one of the girls was holding a pink carved jade carving little loli.

It was Miao Yunfei who was speaking to Huang Li and the others.

Cheng Xiaolan and Cai Yuanlai didn't know the identities of Miao Yunfei and the others. Seeing Miao Yunfei greeting, Cai Yuanlai wondered, "Who are you?"

Miao Yunfei was about to explain when Huang Li said, "Oh, they are police officers."

"Police?" Cai Yuanlai muttered. He looked Miao Yunfei up and down and asked, "Listen to your accent, aren't you a police officer from our former Gao County?"

This Cai Yuanlai's observational power is much higher than that of Huang Lilai, and he immediately heard that his accent was wrong.

"Well." Since the other party saw it, Miao Yunfei had nothing to hide: "We are from the Tianhai City Criminal Police Serious Crime Unit."

"The police of Tianhai City..." Cai Yuanlai nodded and said, "Tianhai City is quite far away from us. Are you here for tourism?"

"Yes." Miao Yunfei didn't want to talk to Cai Yuan, so her next sentence went straight to the topic: "Are you all colleagues of Manager Liu?"

Cai Yuan said: "Yes, Manager Liu is the manager of our finance department, I am the director of the finance department, and Lili and my girlfriend are the accountants of the finance department."

"I have to tell you something." Miao Yunfei's tone became serious.

"Good police comrade, tell me." Cai Yuanlai motioned to Miao Yunfei and said.

Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianai looked at Huang Li, and after a few seconds, Miao Yunfei said word by word, "According to our observations, Manager Liu of your financial department did not fall off the cliff, but was caught murdered."

As soon as Miao Yunfei's words came out, Huang Li's eyes instantly widened, showing a look of surprise and disbelief.

"You... what did you say?" Huang Li's eyes widened, and she stammered, "You said that Manager Liu of our department was... murdered?"

Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianai observed Huang Li's expression, and then their eyes fell on the two colleagues beside Huang Li.

Cheng Xiaolan and Cai Yuanlai both had similar expressions. When the two heard this, they were also extremely shocked, and their mouths opened in an O shape.

"Yes, Manager Liu didn't die accidentally, but was murdered by someone else." Zhang Tianai confirmed.

"How do you know that Manager Liu was murdered?" Before Huang Li could speak, Cai Yuanlai, who was beside him, hurriedly asked.

Hearing this question, Miao Yunfei said in her heart how could I know why Manager Liu was murdered, the person who knew about it had already gone to the toilet, and he would not know the reason until he came back. . .

Facing the curious eyes of Cai Yuanlai and the others, Miao Yunfei said sternly, "I won't reveal this for now. When the body is brought up, you will know why Manager Liu was murdered."

"Can't you say it now?" Cheng Xiaolan asked.

"It's not time yet." Zhang Tianan pretended to be mysterious. In fact, she was thinking, we don't know why Manager Liu was murdered. What do you want me to say now.

"Murder... Murder..." Huang Li muttered and said to herself, "If Manager Liu was murdered, who was the one who killed him? Manager Liu usually treats people kindly and has nothing to do with them. People get revenge."

"Yes." Cai Yuanlai also nodded and said, "It can't be murder, right? Manager Liu's popularity is really good. In our company, no one is gossiping about him behind his back."

"Manager Liu is such a good person, who would murder him?" Cheng Xiaolan frowned and pondered, as if thinking about who Manager Liu had had a holiday with.

Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan looked at each other, they didn't notice anything unusual from Huang Li's reaction, and now they can only wait for Lin Chen to come back.

The few people who were standing opposite each other fell into a temporary silence, and Miao Yunfei and the others did not speak.

At this moment, on the steps leading to the upper road, a man's voice came: "Hey, isn't this Cai Yuanlai, Xiao Cai?"

After Cai Yuanlai heard the voice, he turned his head abruptly to 5.2, looking at the man who was speaking, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Everyone looked at the sound, and saw a slightly fat man wearing short-sleeved shorts, walking slowly towards this side.

"Yu Jiang, why are you here?" Cai Yuanlai looked at the approaching Yu Jiang, and his face became very ugly.

"Yu Jiang!" Huang Li and Cheng Xiaolan also shouted when they saw the slightly fat man.

"Haha." This Yu Jiang, who came over, saw that the three of them had called his name, and he smiled lightly: "Not bad, I still remember Lao Tzu's name, and I have taught you all in vain."

Hearing Yu Jiang's self-proclaimed Laozi words, the faces of Huang Li and the three were not very good-looking.

Cai Yuanlai frowned: "Don't talk about Laozi and Laozi, I'm in a bad mood now, be careful I'll beat you.".


485 Manager Liu's Enemy

Yu Jiang was slightly fat, not tall, Cai Yuanlai was not small, and he was a head taller than him. If the two of them fought, Yu Jiang would definitely not be Cai Yuanlai's opponent.

When Yu Jiang heard Cai Yuanlai's words, he didn't have a trace of fear: "I'm in a bad mood? Do you still want to hit me? What's the matter? Why are you in a bad mood?"

Yu Jiang looked at the three with a playful expression, and when he saw that there were tears in Huang Li's eyes, he said in surprise: "I heard that someone here fell off a cliff and fell to his death, so come and see, Huang Li, you I cried, the person who fell to his death, shouldn't it be your relative?"

Yu Jiang's words meant a bit of cursing Huang Li's family.

Huang Li glanced at him and said, "It's not my family."

Yu Jiang walked directly to the edge of the guardrail and looked down the cliff. He seemed to be a little short-sighted. After seeing the figure under the cliff, he narrowed his eyes, wanting to be clear.

Seeing the expressions of Cai Yuanlai and the others looking at Yu Jiang, Zhang Tianan couldn't help but be curious about their relationship.

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