PS: Brothers, you want the case to be denser, or some daily plot after the case is over, you can say it in the book review area, thank you brothers for your support. .


487 Is the relationship deeper [2 more for subscription]

Originally, some of Huang Li's abnormal performance and the mobile phone that she didn't want others to touch made Miao Yunfei and the others more and more suspicious of this woman.

She may be the murderer of Manager Liu.

Yu Jiang is also suspicious, but his suspicion does not seem to be as big as Huang Li's.

It's just at this moment that the elderly couple in their [-]s who suddenly appeared, from their conversation, it seems that Huang Li has no time to commit the crime.

After Miao Yunfei heard Zhang Tianan's words, she and Zhang Tianan looked at each other, and both of them looked a little blank.

"I'll make sure." After Miao Yunfei finished speaking, she walked towards the couple who were talking to Huang Li.

Huang Li was still talking polite words to the couple. She helped the couple to mention things along the way. The couple wanted to give her some fruit, but Huang Li kept declining.

Miao Yunfei walked up to the elderly couple and said to them, "Old man, auntie, how are you?"

The elderly couple heard the news.Looking blankly at Miao Yunfei, the aunt asked, "Girl, what's wrong?"

Miao Yunfei showed her police card and said to the two: "I'm a policeman. I have something to ask you. Please cooperate with me in answering my question."

Seeing that Miao Yunfei was a policeman, the couple became even more puzzled, not knowing what question Miao Yunfei wanted to ask herself.

Huang Li and Cai Yuanlai beside 707 also cast curious glances.

"Girl, you can ask." The old man scratched his head, not knowing why a policeman suddenly appeared to ask a question.

"What time did you meet this lady Huang Li?" Miao Yunfei asked.

"What time is it?" Hearing the words, the couple looked at each other with a look of memory on their faces.

Huang Li was a little puzzled and said, "Comrade police officer, why are you asking this?"

Miao Yunfei didn't answer Huang Li's question, but just looked at the couple, waiting for their answer.

The old man looked at the time and said, "It was probably more than an hour ago. We were walking on the road. This girl saw that we had a lot of things to carry and it was hard for us to climb the mountain, so she came over to help us with the things."

After saying that, the wife patted the backpack in her hand: "Here, this is the bag. This girl is really good. She helped us carry a long mountain road. Those young and strong guys are not as good as her."

"When did she separate from you? Where was she?" Miao Yunfei asked again.

The aunt (bbff) thought for a while and replied: "Maybe... maybe a minute or two ago, or half an hour ago, the location was in the open space a little further down the road, and there was a small shop there. , the one selling apples and cucumbers at the door."

Hearing that Huang Li was separated from the couple in ten minutes and half an hour, Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan carefully calculated in their hearts.

According to the time provided by the girl who found the deceased and the time Huang Li arrived here, she did not have the time to commit the crime at all.

When Huang Li heard these questions asked by Miao Yunfei, her face became a little ugly, even a fool could understand that Miao Yunfei was doubting her.

Ignoring Huang Li, who looked unsightly, Miao Yunfei continued to ask, "Why did she suddenly separate from you and didn't continue to help you carry things?"

"This..." The couple had to think again before answering.

Huang Li's face on the side was not very good-looking, she said, "I'll answer it."

Miao Yunfei set her eyes on Huang Li: "Okay, tell me, since you are kind enough to help them carry things, why didn't you continue to carry them, and just left at the resting place in front."

"Because when I was resting there, I remembered something at work and called Manager Liu, but the call couldn't get through. I heard the owner of the rest shop receive a call from a friend saying that there was someone in front of me. I fell off a cliff and died."

Huang Li said quickly: "Manager Liu's phone can't get through. Usually when our subordinates call him, he picks up quickly, and when I hear the news of someone falling off a cliff, I feel bad in my heart. I had a hunch, and when I ran to this side and saw the man's attire under the cliff, I immediately recognized it was Manager Liu."

There is nothing wrong with Huang Li's remarks, and the reason for running here can also make sense.

Zhang Tian'an frowned slightly, thinking that if what Huang Li said was true, she had a bad premonition in her heart. When she came here, she immediately recognized Manager Liu and cried. Her reaction seemed unusual before. , can also be understood.

When Huang Li saw that Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan had stopped talking, she asked them back, "Do you doubt that I pushed Manager Liu off the cliff when you ask these questions?"

"Uh..." Cai Yuanlai looked stunned and said, "Comrade police, you must have misunderstood. How could Li Li kill Manager Liu?"

"Yes." Cheng Xiaolan also walked to Huang Li's side and said with a serious face: "Our subordinates have a good relationship with Manager Liu. If we make mistakes at work, Manager Liu will still tolerate us. Boss, we are all so happy, how can we have the idea of ​​killing him?"

Yu Jiang on the side said: "Comrade police, it's fine if you suspect these people, but don't continue to doubt me. I'm just here to watch the fun, so I won't be allowed to leave. Who am I going to provoke?"

Miao Yunfei glanced at these people, and she said, "Huang Li, don't think that we doubt you, you will be very wronged."

"Cheng Xiaolan, Cai Yuanlai, you two, answer me, is Huang Li a crybaby in daily life and work?" Miao Yunfei asked about the couple Cheng Xiaolan and Cai Yuanlai.

Cai Yuanlai and his girlfriend Cheng Xiaolan looked at each other, Cheng Xiaolan said: "Li Li usually doesn't like to cry, she is a very strong female man, police comrade, what are you asking about this?"

"As soon as Huang Li arrived here just now, she glanced down and recognized that the deceased below was Manager Liu. Tears flowed out instantly, looking like she was heartbroken." Miao Yunfei said, "We feel that the deceased below is Manager Liu. Her reaction was a bit abnormal, and the tears were falling too fast."

"She called to inform you that none of you were crying. She came here to confirm the identity of Manager Liu, and only shed a few tears. Your reaction seems quite normal."

After finishing speaking, Miao Yunfei stared at Huang Li and said, "You cry so fast and cry so sadly. Could it be that your relationship with Manager Liu is deeper than the relationship between other colleagues and him?"

Huang Li subconsciously took a small step back, she shook her head, and said, "No, I'm the same as everyone else, how could I have a better relationship with Manager Liu, it's just that Manager Liu is such a good person, I feel so sorry so I cried."


488 Is it a partnership to commit the crime [3 more for subscription]

Miao Yunfei said to Huang Li, "We doubted you just now, but the old man and aunt are here to testify for you. You have the proof of your alibi. It doesn't matter if you and Manager Liu died."

"Oh." Huang Li just let out a faint oh, not because Miao Yunfei said she was no longer suspicious, she didn't seem so happy.

Her unsurprising reaction, in the eyes of Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianen, made them feel that this reaction was normal.

"It's impossible for Lili to be suspected. Our colleagues in our department have a very good relationship with Manager Liu." After Cai Yuan finished speaking, he looked at Yu Jiang who was on the side and said, "Comrade police, since Lili is no longer suspicious now. , Is the murderer who killed Manager Liu, the biggest suspect, Yu Jiang~ this guy?"

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