When Yu Jiang heard Cai Yuanlai's words, he was stunned for a moment. He widened his eyes and said, "Did I go to you? Cai Yuanlai, don't point the finger at me. Believe it or not, I will let you kill you?"

"Comrade police officer, look." Cai Yuanlai said to Miao Yunfei, "This man just wants to kill someone by opening his mouth and shutting his mouth. It can be seen that he hates a person and just wants that person to die. He hates Manager Liu so much, I think _... "

"I think you're a jerk, crap." Yu Jiang scolded again.

Yu Jiang and Cai Yuanlai were about to fight for the third time.

Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tian'an walked to the side directly, ignoring these two guys, and let them fight if they wanted to.

After walking to one side, Xia Miaoyan, who had not spoken, said, "Sister Yunfei, Sister Tianan, then Huang Li is no longer suspected, and that Yu Jiang is a bit like a murderer."

Zhang Tiannan looked at Xia Miaoyan and said, "Not necessarily. Even though Huang Li has no time to commit the crime, he still cannot deny a possibility."

"A possibility?" Xia Miaoyan asked hurriedly, "what is the possibility?"

"Partnership to commit crimes." Zhang Tianai said.

"Partnership?" Xia Miaoyan muttered.

"Yes." Miao Yunfei also said: "Huang Li didn't have time to commit the crime, but she came to the scene in time to determine the identity of the deceased in time, and she shed tears in time. In addition to the reason she just said, we can also guess a reason."

"She co-operated with someone to kill Manager Liu. She took the initiative to help the couple carry things in order to create an alibi for herself. After the person who worked with her killed Manager Liu, she received a message from her partner. , the collaborator told her that Manager Liu was dead, and then she called Manager Liu, and after Manager Liu's phone was not answered, she rushed over."

To crack a case, you need to think from multiple perspectives and divergent thinking.

There is some truth to Miao Yunfei's reasoning.

When Xia Miaoyan heard Miao Yunfei's words, her eyes suddenly lit up and she said, "I seem to know why Huang Li is reluctant to give her cell phone to others, is it like what you said, Sister Yunfei? , the person who worked with her informed her that Manager Liu was dead, and the way of notification was a phone call or text message."

"Looking at the way she doesn't want to give her phone to others, it's possible that she received a text message from her partner, and she didn't delete that text message. She was afraid of being seen, so... she didn't want to give her phone to outsiders?"

"Miaoyan, okay?" Zhang Tianan laughed at Xia Miaoyan and said, "What you said is very possible."

"Haha." Xia Miaoyan laughed: "It's Sister Yunfei's words, which inspired me."

A smile also appeared on Miao Yunfei's face: "If that's the case, then Huang Li's phone should have shady call records and text messages in it at the moment, so she doesn't want to give her phone to outsiders."

"It's very likely that this is the case." Zhang Tianai said with some confidence.

"Then who is the one who cooperated with Huang Li?" Xia Miaoyan asked a question.

"As long as Huang Li thinks it is reliable, or has common interests, it is possible." Zhang Tianni replied.

Miao Yunfei put both hands in front of Xiong, then raised one hand, touched her chin lightly, and muttered, "We can use the tandem method, Huang Li is suspicious, and Yu Jiang resents him because Manager Liu was fired."

"If Yu Jiang and Huang Li are combined, there is a possibility that these two people pretend not to know each other on the surface, but they are actually Manager Liu who killed together."

Xia Miaoyan said with some anticipation: "Master has not come back from the toilet. The cases we encountered were all solved by the master. If we break this case, the master will definitely treat us differently."

Zhang Tianan smiled: "Don't think about it, go and get Huang Li's phone first."

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????

The three girls walked towards Huang Li and the others again, to get Huang Li's mobile phone.

After coming to Huang Li, Miao Yunfei directly stretched out her hand and said to Huang Li, "Miss Huang, please give me your mobile phone."

Huang Li, who was in a daze, trembled slightly after hearing Miao Yunfei's words, as if she was frightened by Miao Yunfei's voice.

"You... what did you say?" Huang Li raised her head and looked at Miao Yunfei.

Miao Yunfei said again, "Give me your cell phone."

Cai Yuan came to Cheng Xiaolan and they all looked over. Huang Li frowned and said, "Why, why did I give you my phone?"

Huang Li's attitude is very obvious. It is still the same as before, and she is unwilling to give her mobile phone to outsiders. It seems that there is some secret in the mobile phone, and she is afraid of being seen.


"Because I'm a policeman, and because you are still a little suspicious, it is necessary for us to check your mobile phone." Miao Yunfei said.

Miao Yunfei can say this, and naturally she knows that these people don't know much about the law. According to relevant regulations, Miao Yunfei, a policeman in Tianhai City, has no right to check Huang Li's mobile phone.

Huang Li didn't know this. After she saw Miao Yunfei taking out the police stand, she had no choice but to unlock the screen of her mobile phone and hand it over to Miao Yunfei.

After getting the phone, Miao Yunfei couldn't wait to click on the text message icon and enter the text message interface.

In the text message interface, there are several text messages displayed, which are sent by communication companies, customers, and colleagues, but there are no suspicious text messages.

Miao Yunfei was a little disappointed. After exiting the text message interface, she entered the communication interface and checked the communication records.

The latest call record is from Manager Liu's house. The call time is 5 minutes and 23 seconds.

The second call record was for Cheng Xiaolan, and the call time was 27 seconds.

The third one was this morning, from another colleague.

The fourth call shows that it was yesterday.

There is no problem with text messages and call records.

"Do you have any other mobile phones on you?" Miao Yunfei asked with a frown.


Huang Li shook her head, and she said, "Have you read it? Return the phone to me after reading it."


489 Climbing to the bottom of the cliff [4 more subscriptions]

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