Nothing was found, and she couldn't hold her cell phone without giving it.

Miao Yunfei had to return the phone to Huang Li, and a few minutes later, the other colleagues who were climbing the mountain together arrived.

These colleagues all knew Yu Jiang. When they saw Yu Jiang appearing at the scene of Manager Liu's death, they were suspicious of Yu Jiang, thinking that Manager Liu might have been harmed by him.

Yu Jiang scolded very fiercely in front of Cai Yuanlai just now, opened his mouth and shut his mouth and cursed his mother. Facing the doubts of Cai Yuanlai and other male colleagues, Yu Jiang did not dare to scold him again.

He dared to fight Cai Yuan, but he couldn't fight so many people. If there was a conflict, Yu Jiang would only be beaten.

The newly arrived colleagues, after learning that Miao Yunfei and the others suspected Huang Li, they all spoke out, saying that the relationship between their colleagues in the department is very good, let the police stop doubting Huang Li, colleagues are the most "September [-]" "It might be possible to do this.

Miao Yunfei and the others didn't say anything else, they were waiting for someone to come back, that was Lin Chen.

Fortunately, Lin Chen didn't ask them to wait any longer. Just a few minutes after the other colleagues arrived, Lin Chen walked over.

After seeing Lin Chen come back, Miao Yunfei complained, "Why did I go to the toilet to take a break for so long."

"The toilet is too far, so it took a while." Lin Chen explained.

"Lin Chen, the thing is like this, we suspected Huang Li just now, checked her phone, and then..."

Zhang Tianai told Lin Chen everything that happened after Lin Chen left to go to the toilet, and after telling Lin Chen everything, Zhang Tianai said again: "I thought it made sense for us to speculate that Huang Li and his partner committed the crime. , but nothing of value was found in her phone."

Lin Chen heard the words, smiled, and said, "I didn't find it, I didn't find it, I'm going down the cliff now."

"Master, do you want to go down?" Xia Miaoyan was surprised: "This cliff is so steep, it is very dangerous to go down."

Miao Yunfei glanced at the cliff behind her: "Lin Chen... No need to go down, right?"

"You must go down." Lin Chen said, "Some things can only be understood more fully by standing next to the corpse."

"Then why don't we wait for the rescue team to bring the body up?" Miao Yunfei asked again.

"No." Lin Chen shook his head: "When the rescue team brings the body up, all valuable clues will be destroyed."

After finishing speaking, Lin Chen added: "Don't worry, look over there, the cliff over there is not steep, there are a lot of raised rocks, you can easily go down."

The three girls looked at the rock wall that Lin Chen pointed to together. The steepness of the rock wall there would be better, but it wasn't much better. It would still be quite dangerous to go down there.

Lin Chen walked directly over there, ready to climb down the cliff.

"Lin Chen." Zhang Tian'an ran over quickly: "I'll go down with you."

When Lin Chen heard this, he frowned and said, "Are you going down with me? Why are you going down? Are you holding me back?"

Lin Chen's words were very rude, and almost extinguished Zhang Tian's enthusiasm.

"You said that it's not dangerous to climb down the cliff here, so I'm going too." Zhang Tian'an said.

Lin Chen didn't want Zhang Tianan to take this risk, but she insisted on following, and Lin Chen had no choice but to say, "Then hold my hand tightly and be careful when you go down."

"Enen." Seeing that Lin Chen agreed, Zhang Tiannan nodded happily.

Immediately, Lin Chen walked in front, Zhang Tianan followed behind, stepping on the place where Lin Chen walked, and the two carefully walked down the cliff together.

Huang Li, Yujiang, the others, and the onlookers at the scene, when they saw Lin Chen and Zhang Tianan going down the cliff, they all surrounded the guardrail and watched.

With a good heart, I thought in my heart that these two police officers must not have an accident, and some gloated, thinking that it would be fun if Lin Chen and Zhang Tianan also stumbled and died on the way down.

"These are the policemen of Tianhai City. They have to go down such a dangerous cliff. They are really dedicated..." Someone said.

Because of Lin Chen and Zhang Tian's climbing down, more onlookers were attracted.

The distance of [-] to [-] meters, if it is on the flat ground, can be reached quickly, but on this dangerous rock wall, it is not so easy.

Lin Chen is good, every step is easy, and there is no tension on his face.

Zhang Tian'an couldn't do it anymore, her whole body was tense, and although she was walking where Lin Chen stepped on, she was still very nervous, for fear of taking a wrong step, she would slip and fall.

Seeing her nervousness, Lin Chen couldn't help but smile and said, "Since they're all down, don't be so nervous, don't worry, with me here, you won't be in any danger..."

After hearing Lin Chen's words, Zhang Tian's heart calmed down a little, not as nervous as before.

The two slowly climbed down, and after a few minutes, they finally came to the position where the dead body was lying.

The position where the corpse was lying was a small piece of relatively flat rocky clearing. When walking on this rocky clearing, one still had to be careful.

Because, below the open space, is a deeper cliff.

Zhang Tiannan breathed a sigh of relief, she raised her head and looked up, she saw Miao Yunfei and Xia Miaoyan lying on the edge of the guardrail, as well as many others.

"There are a lot of people above." Zhang Tian'an muttered.

Lin Chen didn't speak, and walked towards Manager Liu's body lying in a pool of blood.

After coming here, I could smell the bloody smell in the air. Manager Liu was lying on a boulder, the surface of the boulder was slightly concave, and he was lying on the blood.

Manager Liu's clothes were stained with blood, and he was carrying a backpack on his back, which was a little skewed.

One of his legs was bent strangely. After he fell from a height, his knee was broken, and the calf that was connected to the big leg was left with only a layer of skin attached.

The most terrifying thing was Manager Liu's head. Lin Chen and Zhang Tianan didn't turn over the body, but it could be seen that Manager Liu's entire face was deformed and sunken.

5.7 The bones of his head were split open, and bloodshot brains splattered out.

Blood was splattered everywhere, and there was a lump of brains here and there.

Lin Chen walked to the side of a lump of brains, and gently touched the surface of the brains with his fingers to feel its temperature.

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