Zhang Tianai squatted beside Manager Liu's body and reached out to check Manager Liu's temperature.

"Manager Liu should have been killed more than an hour ago." Zhang Tianai said.

Lin Chen took out a tissue, wiped the blood on his fingers, nodded and said, "One hour to one and a half hours, it won't exceed this approximate time."

"Lin Chen, you are so sure that Manager Liu was killed by him, can you tell the reason now?" Zhang Tian'an was very concerned about this.

Lin Chen pointed to the corpse and said, "The corpse is right in front of you, can't you see it?".


490 The reason for the murder [Subscribe]

Zhang Tianan and the others had always been curious about how far Lin Chen knew that Manager Liu was killed, not that he fell off a cliff and died.

After coming to the corpse, she didn't check the corpse carefully, so she asked Lin Chen.

Now that he heard Lin Chen's words, Zhang Tian'an naturally became tense and observed the corpse.

Since Lin Chen can see it through the telescope, he must also find out the reason why Manager Liu was murdered.

"Don't talk about it, I'll see for myself." Zhang Tianai said to Lin Chen, and then carefully checked the corpse.

Her gaze moved from Manager Liu's split head, down to her neck, to her upper body, and then her broken lower body.

The people on the cliff pointed at Lin Chen at the cliff sixty to seventy meters below. At the same time, the relevant person in charge of the Huanyashan Scenic Area, the police station police and firefighters at the foot of the mountain formed a rescue team.

They took the cable car to the position halfway up the mountain, and then rushed towards the scene of the crime without stopping.

To be precise, they can't be called a rescue team, because there is no need for rescue anymore. They came to lift the body of the deceased Manager Liu from the cliff.

After the rescue team arrived, Miao Yunfei greeted Xia Miaoyan when she saw it, and walked towards the policemen who were leading the rescue team.

When she came to them, Miao Yunfei showed her credentials: "Hello, I'm Miao Yunfei, the leader of the Tianhai Criminal Police Serious Crime Team."

After the leading policeman saw Miao Yunfei's certificate, he saw such a beautiful colleague and immediately nodded with a smile: "Oh, hello, Officer Miao, we are policemen from the Huanyashan Police Station. I heard that someone here fell off a cliff and died. Came here."

Manager Liu's colleagues and Yu Jiang were standing by, Miao Yunfei glanced at them, and said to the policeman who took the lead: "The deceased did not die by mistake, but was murdered."

Hearing this, the people in this rescue team looked very surprised, but Miao Yunfei did not expect that the deceased was homicide.

Among the rescue team, the happiest person in charge of the scenic spot is naturally the person in charge of the scenic spot. They are responsible for the inadequate maintenance of the facilities, but if they are killed, it is not a matter of the scenic spot.

"How do you say this?" asked the leading police officer.

Miao Yunfei took them to the edge of the guardrail, and told them that her colleagues Zhang Tianan and Lin Chen had descended to the cliff and performed an autopsy on the body.

The rescue team was going to go down immediately, but was stopped by Miao Yunfei, she said not to go down yet, and after Lin Chen and the others finished the autopsy, they would go down and carry the body up.

The leading policeman did not refuse. It would take some time for the forensic doctor and criminal police from Gao County to arrive here. Since there are ready-made professionals, why not do it.

Under the cliff, next to the corpse.

After Zhang Tianan carefully observed the corpse, and then raised her head and glanced upwards, a smile suddenly appeared on her face.

When Lin Chen saw Zhang Tian'an smile, he asked, "Do you see the reason?"

"Yes." Zhang Tiannan nodded his head forcefully, he looked at Lin Chen, and asked, "We didn't care about this when we observed it with the telescope before. You found this in the telescope, so you can be sure The deceased did not stumble, but he killed, right?"

"Tell me about it." Lin Chen stood with his hands behind his back, with no expression on his face.

Zhang Tianan also stood up, she pointed at the white clothes and pants on the back of the deceased Manager Liu, and said: "The problem lies in the clothes of the deceased, the clothes of the deceased are too clean, he has some from there. The sloping cliff fell and landed in this position."

"The cliff is slightly inclined outward, and there are some raised rocks on the surface. If he fell off, his body would definitely roll down the inclined cliff."

"With this rolling process, the clothes of the deceased will definitely be stained with a lot of sand and dust, and when the body hits some raised rocks, bruises will appear."

"But Manager Liu's white clothes on his back, except for some blood, have no sand or dirt at all. This shows that when he fell on the edge of the cliff, he was pushed down by outsiders. ."

"If someone pushes out, or is thrown out, his body will jump out of the edge of the cliff for a certain distance, and if he falls from that distance, the body of the deceased will not roll on the slightly inclined cliff, and It fell directly on the rock."

With a bit of confidence on Zhang Tian's face, he stared at Lin Chen with a pair of pretty eyes, and said, "Just based on the fact that the deceased's clothes are not dirty and there are no bruises on his body, you can judge that the deceased is not a mistake, but was ruthless by others. It pushed the edge of the cliff violently, and then fell."

"That's right, that's the reason." Lin Chen said, "When you used that aunt's telescope just now, you only looked at the tragic state of the deceased's fall, and didn't observe the clean white clothes and trousers on the deceased's body."

Lin Chen stretched out his finger and pointed to the slightly sloping cliff wall where the deceased fell, and said, "It has been raining in Qingyang Province recently, and the rocky walls of Huanya Mountain have been washed clean by the rain. It was only today. out of the sun."

"The cliff is clean, but if it falls down, the white clothes will still be dirty, and the deceased was pushed out and fell directly on the rock, because the rock platform was washed away by the rain. It is very clean, so there is no splash of sand and dust, and the clothes and pants of the deceased are clean except for blood."

"More than a month ago, the deceased was promoted to the financial manager of the company. He invited his colleagues to dinner, indicating that he was very happy and satisfied with his work. He had a wife and children, indicating that he had a happy family. Today, he brought his subordinates to climb the mountain. You can see He is full of energy..."

"Such a person, he would not choose the place where he fell from the cliff, run a little distance, jump off the edge of the cliff and commit suicide. The only possibility is to kill him."

"Well, that's right." Zhang Tiannan nodded.

Lin Chen crouched down, pointed at the right hand of the deceased Liu Fa, and said, "Look at this hand."

Hearing this, Zhang Tian'an looked towards Liu Fa's right hand, and saw that Liu Fa's right hand was slightly clenched into a fist, and there were some gaps between the curved fingers and the palm.

Before Zhang Tianai could speak, Lin Chen said: "The left hand of the deceased is open, but the right hand of the deceased is clenched into a fist like this. What do you think of this right hand that is clenched into a fist?"

"Like before, I held something and then let go." Zhang Tian'an replied.

"Yes." Lin Chen pointed his finger at the ring finger of the deceased's right hand: "If you look at this ring finger again, you will be able to identify the murderer."


491 Brain in a plastic bag [2 more for subscription]

Hearing this, Zhang Tian'an immediately looked at the ring finger of the deceased's right hand.

Lin Chen said: "The nails of the deceased's hands are neat, with a length of about 3 to 4 mm. Judging from the neatly trimmed nails, the deceased should usually be a person who pays attention to personal hygiene, is relatively neat and loves cleanliness."

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