"Look at the ring finger that is slightly clenched into a fist. The nails on the ring finger are very irregular and missing a little. It is obviously that the nails scratched something, and then they were cut off a little."

"Hold it slightly, as if grabbing something, the nail of the ring finger was scraped off a little bit, the sun came out, sunscreen, when someone pushed it down, the deceased's reaction..." Lin Chen continued to say a lot of key words , looked at Zhang Tian'an and let Zhang Tian'an think about it by himself.

Hearing what Lin Chen said, Zhang Tian's ears quickly started to think.

After more than ten seconds, Zhang Tian's eyes lit up again and said, "Lin Chen, I understand, what do you mean..."

Before Zhang Tianan could finish speaking, Lin Chen nodded and said, "Yes, I know you guessed it just by looking at your expression."

With a bit of joy on Zhang Tian's face, she said to herself: "According to what you said, the person who pushed the dead Liu Fa down is not only stronger, but also familiar with this area, I know the murderer Who might it be?"

After knowing who the murderer might be, Zhang Tian'an frowned slightly again: "I just don't know, that kind of thing is still not on the murderer's body, and it may be thrown away by him."

"Not necessarily, but even if he is thrown away, there is still a way to prove that he is the murderer." Lin Chen said slowly.

"Well, it should be possible." Zhang Tian'an understood the way in Lin Chen's words to prove that the man was the murderer, and nodded immediately, thinking it was feasible.

The conversation between the two, for outsiders, it is impossible to understand what they are talking about, but it is enough for the two of them to understand.

"Take some pictures of the scene, and then let the rescue team get the body up". Lin Chen said, took out his mobile phone, and began to take pictures of the deceased and the scene.

Zhang Tian'an also took out his mobile phone and followed Lin Chen to take pictures. After taking all the detailed photos, Lin Chen raised his head and shouted loudly, "You can come down."

The members of the rescue team on the side of the guardrail were already ready. The two firefighters tied ropes to their bodies, brought some tools, and began to slowly climb down the cliff.

Lin Chen looked at the two firefighters who came down, and couldn't help saying: "Actually, the firefighters are much more dangerous than your police officers. They are the ones who put out the fire. They are the ones who ran downstairs with the burning gas tank, and they are the ones who rescue the people who jumped off the building. They are the ones who pick the hornet's nest, they are the ones who unlock the locks, and even if the cat can't get down from a high place, they have to find firefighters."

"Indeed, it is said that firefighters are all-powerful." Zhang Tianai said.

The two firefighters soon fell to the location of the body.

Lin Chen took the tools from their hands and started to fix the corpse. In this kind of terrain, it is impossible to lift the corpse up. After fixing it, he can only pull it up with a rope.

After fixing the body, Lin Chen collected all the brains of the deceased with a plastic bag and put it in the arms of the deceased.

After the firefighters tied the ropes, they gestured to the person above.

The person above immediately pulled the rope and began to pull the fixed body up.

At a distance of [-] to [-] meters, the people of the rescue team pulled slowly, and mainly collided the corpse with the rock wall greatly, which would cause damage to the corpse.

After pulling the body up, the two ropes were put down again, and a firefighter said to Lin Chen, "Tie the ropes and go up first."

Lin Chen smiled and said that he didn't need it, then tied the rope for Zhang Tianan, and then climbed up the cliff.

The cliff where Lin Chen descended, although it sloped outwards, was easy to descend but difficult to climb up. Without a rope to fix the body, it would be more dangerous.

Under everyone's attention, Lin Chen climbed very fast, reaching the top faster than Zhang Tiannan, who was tied with a rope.

After arriving at the top, it didn't take long for Zhang Tianan to arrive, Lin Chen reached out, pulled Zhang Tianan up, and helped her untie the rope around her waist.

Miao Yunfei looked at Zhang Tian'an and said, "You're scared to come up so high, right?"

Zhang Tian'an exhaled and replied, "It's okay with a rope tied."

"I'm afraid of heights, otherwise I'll go down together," Miao Yunfei said.

She naturally said this to Lin Chen. Seeing Zhang Tian'an and Lin Chen go down hand in hand, Miao Yunfei very much hoped that the person who climbed down hand in hand with Lin Chen was herself.

Miao Yunfei immediately looked at Lin Chen and asked, "Did you find anything after you went down?"

"Yes." Lin Chen nodded.

Zhang Tian'an's voice increased a bit: "...the discovery is very big, and we can already determine who is the murderer who pushed Manager Liu off the cliff."

As soon as Zhang Tianan said these words, the originally noisy scene suddenly became quiet.

The fact that the deceased under the cliff was murdered by him has already spread among the onlookers, and those who are standing here now want to know who the so-called murderer is.

"What, Manager Liu was really killed by him, you already know the murderer?" Huang Li, who was standing beside the corpse, said loudly with a big reaction.

Before Miao Yunfei and the others said that the deceased was killed by him, in fact, people like Huang Li still had some drums in their hearts. After all, Manager Liu fell so deep, Miao Yunfei couldn't see clearly, how did they know who Manager Liu was? Killed by him.

But since the police said it, they just had doubts in their hearts and didn't refute it.

Now that the police have determined who the murderer is, it seems that Manager Liu was indeed killed by him.

"Who is the murderer? Comrade police, tell me quickly." Cai Yuanlai stared at Zhang Tiannan, his fists clenched tightly, as if he knew who the murderer was, he was going to beat him up. appearance.

The fat Yu Jiang quickly raised his hand and shouted, "Comrade police."

After Huang Li and Cai Yuanlai saw Yu Jiang raise his hand, Cai Yuanlai stared and said, "Are you going to admit that you are the murderer?"

"You are the murderer, you idiot." Yu Jiang's hand was still raised, and after scolding Cai Yuan, he said to Zhang Tian, ​​"Comrade police officer, please explain in advance that I'm not the murderer, don't put your hat on my head. superior."

Zhang Tian'an ignored Yu Jiang and looked at Lin Chen instead.

Lin Chen walked to the corpse on the ground, he opened the zipper of the bag containing the corpse, Liu Fa's head was split open, and the bloody corpse appeared in front of everyone.

In the arms of the corpse, there was also a plastic bag containing Liu Fa's brains. .


492 The Murderer Is You

Many people couldn't adapt to seeing the corpse with their own eyes. After the bag containing the corpse was opened, some people who were watching on the side and cast their gazes either covered their stomachs and retched, or vomited directly.

Many people backed away, turned their faces away, and dared not look at the corpse on the ground.

Liu Fa's subordinates Huang Li, Cai Yuanlai, and Cheng Xiaolan also showed a look of fear. After glancing at them, they immediately turned away.

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