"It was a terrible fall... My head split open... The brain is still in a plastic bag... Really..."

"Hey...Look at his lower body, the knee of that leg is about to become muddy, and there is only a layer of skin hanging between the calf and the big leg..."

"It's too miserable, the person who pushed him down is really cruel."

After seeing the corpse, the people around them all started talking.

"Comrade Police."

Huang Li looked at Lin Chen who was standing beside the corpse and asked, "You already know who pushed Manager Liu down. Who is the murderer?"

"Yes." Cai Yuanlai also said, "Who is the murderer?"

Lin Chen looked at them and said, "Today, all of you, the employees of the financial department who came to Climbing Mountain 693, take one step forward."

After hearing the words, Huang Li and Cai Yuan came to Cheng Xiaolan and the other four male employees, all stepped forward.

When the seven employees looked at Lin Chen blankly, Lin Chen spoke again: "No need to look around, the murderer is among the seven of you."

"Ah?" Hearing Lin Chen's words, Huang Li exclaimed in astonishment, her eyes were so wide that an egg could be stuffed into her open mouth.

Cai Yuanlai's expressions were similar, and they were all full of surprise. I didn't expect Lin Chen to say that the murderer was among them.

"Comrade police, did you make a mistake?" Cai Yuanlai's face was a little dull, and he said, "The seven of us are Manager Liu's subordinates. He usually treats us very well, why should we kill him?"

"Yes, yes." Another male colleague also said in disbelief: "Why don't you suspect Yu Jiang, who has a grudge against Manager Liu, but instead blame us? We have no grudges with Manager Liu, why should we kill him?"

Yu Jiang, who was on the side, almost jumped up when he heard the words. He glared and said, "Well, just talk when you talk, and slander me as a murderer. I used to be your boss, a bunch of white-eyed wolves."

Yu Jiang was very angry, and after scolding, he snorted violently.

Zhang Tian'an and Lin Chen have been to the bottom, and they already know who the murderer is.

Miao Yunfei and Xia Miaoyan didn't know, the two women stared at Lin Chen without blinking.

"This gentleman, although I have just arrived here, the police officer Miao has already told me the matter. These people don't seem to have a motive for committing the crime, right?" The policeman leading the rescue team said to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen glanced at the policeman and said, "There are obvious motives for murder, and there are hidden ones. To solve a case, when you can't find a breakthrough in terms of the motive for murder, you can start with the evidence. I can be sure. In other words, the murderer is among these seven people."

Hearing the words, the leading policeman nodded and said, "Then please find the murderer."

"Yes, which of these seven is the murderer?" An aunt asked in the crowd of onlookers.

Lin Chen ignored their words, but said to the seven people, "Now, the seven of you, talk about what you were doing during the time of the crime, and do you have an alibi."

Huang Li: "I don't need to say any more, do I?"

"Need not."

Cai Yuanlai: "I've been with my girlfriend all the time, and we've been climbing mountains together."

Cheng Xiaolan: "Yes, I felt a little hot on the road, and asked Yuanlai to buy me a cucumber soaked in a mountain spring. We came over after receiving a call from Lili."

The gay (bbaa) thing standing next to Cheng Xiaolan: "I'm working hard to climb the mountain. Before going up the mountain, Manager Liu made a bet that whoever reaches the top of the mountain first will win the others by five per person. ten bucks."


After all the seven people had finished speaking, the leading policeman analyzed: "This lady named Huang Li has an alibi, and the couple Cai Yuanlai and Cheng Xiaolan can prove each other, so...they can't give an alibi , there are only four other male employees."

When the four employees who finally rushed over heard the words, their expressions suddenly changed, and they said that the mountain road they were walking on was far away from the mountain road that Manager Liu walked, and it would take a long time to get here, so how could they be the murderer.

The police and others looked at Lin Chen with their inquiring eyes, Lin Chen slowly raised his hand, and his hand stretched out an index finger and pointed at one of the seven people.

"The murderer is you, Cai Yuanlai!" Lin Chen said.

As soon as Lin Chen said this, the scene was quiet for a second or two, and then there was a burst of discussion.

Colleagues who are familiar with Cai Yuanlai know that Cai Yuanlai and Manager Liu have a good relationship, and outsiders who are not familiar with it can see how sad Cai Yuanlai is and hates the murderer after Manager Liu's death.

Moreover, Cai Yuanlai still had an alibi, and Lin Chen actually said that he was the murderer.

"Me?" Cai Yuanlai asked with a look of surprise.

Lin Chen nodded slowly: "Yes, it's you."

"You're not mistaken? How can I be a murderer?" Cai Yuanlai's voice became a little louder, and he raised his voice: "Comrade police, you asked if we had an alibi, I have been with my daughter. My friends are together, how can I kill Manager Liu?"

"Yes." Cheng Xiaolan, Cai Yuanlai's girlfriend, immediately said: "Police, Yuanlai has been with me all the time. I can testify against him that he never left my sight except when he went to the toilet."

Cai Yuan came to the interface and said, "It only takes a minute or two to go to the toilet. It's impossible for me to have a special ability to fly to Manager Liu's side and push him down the mountain?"

Everyone looked at Lin Chen, Cai Yuanlai and Chen Xiaolan quietly. Lin Chen said that Cai Yuanlai was the murderer, but Cai Yuanlai had proof of his alibi. Since there was proof, why did Lin Chen say he was the murderer?

In the eyes of everyone's expectations, Lin Chen said, "Cai Yuanlai, you don't have special abilities and you can't fly. You can come to Manager Liu's side, that's because..."

Lin Chen slightly lengthened his tone, and after a second or two, he continued, "That's because you have a girlfriend who gave you false evidence."

"You! Cheng Xiaolan!" Lin Chen pointed at Cheng Xiaolan and said, "Your boyfriend is the murderer of this murder, and you are his accomplice. You two are not alibi for each other, but protect each other."

"Uh..." Cheng Xiaolan froze in place when he heard Lin Chen's words. .


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Cheng Xiaolan froze in place, her eyes widened, showing panic.

"Comrade police officer, what reason do you have to prove that I am the murderer? You are... too inexplicable, right?" Cai Yuanlai frowned deeply, as if he thought something was wrong with Lin Chen's brain.

"Yuanlai is Manager Liu's right-hand man. How could he be the murderer? It's impossible." Huang Li also shook her head vigorously, indicating that the murderer was not Cai Yuanlai-.

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