"That's why, people can't see anything just by looking at his appearance."

"Why did the young couple kill their boss? I'm curious about this."

The onlookers were talking loudly at the moment. Cai Yuanlai and Cheng Xiaolan's words just now confirmed that they were the murderers of Liu Fa.

A smug smile appeared on Yu Jiang's face: "Let me just say, you brat cares about Liu Fa so much. If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. It turns out that you are the murderer, and you have been slandering Lao Tzu."

After Yu Jiang finished saying this, he was afraid that Lin Chen would be unhappy, so he hurriedly ran to the side after speaking.

Lin Chen stepped in front of Cai Yuanlai and said, "Even if your wife didn't forget to throw away this cuff, it would be easy to find the police dog and your scent."

Cai Yuanlai was held down by several policemen and stopped resisting. There were only Cheng Xiaolan's crying and other people's discussions at the scene.

And Huang Li and other colleagues are still in a state of astonishment and disbelief.

Under Lin Chen's questioning, Cai Yuanlai and Cheng Xiaolan told the motive and the killing process.

When Yu Jiang was the manager of the company's financial department, the subordinates in the department were not very happy, because Yu Jiang's character and temper were not very good.

After Liu Fa discovered that Yu Jiang had misappropriated public funds, he immediately reported the incident to the leader, who fired Yu Jiang.

Cai Yuanlai has a good relationship with Liu Fa. After Liu Fa was promoted to manager, Cai Yuanlai was also promoted to be the financial director by him, and he was considered a small official.

Cai Yuanlai likes to speculate in stocks. He usually likes to hang out in several forums for stock speculation. There is a stock master in the forum. The stocks he recommends can almost go up.

Cai Yuanlai followed this master to buy a few stocks, and they all made money.

Two days after he became the financial director, the stock master posted on the forum and recommended to everyone a bull stock with great potential that could make a lot of money.

Cai Yuanlai is very confident in this stock analysis master, which can be said to be blind worship. He really wants to buy the stock recommended by the master, but the money on hand is tied up, and he has no spare money to invest at all.

Seeing that the duck with its mouth was about to fly, Cai Yuanlai made a decision, that is, embezzling public funds to invest in stocks.

Cai Yuanlai was the financial director. It happened that during that time, Liu Fa was often on business trips and had a lot of things at home. He successfully transferred the company's money to stocks.

He was looking forward to making a lot of money, but unfortunately, the money was not earned, but he lost the public money, and the stocks he bought couldn't be sold.

Cai Yuanlai couldn't afford the money. In a hurry, he transferred another sum of money from the company. He wanted to make money. He did it so skillfully that even Liu Fa, the manager, didn't notice it.

Slowly, Cai Yuanlai fell deeper and deeper. In just one month, he was unable to extricate himself from it and could no longer repay the money embezzled from the company.

Just a few days ago, Cai Yuanlai's behavior was finally revealed. Liu Fa believed in this subordinate, but this subordinate, like the previous manager, secretly embezzled public funds.

Liu Fa was very angry, he called Cai Yuanlai to the office and scolded him severely.

Cai Yuanlai cried and apologized, Liu Fa pointed his finger at his nose, and said, "... give you two weeks at most to make up all the money that was embezzled, and if you reform, I don't have to deal with you, you will still be in the future. Financial Officer."

Cai Yuanlai nodded again and again at that time, patted (Wang Qian's) ion and promised that the money would be made up within two weeks.

But he embezzled a huge sum of money. He asked relatives and friends to borrow it, but he couldn't borrow much money at all, and he couldn't repay the losses after embezzlement.

As a girlfriend, Cheng Xiaolan knew about her boyfriend's embezzlement of public funds. At the beginning, she advised Cai Yuanlai not to do that, but Cai Yuanlai also scolded her for having long hair and short knowledge and making money. If she let it go, she would be a pure fool.

After failing to fill the huge gap, Cheng Xiaolan cried every day when she returned home, feeling that it was over.

If the money is not paid, the boss will definitely sue Cai Yuanlai after Manager Liu reports the matter to the boss.

Cai Yuanlai's heart was also very anxious, and he didn't know what to do. They didn't want to come to climb the mountain today, but they finally came.

When the two were climbing the mountain together, Cai Yuanlai, who was desperate, came up with a plan and felt that the opportunity had come. .


497 Say a few words alone [4 more for subscription]

If you don't pay, you will be prosecuted and imprisoned, and Manager Liu didn't tell anyone else about this.

The public funds that Cai Yuanlai embezzled are almost all cash, and they have not gone through bank channels.

If Manager Liu died, no one would know about Cai Yuanlai's embezzlement of public funds, and the charge of embezzling public funds would be pushed to Manager Liu.

Anyway, a dead person has been wronged, and it is impossible to refute it.

After this thought came to mind, it quickly took over Cai Yuanlai's brain.

Cai Yuanlai told his wife his inner thoughts, pushed Manager Liu off the cliff, and made others think that he accidentally fell off the cliff, and then it can be said that he embezzled public funds.

When Cheng Xiaolan first heard her boyfriend's idea, her first thought was that her boyfriend was crazy, how could she have such a terrible idea.

But after hearing her boyfriend's analysis, Cheng Xiaolan fell silent.

The couple was silent for a long time, and finally made a decision for their own benefit.

That is to push Manager Liu off the cliff and fall to his death, making people think that he stumbled and died. In this way, Cai Yuanlai will not only not have to make up the hole of embezzlement of public funds, but also the position of financial manager is very likely to be his, won't it be beautiful?

Cai Yuanlai was born in the village next to Huanya Mountain. When he was a child, he climbed Huanya Mountain to play. When he was a child, his playmates were very naughty and liked to take some dangerous and dangerous roads.

They walk on small roads and climb cliffs, just like those children living by the sea who are good at water and can swim. Cai Yuanlai, the children who live under the cliffs and mountains, are all good at rock climbing.

The most important thing is that Cai Yuanlai is very familiar with Huanya Mountain.

So, Cai Yuanlai and Cheng Xiaolan quickened their pace and came here to wait for Manager Liu.

Cheng Xiaolan gave Cai Yuan a look at the wind, but there was no one nearby for the time being, and Cai Yuanlai was sitting in the position where Manager Liu fell off the cliff and there was no guardrail beside him.

Manager Liu came soon. He was very surprised to see Cai Yuanlai in front. They walked separately and took different paths. I don't know why Cai Yuanlai appeared in front.

Manager Liu stepped forward, Cai Yuanlai pretended to be very happy and told Manager Liu that his family had borrowed money for him, and he could fill the hole in the company tomorrow.

When Manager Liu heard the words at the time, he patted Cai Yuanlai on the shoulder with relief, saying that it is normal for young people to make mistakes, as long as they can correct their mistakes.

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