Manager Liu would not have expected that after he finished saying this, Cai Yuanlai rushed towards him without any quarrel, and pushed him fiercely towards the cliff.

Cai Yuanlai is tall and strong, but manager Liu (bbaf) is not physically as good as him.

Manager Liu, who let out a scream, was violently pushed out, but before being pushed out, his right hand caught one of Cai Yuanlai's hands, breaking the sunscreen cuff on his hand.

Manager Liu screamed and fell to his death while clutching Cai Yuanlai's sleeve.

Cai Yuanlai was shocked. The plan was good, but the sleeve was actually broken.

The sleeves must be brought back, or else it will be finished.

In a hurry, Cai Yuanlai took off the intact sleeve on the other hand and threw it to his girlfriend, asking her to find a place to throw it, and then he climbed down the cliff.

Cai Yuanlai was afraid of this kind of place since he was a child. He quickly climbed to the bottom of the cliff, pulled the sleeve back from Manager Liu's hand, and left the rock wall next to him, and walked into a path. The sleeve was thrown by him to the bottom of the cliff.

And his girlfriend, because she was nervous, thought no one would find out, and forgot to throw a cuff away.

I thought all this was done without anyone knowing, and no one saw it, but Cai Yuanlai was very unlucky and ran into Lin Chen.

Otherwise, if the rescue team were to carry the body first and destroy the original scene, the police might really think that he fell off the cliff.

Hearing Cai Yuan finish saying this, Huang Li's tears fell again.

She pointed at Cai Yuanlai and said, "Cai Yuanlai, you are a bastard, you are a bastard, Manager Liu is so kind to you, and he will give you two weeks of repayment time, you... actually don't want to fill the hole, but... ... push him off the cliff ... are you human?"

Cai Yuanlai cried: "I can't get the money, I can't help it, I can't help it..."

"You are really not a thing." Other colleagues also pointed at Cai Yuanlai's nose and cursed.

Huang Li cried, and the other two male colleagues also wiped away tears.

The leading police officer walked up to Lin Chen and shot at Lin Chen: "Mr. Lin, thank you very much."

Lin Chen shook hands with him and said, "It's nothing."

After the police brought Cai Yuanlai and Chen Xiaolan under control, Lin Chen waved to Huang Li: "Miss Huang."

When Huang Li saw Lin Chen calling her, she hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Comrade police, what's the matter?"

Lin Chen pointed to the road ahead and said, "I want to tell you something alone, let's walk a few steps over there."

Huang Li was a little puzzled and didn't know what Lin Chen was going to tell her, but she still followed Lin Chen and walked forward.

When Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan saw this, they didn't follow, they just stood there and looked at the backs of Lin Chen and Huang Li.

After walking a few dozen meters, Huang Li couldn't hold back her curiosity and asked Lin Chen, "Why did you ask me to come here with you?"

"Miss Huang, are you married?"

Huang Li was stunned for a moment and replied, "I'm married."

"Are there any kids?"

"Have a child."

"Is the marriage unhappy?"

"Uh...why do you ask that?"

Lin Chen smiled and said, "Miss Huang, if I'm not mistaken, your relationship with Manager Liu Fa is unusual, right?"

When talking about the three words unusual, Lin Chen raised his eyebrows.

Huang Li's eyes showed shock: "You... what do you mean by that?"

"Don't be so nervous." Lin Chen said, "As soon as you got here, you recognized the person under the cliff as Manager Liu. We thought you were the murderer at first, but you were not."

"If you look down, you can be sure that it is Liu Fa, which means that you are very familiar with him, and you can recognize him at a glance."

"You shed tears quickly. Others are not as sad as you, nor as many tears as you. I think your relationship with Manager Liu is deeper than others."

"When you mentioned Manager Liu's wife, you had a strange look in your eyes. I saw hatred in your eyes."

"Based on these, my inference is that your relationship with Liu Fa is not ordinary, not an ordinary boss-subordinate relationship. You should be his lover, right?"

"Uh...ah..." Huang Li's eyes were full of horror, an expression of being seen through.

Lin Chen smiled: "Looks like I'm right, when we took your mobile phone, you were very nervous, staring straight at my hand holding the mobile phone, you are afraid that the mobile phone is in someone else's hand, is it inside the mobile phone, there is something in it? Intimate photos of you and Liu Fa, or rather, chuang photos?"


PS: The case is over, and then there will be some daily plots, and then the protagonist goes to Mohai City. .


498 It's too superficial [Subscribe]

Huang Li was stopped by Lin Chen's successive speculations, the expression on her face froze there, and her eyes stared at Lin Chen motionless.

It's not that she is looking directly at Lin Chen, but her heart is very confused at the moment, her eyes seem to be staring at Lin Chen, but in fact, her eyes are out of focus.

Lin Chen's speculation is not wrong, the relationship between Huang Li and Liu Fa is indeed unusual.

In the company, Liu Fa treats people with humility and is the leader of Huang Li. The subordinates all love and respect Liu Fa very much. Working with such a good leader is a lot more pleasing.

Huang Li is an accountant in the finance department. At work, she naturally has a lot of intersection with Liu Fa, the finance department manager.

Huang Li got married and had a child with her husband, but the relationship between Huang Li and her husband has not been very good. After her husband's whereabouts were often strange, Huang Li finally found out that her husband had another woman outside.

After Huang Li found out, she didn't say it. She was very revengeful, thinking that you can get along with other women behind my back, why can't I hang out with other men behind your back, and put a green hat on you Woolen cloth?

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