Huang Li thought of cuckolding her husband, and she also admired Manager Liu of the department.

Manager Liu is not a good person either. The female subordinates are relatively close, so he pushes the boat along the way, and the two develop an underground romance. Huang Li also successfully put a fresh green hat on her husband.

As Lin Chen said, when she arrived at the scene, she recognized Liu Fa under the cliff at first sight. She and Liu Fa had been together for a long time, and she was very familiar with this man.

I cried sadly, naturally because of the relationship between the two.

Lin Chen guessed correctly about the cell phone that he didn't want to give to outsiders. In Huang Li's photo album, there were intimate photos that she and Manager Liu took together in the hotel last night. The original photos of her and Liu Fa were all It was encrypted, but Huang Li's husband was not at home for the past two days, so Huang Li didn't pay much attention.

It wasn't until Lin Chen looked at the group photo that Huang Li remembered that the photo with Liu Fa last night was not encrypted and was stored in the album.

"I..." Huang Li was very confused by what Lin Chen said, and didn't know how to answer Lin Chen.

Seeing this, Lin Chen smiled slightly, and said, "If you don't know how to answer, then you don't need to answer. I got the answer I wanted from your reaction."

"How you and Liu Fa are none of my business. I called you over to talk about this, just to confirm some speculations about your behavior."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he didn't speak to Huang Li anymore, and walked back.

Huang Li was still standing in the same place, looking at Lin Chen's tall back, she was thinking, why is this young man's observation ability so careful, and how cunning his behavior analysis is, how can he infer so many things based on some of his own behaviors Come.

Huang Li is just a company accountant, and she doesn't know the famous detective Lin Chenlin on the Internet.

After Lin Chen walked back to Miao Yunfei and the others, Miao Yunfei looked at Lin Chen and asked, "You called Huang Li over, what did you tell her?"

"I'll tell you later." After Lin Chen finished speaking, he walked up and explained a few words to the policemen, and then said to the three girls and Xiaohui, "Okay, it's been a long time, we should go too. ."


The three girls agreed and followed behind Lin Chen.

Now some people have recognized Lin Chen's identity, and one of the policemen has also recognized it.

However, there are more people who don't know Lin Chen at the scene. Some people have never heard of Lin Chen's case, so Lin Chen's identity has not caused any waves. Generally, high-profile.

After leaving here, Miao Yunfei asked Lin Chen again what she said to Huang Li, and Zhang Tian'an and Xia Miaoyan were also very curious.

Lin Chen hugged Xiaohui and explained to them, "Although Huang Li is not a murderer, her actions are quite suspicious. I just said my reasoning about her actions. She didn't admit it herself, but Her eyes and expression have admitted it."

Immediately, Lin Chen told the three daughters about Huang Li's actions and what she had just said to her.

After the three girls heard it, they showed a stunned expression.

It is understandable why Huang Li was like that before.

"Master, you are not only handsome, but also the smartest person I have ever met." Xia Miaoyan looked at Lin Chen with a smile.

Lin Chen glanced at Xia Miaoyan, and said, "This flattery is too superficial. Retake it."

When Xia Miaoyan heard this, her big eyes turned slightly and said, "Master, your handsomeness and intelligence are only outward expressions, in fact, I like your inner side, you have connotation, self-discipline, and personable demeanor, you……"

· · Flowers

Xia Miaoyan wanted to go on, but Miao Yunfei stopped her: "Stop, Miaoyan, just say a few words, don't praise him so much, I feel sick to my stomach."

Xia Miaoyan stuck out her tongue, and laughed.

Zhang Tiannan and Miao Yunfei also laughed, and Xiaohui also giggled with joy.

Lin Chen smiled when she saw Xiaohui in her hands, and she asked, "Do you know what my brother and sister are laughing at?"

"I don't know." Xiaohui said with a serious expression, "Anyway, when my brothers and sisters are happy, Xiaohui is happy."

Zhang Tiannan and Miao Yunfei have been in contact with various criminal cases all the year round, and they did not affect the mood of climbing the mountain because of the cliff fall.


Because Xia Miaoyan could follow Lin Chen, she didn't take that case too much into her heart.

The group of five went all the way along the road to the top of the mountain, talking and laughing along the way, but also very relaxed and comfortable.

After walking for more than an hour, the group stopped in a rest area.

Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan took Xiaohui to the toilet, but Xia Miaoyan didn't go.

Xia Miaoyan looked at the small shop in front of her. She pointed to the fruit in the water basin in front of the shop and said, "Master, I want to eat that..."

"Which one?" Lin Chen looked at the bowl full of fruits.

"It's a cucumber." Xia Miaoyan said.

"How can you eat such an evil thing?" Lin Chen asked rhetorically.

When Xia Miaoyan heard the words, her pretty face turned red.

As a college student who often contacts the Internet, how could Xia Miaoyan not understand what Lin Chen meant.

"Master, I don't understand what you said. Anyway, I'm thirsty, so I just want to eat a cucumber to quench my thirst." Xia Miaoyan said angrily.

Lin Chen had no choice but to take out ten yuan and hand it to her: "buy, buy, buy, take it."

"Thank you, master." Xia Miaoyan happily took ten yuan and bought a cucumber from the shop owner. She walked to Lin Chen and put the cucumber to Lin Chen's mouth: "Master, do you want to come? One bite?"

"No, you can just eat." Lin Chen waved his hand. .


499 Reaching the top of the mountain [2 more for subscription]

Xia Miaoyan held the cucumber in her hand and ate it in small bites.

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