The cucumbers are very fresh and have a crisp taste, and every bite is crunching in the mouth.

The cucumber is soaked in the mountain spring water flowing out of the rock, and the whole body is cold. It is really a pleasure to sit here and eat a cold cucumber after climbing the mountain.

Xia Miaoyan ate several mouthfuls in a row and felt that the taste was very good, so she put the cucumber to Lin Chen's mouth: "Master, this cucumber is delicious, why don't you have a mouthful too."

"I don't want what you have eaten." Lin Chen didn't really want to eat cucumbers.

"People's saliva isn't dirty. You can take a bite. It's really delicious." Xia Miaoyan didn't care about Lin Chen, she just stuffed the cucumber into Lin Chen's mouth and let him eat it.

Lin Chen had no choice but to take a bite.

The taste of this cucumber is quite good. Lin Chen chewed two bites of "[-]", and Xia Miaoyan asked expectantly, "Master, how is it, I didn't lie to you, did I?"

"Well, the taste is okay, just ten dollars a piece, which is a bit expensive." Lin Chen smiled.

"I also think it's expensive, but it's okay, it's not my money." Xia Miaoyan chuckled and continued to eat the cucumber in her hand.

Soon, Miao Yunfei, Zhang Tianan and Xiaohui came back from going to the toilet. When Xia Miaoyan saw Xiaohui, she immediately walked over with the cucumber and gave Xiaohui a bite. Xiaohui liked it very much. The remaining half of the cucumber was wiped out in her mouth.

"Come on, brother hug." Lin Chen opened his arms to Xiaohui.

Xiaohui heard the words and shook her head: "Brother, I'm not tired now, I can go by myself."

"Then go by yourself." Xia Miaoyan touched Mo Xiaohui's head with a smile in her eyes.

There was a section of shady bluestone stairs in front. Xiaohui took off the small slippers on her feet, grabbed them in her hands, and climbed up barefoot.

Despite being tired and sweating profusely, Xiaohui climbed happily.

Walking on this shady staircase, Zhang Tian'an stretched lazily and sighed, "Hey... After I go back from here, I have to start working hard every day and come into contact with those troublesome cases. It's so tiring."

When Miao Yunfei heard this, she couldn't help but say, "Tian Nuan, even if you don't have a job, you've been involved in fewer cases these days?"

"Uh..." Zhang Tianan thought for a while, then laughed, and she said, "Yes, after we came out of Tianhai City, we encountered the case of hanging corpses in the street lamp in Dongming City, and the hotel case on the way to Huanyashan. , I climbed this cliff ring and encountered a cliff fall case, and when I came out to play, I encountered three cases."

"Yes." Miao Yunfei glanced at Lin Chen who was walking in front, and said, "So I have an illusion now."

"What illusion?" Zhang Tian'an asked.

Miao Yunfei said, "We didn't come out to travel, we went out to solve the case all the way."

"Yes, yes..." Xia Miaoyan agreed, "I feel the same way."

After finishing speaking, Xia Miaoyan glanced at Lin Chen and said, "I think as long as there is a master there, there will be murders."

Lin Chen, who was walking in front, paused slightly after hearing Xia Miaoyan's words.

He turned around, looked at Xia Miaoyan, frowned and said, "Miaoyan, there is something wrong with what you said, why did you make me say something like a god of plague?"

Xia Miaoyan said dumbly, "Master, if you say that, it's really a bit like it..."

Zhang Tian'an and Miao Yunfei also laughed.

Zhang Tianan said, "Miaoyan is right."

"Lin Chen, you should go out less in the future, it's not good for others." Miao Yunfei also said.

The three girls joked about Lin Chen, and the three helped each other, saying that Lin Chen didn't know how to refute their remarks.

Xiaohui looked up at Lin Chen and asked, "Brother, what is the god of plague?"

Hearing this, Lin Chen explained to Xiaohui, "God of's a bad thing. Wherever the God of Plague goes, there will be danger there."

"Oh." Xiaohui said: "Then brother is not the god of plague, Xiaohui likes to play with brother."

As soon as Xiaohui finished speaking, she stepped on the air and sat down on the steps, frowning in pain.

As time passed slowly, Lin Chen and the others were getting closer and closer to the top of the mountain. At the end, there was a 45-degree high step with a length of more than [-] meters. As long as you climb this high step, You can reach the top of Huanya Mountain, and the mountains are small at a glance.

Xiaohui had no strength to walk, and was held in Lin Chen's hands, Xia Miaoyan and Zhang Tian warmed them up, grabbing the guardrail by the roadside, and walking upwards with difficulty.

Miao Yunfei couldn't help but said, "Lin Chen, you are a pervert. With a backpack on your back and a child in your arms, you are not tired at all from climbing mountains..."

Lin Chen turned his head to look at Miao Yunfei, and responded, "Why don't you say that you are physically weak, the three of you, hurry up, Xiaohui and I will wait for you at the top of the mountain."

After leaving this sentence, Lin Chen accelerated the pace of mountain climbing and walked towards the top of the mountain quickly.

Lin Chen's speed surpassed some of the climbers who were walking these steps. When they saw Lin Chen's speed so fast, they all cast curious glances.

A few young people saw that Lin Chen was walking so fast, and felt that Lin Chen was just sprinting for a while. It was impossible for him to run up the stairs at this angle for a long time.

But soon they were dumbfounded. Lin Chen's speed not only became faster and faster, but also lasted for a long time. He walked to the top of the mountain without stopping, looking down at Miao Yunfei and the others below.

Lin Chen put Xiaohui on the ground on the top of the mountain, and Xiaohui waved to Xia Miaoyan and the others below: "Sister, sister, hurry up, Xiaohui has already climbed to the top of the mountain..."

Xiaohui, who came to the top of the mountain, looked very happy.

It was already evening, the sun was setting in the west, and the entire mountain top was shrouded in the brilliance of the setting sun.

The sunset fell on Lin Chen and Xiaohui, and also fell on everyone's heart, intoxicated by this beautiful sunset.

After Lin Chen and Xiaohui waited for a while, Xia Miaoyan, Miao Yunfei and the others walked up with a tired look.

The last section of the road was really steep. On the way to 0.7, they all grabbed the guardrail and came up. Their legs were so soft that they were afraid that they would not be able to step on it firmly and rolled down the steps.

Lin Chen handed the purchased water to the three daughters. After the three daughters took a few sips of water, they recovered a little.

Miao Yunfei looked at the sunset that day and praised: "Wow, what a beautiful sunset."

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