"Don't be in such a hurry." Lin Chen let Xia Miaoyan shake himself, and he said, "It's not a very subtle method. I'll tell you when I go to Tianhai Lake next week, okay?"

Hearing Lin Chen say that after going to Tianhai Lake and then explaining the reason, Zhang Tian'an and Xia Miaoyan did not entangle him any more.

The next day is Monday, and a new week begins. .


516 Is it a hype [3 more for subscription]

Early in the morning, Lin Chen drove Xia Miaoyan to Donglin University.

In the afternoon, Lin Chen went to the company in the commercial building in the city center. The reason for going was that the company had some important decisions for Lin Chen to make up his mind.

Penguin Chat has developed to the present, and the number of users is increasing every day. Now the number of users of Penguin Chat has reached tens of millions.

And with the penguin chat as the center, some of the surrounding things are doing well, such as the game that Lin Chen proposed before, the number of players increased sharply after the public beta, this new game has brought great benefits to Lin Chen's company .

Now Penguin Chat no longer needs Lin Chen to invest money in it, because it has gradually become a rooster that can lay golden eggs and is on the road to profitability.

Lin Chen went to the company and held a two-hour meeting with Shen Qiu, Shenyue, Qi Hongyuan, and several company managers. During the meeting, the ideas and concepts for the company's development were determined, as well as some other matters.

Another important point is that the company is preparing to relocate, leaving only one branch in Tianhai City, and relocating the company headquarters of Penguin Chat to the metropolis of Mohai City.

Mohai City is a metropolis directly under the jurisdiction of China. Compared with Tianhai City, Tianhai City is like a small river, while Mohai City is a big lake.

In Mohai City, there are more opportunities, and more talents can be recruited there, which is of great help to the development of the company.

With the growth of Lin Chen's company, more and more talents are needed in all aspects. With the recent graduates of Donglin University, some things cannot be done the best.

Now that the company has Shen Qiu and Shen Yue, Lin Chen is very at ease with them. If the company's headquarters is set up in Mohai City, they will be in charge, and Lin Chen doesn't need to worry much.

Shen Qiu's opinion is that in the most prosperous urban area of ​​Mohai City, rent an office space and transfer the company's focus to Mohai City.

Because the number of active users of Penguin Chat is already developing towards the unit of [-] million.

After Lin Chen agreed, Shen Qiu and Shenyue immediately got busy, first set up the office location and staff dormitory in Mohai City, and then took most of the employees to Mohai City.

Before leaving, Shen Qiu looked at Lin Chen and asked, "Boss, you just leave the company to us with such confidence, don't you go to the magic sea with you?"

Lin Chen heard the words, smiled slightly, and responded: "I trust you two sisters, and I believe that when you get there, you can handle the company well, I won't go there for the time being, and I will come back to Mohai after the students are on vacation. "

"Wait for the holiday." Shen Qiu thought for a while: "That's more than three weeks. When the time comes, boss, we will fix everything on our side. That's fine. I'll go over first and get busy, and wait. Come and check in three weeks."

Lin Chen nodded, and after talking to Shen Qiu a few words, Shen Qiu bumped his sister Shen Yue who was standing beside her with his shoulder, and said, "You bastard, you often talk to me about the boss in private, and praise the boss. , who praised the boss, why every time the boss stands in front of you, you always don't speak."

Shen Yue was very embarrassed by what her elder sister said, she frowned and complained: "Sister, don't talk nonsense, how can I have it."

After Shen Yue finished speaking, Qiao Mu glanced at Lin Chen and said, "Boss, then my sister and I will be waiting for you in Mohai City."

"Okay." Lin Chen said with a smile: "Don't work too hard, see you in the magic sea in three weeks."

"Enen." Shen Yue looked at Lin Chen, her little face blushing.

These twin sisters are slightly inferior to Xia Miaoyan and Miao Yunfei in terms of appearance, but Shen Qiu and Shen Yue have the advantage that they are twins.

This pair of almost identical twins together is not the ordinary effect of one plus one equals two. The essence of the twins is very attractive to men.

Shen Qiu, Shen Yue and the others left early the next morning. Qi Hongyuan temporarily stayed at the branch in Tianhai, and went to Mohai City in a few days.

The days passed quickly, and the day when I made an appointment with Xia Miaoyan to go to Tianhai Lake to see the water monster on Saturday came soon.

In the past few days, there have been water monsters in Tianhai Lake, and there may be a plesiosaur on the bottom of the water, which has become more and more evil.

Many people believe that there must be water monsters at the bottom of the lake. Maybe the bottom of the lake is connected to the underground world, and those extinct Jurassic creatures came from the underground world to the surface world.

Some people say that there are not only plesiosaurs, but also Tyrannosaurus rex underwater. For these whimsical speculations, people with a discerning eye can see that it is impossible, and they are completely blind.

However, some people who are more fond of unknown creatures discuss it very actively and are willing to believe that there are really prehistoric creatures.

In addition to some photos taken on the lake at the beginning of the news, citizens who went to Tianhai City in the past few days also took some photos that they thought they had taken a water monster.

However, after those photos were uploaded to the Internet, they were immediately rejected, and there were no traces of water monsters in the photos.

Because of the water monster incident, the attention of Tianhai Lake has suddenly increased, and the number of tourists visiting Tianhai Lake every day has doubled compared to the past.

If this is a hype event, it can only be said that this is a successful hype, and the Tianhai Lake tourist attraction that has been silent for many years has returned to the public's attention.

On Saturday morning, Xia Miaoyan and Zhang Tiannan got up early. Besides them and Xiaohui, there was another person who was going to Tianhai Lake, and that person was Jiang Yaxian.

As for Miao Yunfei, because she felt a little uncomfortable, she called Lin Chen and said that she would not go, she did not believe in any water monsters, and was not interested in going to Tianhai Lake.

After Jiang Yaxian came to Lin Chen's house and saw Lin Chen and the others, Jiang Yaxian smiled and said, "... hurry up, if you go late, Tianhai Lake will be overcrowded again."

Jiang Yaxian parked her Porsche at the door of Lin Chen's (Wang Li's) house, and took Lin Chen's car away together.

On the way, Jiang Yaxian said to Lin Chen, "Lin Chen, do you think the Tianhai Lake monster is a hype?"

"I didn't know, I don't know." Lin Chen drove the car and shook his head slightly.

"If it's a hype, it's really successful." Zhang Tianan smiled.

They went to Tianhai Lake not only to see if there were really water monsters, but also to have fun.

Along the way, the three girls chatted, Xia Miaoyan and Jiang Yaxian were relatively unfamiliar, but Jiang Yaxian had no pretence, and the two quickly chatted very speculatively.

After driving on the road for a long time, the car finally arrived at the largest freshwater lake in Qingyang Province, Tianhai Lake.

There are many cars parked in the parking lot next to the ticket office of Tianhai Lake. These tourists come here because of the water monster.

Lin Chen bought tickets with a few girls and walked in from the entrance. .

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