517 There is a possibility [4 more subscriptions]

Due to the decline of Tianhai Lake in recent years, when entering the entrance, you can see that the blue bricks on the ground are broken and the guardrails on both sides are damaged. These facilities have not been repaired for a long time.

Go down the road and you will come to the edge of Tianhai Lake.

Tianhai Lake is really big. Although the tourist attractions have declined, the water in the lake is still very clear. The clear lake water and the transparent fish swimming in the water make people want to hold them up. Take a sip from the lake.

After going down to the lake, Lin Chen looked around and said softly, "This day, the lake is very large, surrounded by mountains, and the mountains are full of tall trees. At night, this place is really a bit gloomy."

"Yeah." Jiang Yaxian nodded in agreement and said, "It's fine during the day, but staying here at night can't help but feel a little overcast."

Jiang Yaxian is different from Xia Miaoyan and Zhang Tianan. As the daughter of Emperor Sky Entertainment, she often appears on the TV screen, and she is more or less a public figure.

Therefore, when traveling, Jiang Yaxian wears a pair of large black sunglasses on the bridge of her nose to cover her face.


Xia Miaoyan leaned against the rock guardrail by the lake, she opened her arms and breathed in the fresh air of Tianhai Lake, and said, "Wow... I'm here for the first time, the lake here is really beautiful and the air is good too. Oh."

Xiaohui is small, she is standing beside Xia Miaoyan, holding the pole of the guardrail with her little hands, her little face sticking to the guardrail, full of smiles.

The girls sighed at the beauty and fresh air of Tianhai Lake. Today, there are not too many people in Tianhai Lake, and there are not many boats floating on the lake. There are still quite a lot of people in the place where fishing and picnics and barbecues are provided. .

Others, holding binoculars and high-definition cameras, walked along the lake, leaning against the ticket office. There was a long lakeside road built by the lake, but there was no such thing as a steep mountain wall on the other side.

"Master." Xia Miaoyan pointed to the place where the electric boat was rented and said, "Let's rent a boat and go shopping on the lake."

"Don't you think there is a plesiosaur in the lake? Go to the lake by boat. What if a plesiosaur emerges?" Lin Chen joked.

Xia Miaoyan smiled: "No, (bbcg) if there is a master, even if there is a plesiosaur, I am not afraid."

A few people chatted and laughed, and walked towards the rental electric boat.

Five or six years ago, iron boats and some motor boats controlled by staff were mostly used on Tianhai Lake. Now, the shotgun has been replaced by the gun, and the iron boat has been replaced by an electric boat.

Of course, in terms of price, it is also much more expensive than in the past, 150 yuan per hour.

Lin Chen and the others rented it for two hours, and then got into the electric boat.

The operation of the electric boat is very simple. With a power switch, a steering wheel, and a foot pedal, Lin Chen controls the electric boat and drives the boat towards the center of the lake.

Electric boats are not fast, but within the acceptable range.

The boat was sailing on the lake. Zhang Tiannian, Xia Miaoyan, Jiang Yaxian and the others who were sitting in the boat stretched their hands out of the boat and fiddled with the clear lake water.

The lake is cold, and it is very comfortable to paddle your hands in the water.

Today's weather is nice and sunny. After Lin Chen drove the electric boat for a while, Xia Miaoyan couldn't hold it any longer and said that she would also drive, so Lin Chen gave her the position and let her control the steering wheel.

After driving for a few minutes, Xia Miaoyan sighed, "The speed of this boat is so slow, it would be great if it burned gasoline."

"The speed of burning gasoline is dangerous." Lin Chen said with a smile: "Besides, if the speed is fast, you can finish visiting Tianhai Lake in three or two strokes, how can they make money?"

"Yes." Xia Miaoyan nodded understandingly.

After playing on the lake for more than an hour, Xia Miaoyan, who had been ready to pick up her mobile phone to take pictures at any time, said slightly disappointed: "The lake water is very calm, except for some small fish, there are no big fish at all, let alone water monsters. ."

Lin Chen's attention fell on the mountain wall opposite.

Lin Chen looked at this mountain wall. Judging from the steepness of the mountain wall, it was very difficult for the three people who disappeared from Tianhai Lake to leave.

And three people wearing life jackets, lying on the cliff, are also very conspicuous, they should be seen.

Seeing Lin Chen staring at the opposite mountain wall in a daze, Zhang Tianan asked, "Are you thinking about that case back then?"

"Well." Lin Chen nodded, still looking at the other side.

"The case back then?" Jiang Yaxian asked curiously, "What was the case back then?"

Zhang Tianan looked at Jiang Yaxian and said, "You must have heard of it, that three tourists took a tin boat to play in Tianhai Lake, but they disappeared mysteriously. It is rumored that they were captured by water ghosts and eaten by water monsters. "

"Oh, that's it." Jiang Yaxian showed a stunned expression: "I know about this, it was very evil on the Internet at the time, I remember someone saying on the Internet that you will stand on the shore of Tianhai Lake in the dead of night. On the side, the sound of women crying can be heard from the lake."

"If you look closely, you can still see many female ghosts gazing on the water, and you can also see hanging female ghosts on the road by the shore. The female ghost on the water committed suicide by throwing herself into the lake because of emotional problems. At night, They climbed up from the bottom of the lake, weeping sadly, and missing their heartless lover."

"The one on the tree committed suicide by hanging. It is rumored that many people died in this lake back then, and there are many skeletons in the lake."

Xia Miaoyan's courage was the least, and when she heard Jiang Yaxian's words, she said, "Sister Yaxian, fortunately it is broad day and there is sunshine, if it is night, I have to be scared by you, what you said , is more terrifying than the water monster."

Jiang Yaxian smiled and said, "You're so timid, hehe, what I'm talking about is just made up by those people on the Internet to gain attention."

As the daughter of a brokerage company, Jiang Yaxian has a very thorough understanding of the Internet and hype. Now, which artist does not need hype to gain some popularity.

"One of the things you said is true." Zhang Tianai suddenly said.

Hearing Zhang Tiannan's words, both Xia Miaoyan and Jiang Yaxian cast curious eyes.

Zhang Tianan said: "In the past, many people in Tianhai Lake came here to commit suicide by throwing themselves in the lake. They hanged themselves on the trees on the shore. In recent years, there have been several suicide cases by throwing themselves into the lake."

The three girls were talking about this topic, but Lin Chen remained silent.

After a while, Lin Chen said: "If those three people didn't leave from the opposite mountain wall, then they disappeared into the lake like the world evaporated, there is only one possibility."

"What's the possibility?" Zhang Tian'an asked hurriedly. .


518 Ready to go to Mohai City 【Subscription】

Xia Miaoyan and Jiang Yaxian also looked at Lin Chen. The three tourists just disappeared in the center of Tianhai Lake. There have been different opinions on how they disappeared.

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