Xia Miaoyan frowned and said, "Ah? Master, you asked the repair shop to change the tires last time, and it cost a lot of money. Why are they like this?"

"It's okay." Lin Chen said, "Just change another tire."

Lin Chen immediately called the expressway rescue, and soon the rescue car came.

Lin Chen's car was towed to the next service area, where a brand new tire was replaced.

The master of the auto repair shop told Lin Chen that the tire he put on before was really bad. It was obvious that they were cheating on out-of-towners. The mechanic also scolded them for hurting people. The tire blew out on the highway. , that is very dangerous.

After being delayed by the tire thing, the time to arrive at Mohai City will be delayed.

At about ten o'clock in the evening, the car drove into the bustling Mohai City.

As soon as I came to Mohai City, I could immediately feel the gap between Tianhai City and her, and I felt a little bit too small.

After getting off the viaduct, Lin Chen was going to find a hotel to stay for one night, but Xia Miaoyan had a relative in Shanbao District, and her parents brought something from the countryside for Xia Miaoyan to deliver.

The distance shown on the map is not too far. Those brought will be delivered to Xia Miaoyan's relatives tonight, and then find a hotel nearby.

When the car was driving on the road, Xia Miaoyan suddenly turned her head and said to Lin Chen, "Master, find a toilet, I want to go to the toilet."

Seeing Xia Miaoyan's appearance, Lin Chen nodded and speeded up the car. After a few minutes, he finally found a public toilet on the side of the road.

It's almost twelve o'clock in the evening, there are no vehicles on this stretch of road, and the public toilet is on the side of the road.

Xia Miaoyan got out of the car and glanced at the dark toilet, she was a little hesitant.

Seeing this, Lin Chen got out of the car and handed a flashlight to Xia Miaoyan. .


523 The voice-activated light that went out [2 more subscriptions]

Lin Chen handed the flashlight to Xia Miaoyan and said, "Well, take it."

Xia Miaoyan took the flashlight handed by Lin Chen. She glanced at the dark public toilet again and said to Lin Chen, "Master, can you wait for me at the door?"

It's not that Xia Miaoyan is timid, but it's very late at the moment. This is a suburb. There are no pedestrians or vehicles on the road, and the location is relatively remote. The public toilet is set up outside a small forest. After the toilet, it is pitch black. Small woods -.

"Okay." Lin Chen nodded and stood at the door of the women's toilet waiting for Xia Miaoyan to go to the toilet. There was nothing.

Hearing this, Xia Miaoyan smiled slightly, but her brows were still wrinkled. There was no other reason. She drank too much water in the car, and it was really uncomfortable to hold back.

Xia Miaoyan stepped up and walked towards the public toilet. Lin Chen followed behind her. After Xia Miaoyan walked into the public women's toilet, Lin Chen stood still at the entrance and did not continue to walk in.

Xia Miaoyan held a torch in her hand, and the light of the torch illuminated the toilet very brightly.


Xia Miaoyan raised her foot and landed on the ground in the toilet.

With Xia Miaoyan's foot down, the voice-activated light in the toilet suddenly turned on.

The yellow light shines down from the top of the toilet, making the whole toilet brighter and expelling the darkness, which is much better than Xia Miaoyan's flashlight.

Xia Miaoyan already wanted to have a prank, and the squatting pit she chose was naturally the first.

The wooden door of the first pit was tightly closed, and it looked like there were people inside, but after such a time period, how could there be people in this public toilet?

If there is someone, the person who goes to the toilet must have a flashlight, or make a little noise from time to time to keep the voice-activated light on.

Xia Miaoyan stretched out her hand and pushed it towards the wooden door of the first pit.

Her hand fell on the wooden door and pushed it in gently, but to Xia Miaoyan's surprise, the door was locked from the inside, and the door was closed tightly and could not be pushed at all.

Xia Miaoyan was surprised that it was so late and the toilet was so dark that there were actually people in the pit.

But there are people, maybe it's a bolder woman who isn't afraid of the dark, so she didn't turn on the lights.

Xia Miaoyan, eager to go to the toilet, immediately walked to the second pit.

The wooden door of the second pit was also closed, Xia Miaoyan reached out and pushed it, but the wooden door remained motionless and could not be pushed open from the outside.

Xia Miaoyan walked to the third pit again. The wooden door of the third pit was still tightly locked. She reached out and pushed it, but couldn't open it.

Xia Miaoyan felt strange in her heart.

123 The wooden doors of the three pits are all locked. Could it be that there are people inside?

Three women team up to come to the public toilet at night?

"No, these three pits are locked, which means that there are people inside, but since I came in, there has been no movement in these three pits." Xia Miaoyan muttered in her heart.

It stands to reason that if there is someone in the pit, there will be a little movement.

But since Xia Miaoyan came in, it has been very quiet here, except for the movement from Xia Miaoyan, there is no other sound.

Before she could think about it, Xia Miaoyan walked to the front of the fourth pit. Although the door of the fourth pit was also closed, from the gap, it could be seen that the door was just a cover, and it was not open from the door. Locked inside.

When walking to this pit, Xia Miaoyan also smelled a strange smell.

This smell is not the unsanitary smell of the toilet, but an indescribable fishy smell.

Xia Miaoyan couldn't take care of that much anymore. It was important to solve the small problem first. She stretched out her hand and pushed the wooden door open with force.

The wooden door can be pushed open, but at the moment when the wooden door is opened, the voice-activated lights in the bathroom are dimmed.

Just after Xia Miaoyan walked into the public toilet and turned on the voice-activated light with her feet, she turned off the flashlight in her hand.

Now when she opened the door of the fourth toilet, the voice-activated light just dimmed, and the toilet returned to darkness, only a little light from the street lamps outside scattered in.

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