Standing in front of the fourth pit, standing in the darkness, Xia Miaoyan, she only felt that after pushing the door open, a fishy smell came to her face, which was much stronger than the fishy smell just now.

Xia Miaoyan wondered why the smell was so heavy. Could it be that those responsible for toilet hygiene were lazy and didn't clean up properly?

This thought just flashed in Xia Miaoyan's mind, the voice-activated lights dimmed, and the toilet was terrifyingly dark.

· · Flowers · ·

Xia Miaoyan raised her foot and landed on the ground.


The stomping sound sounded, the sound wave spread, and the voice-activated light on the top felt the sound wave and immediately emitted light.

The yellow light fell again, but Xia Miaoyan, who was standing in front of the fourth pit, had her eyes widened and her body froze in place.

I saw a man with a little blood on his body sitting on the toilet in the fourth pit.

This man had a short haircut, his hair was short, his face and body were a bit fat, and his ass sat on the toilet, covering the entire toilet.

He lowered his head, his legs were neatly placed, and his hands were honestly placed on his thighs.


Although there was not much blood on the man's body, the stench was very strong. It was like throwing a fish into a sealed bucket, exposing the bucket to the sun for a few days, then opening the lid, and it was corrupted. The stench of the fish was overwhelming.

There were a circle of scratches on his neck, wrists, and ankles, and the scratches cut through the skin so that the skin could be peeled off.

The skin on the man's hands, feet, and face is relatively fair, and it looks like it's rarely exposed to the sun, but the skin on his upper body and lower body is wheat-colored, dark, and some dirt.

The skin on his upper and lower body looked incompatible with the skin on his face, hands, and feet.

It wasn't his skin, his own skin was taken off and replaced with someone else's skin.

The skins that were put on were fixed with iron nails, some of which were pierced into the flesh, and some of which were nailed into the bones, so that the human skin clothes and human skin trousers were worn tightly.

He lowered his head, put his hands on his knees, and sat quietly on the toilet, like a well-behaved and obedient student,

There was not much blood on the ground, but the smell of blood was very strong. The iron nails on the body were arranged in an orderly manner, like the buttons of clothes.

Xia Miaoyan could never have imagined that she came to the fourth pit, and after stomping on the voice-activated light, she saw such a scene in front of her.


Xia Miaoyan screamed, and the scream was very penetrating.

Lin Chen, who was standing outside the toilet, was startled, swinging his legs and rushing in. .


524 The corpse has been frozen [3 more subscriptions]

It's just a toilet on the side of the road. Lin Chen didn't expect that Xia Miaoyan, who walked in, would scream in surprise.

Lin Chen immediately rushed into the toilet. When Lin Chen heard Xia Miaoyan's screams, his first thought was whether this girl encountered a public beta hooligan, and there was a man lurking in the women's toilet.

However, when he rushed into the women's toilet and saw Xia Miaoyan standing in front of the fourth pit, shivering, shaking, and her terrified face, Lin Chen understood that it was not as simple as encountering a toilet hooligan.

"Miaoyan." Lin Chen called Xia Miaoyan and walked towards her.

After Xia Miaoyan heard Lin Chen call her name, she came back to her senses and rushed towards Lin Chen. She rushed very fast, came to Lin Chen at once, and threw herself into Lin Chen's arms.

Lin Chen hugged Xia Miaoyan's tender body, and could clearly feel her body trembling. "Six five seven", Lin Chen patted her back quickly and asked, "What's the matter, why? Scared like this?"

Xia Miaoyan raised a hand, pointed to the pit over there, and said, "Master...then...there are...dead people..."

When Xia Miaoyan said this, Lin Chen also smelled a stench in the air. He frowned slightly. He didn't expect that when Xia Miaoyan got out of the car and went to the toilet, she would also encounter a body.

After patting Xia Miaoyan's back several times in a row, Lin Chen comforted: "It's okay, it's okay, I'm here."

"You go out first, I'll check the situation."

As Lin Chen said, he was about to push Xia Miaoyan towards the toilet door.

There were footsteps at the door of the toilet, and Qi Hongyuan ran over angrily.

When he saw Lin Chen hugging Xia Miaoyan, he immediately asked, "Old classmate, what's the matter?"

Lin Chen glanced at Qi Hongyuan and said, "Miaoyan was frightened when she saw a corpse."

"A corpse?" Qi Hongyuan was stunned for a moment, completely not expecting to encounter this thing in the toilet: "I... I heard screams and thought there were hooligans in the toilet..."

Xia Miaoyan left from Lin Chen's arms. She calmed down her emotions and said to Lin Chen, "Master...that corpse is really scary, be careful."

"Well." Lin Chen nodded and walked towards the fourth pit.

Seeing this, Qi Hongyuan hesitated. He wanted to go up and have a look, but was afraid. After a few seconds of hesitation, he still followed Lin Chen and walked up.

After Lin Chen came to the fourth pit, he saw the scene inside.

A man, sitting on the toilet, his body is slightly fat, and his fart covers the entire toilet.

He lowered his head and sat like an obedient student. Judging from the skin color of his body, his hands and feet, and the color of his face, the human skin clothes nailed to the upper body and the human skin pants on the lower body were not at all. Not his.

The air was filled with a stench, and Lin Chen frowned slowly when he saw this corpse that was skinned and put on other people's skins.

After seeing Qi Hongyuan coming, Lin Chen stretched out his hand in time and pressed it on Qi Hongyuan's shoulder.

"You'd better not look." Lin Chen said to Qi Hongyuan.

Qi Hongyuan was in front of the third pit, and was held by Lin Chen's shoulders, unable to go forward. He was standing in a position where he could not see the situation in the fourth pit.

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