"Old classmate, it's alright, I'm a big man anyway." Qi Hongyuan couldn't hold back his curiosity, he gently put aside Lin Chen's hand, took a step forward, turned his head and cast his eyes on the fourth pit.

Qi Hongyuan was stunned for a few seconds when he saw the strange corpse inside and the rows of iron nails on his body, then his eyes widened, and he turned around and vomited wildly.

When people see a dead body, their nerves will be greatly impacted, and vomiting is a normal physiological response.

Most people will vomit after seeing a corpse for the first time.

Lin Chen stretched out his hand and patted Qi Hongyuan's back, and said, "I told you not to look at it, go out quickly."

Qi Hongyuan vomited twice, covered his mouth, and quickly ran out.

Xia Miaoyan was still standing there, and Lin Chen said to her, "you go out too."

Xia Miaoyan shook her head: "Master, I'll stand here with you."

Compared with Qi Hongyuan, Xia Miaoyan can be regarded as someone who has seen corpses. She didn't vomit, and her tolerance is better than Qi Hongyuan.

When Lin Chen heard the words, he didn't say anything, and walked towards the fourth pit.

After getting close to the corpse, the stench became more pronounced.

Lin Chen noticed that the surface of the corpse was severely shriveled except for some dry blood.

If it weren't for nails, the clothes on the body would be rolled up even more, directly exposing the skinless body.

Lin Chen stretched out his hand, pressed his nails on the chin of the deceased, and gently lifted his bowed head up.

The deceased's tightly closed face faced Lin Chen.

The corpse spots on his face were in good condition. Under the short hair, there were some small water droplets, and the whole corpse exuded a stench.

When Xia Miaoyan saw Lin Chen walked into the fourth pit, she walked to the third pit, pinched her nose with one hand, and said, "Master, this murderer is too perverted to kill someone. He also skinned him and nailed it."

When Lin Chen heard Xia Miaoyan's words, he said, "The time of death of this corpse was at least three weeks ago. The skin of the corpse was wrinkled, and there were still some tiny water droplets at the root of the hair. He was taken out of the freezer by someone. Take it out and carry it here."

"Died three weeks ago?" Xia Miaoyan muttered.

Lin Chen simply looked at the body and walked out of the fourth pit. He looked at Xia Miaoyan, nodded, and said, "Yes, it is conservatively estimated that three weeks ago, after he died, he was frozen by the murderer. After the human body is frozen, it will take more than 36 hours to thaw completely at room temperature, and if the body is washed with water, the thawing time of the body can be reduced to 24 hours.”

3.3 "The surface of the corpse still has some dry bloodstains, and the skin is dirty. That is to say, the murderer took him out of the refrigerator 36 hours ago, waited until he was thawed, and then transported him here. Come."

"The body gave off a foul smell, which was caused by accelerated decay after the body was thawed."

When Xia Miaoyan heard this, she muttered, "The murderer froze the body, then took it out and thawed it at room temperature. Did he do this to mislead the police into judging the time of death of the deceased?"

"I don't know, maybe not." Lin Chen said: "If he wants to mislead the police and make the police make a wrong judgment on the death time of the deceased, he will erase all the frozen traces."

Just as Lin Chen's voice fell, a sound suddenly came from the fourth pit. .


525 Anti-locking four doors [4 more subscriptions]


After hearing the movement of the corpse in the fourth pit, Xia Miaoyan took a step back in shock, and Lin Chen immediately turned to look.

Lin Chen looked into the fourth pit. When Xia Miaoyan saw that Lin Chen didn't speak, she wondered if the corpse had come back to life and wanted to speak or something.

But seeing Lin Chen so calm, Xia Miaoyan understood that she thought too much.

"Master, what's the matter?" Xia Miaoyan asked, she didn't dare to look, so she could only ask Lin Chen.

"It's okay." Lin Chen shook his head and said, "The muscles of the thawed corpse began to rot. I touched his chin just now, and his body lost his balance. He couldn't sit as firmly as before, and fell from the toilet. already."

Hearing Lin Chen's words, Xia Miaoyan breathed a sigh of relief: "So that's the case, I thought I was alive."

Lin Chen rolled his eyes: "I've been dead for more than three weeks, how can I come back to life?"

After speaking, Lin Chen looked at the five pits in the toilet, and he said, "Why did you choose this fourth pit."

"The first three can't be pushed open, they are all locked from the inside, only the fourth one is hidden." Xia Miaoyan explained: "If the door of the first pit is open 11, I guess I will find it all. Not the corpse."

Lin Chen heard the words and walked to the fifth pit in the innermost position.

When he came to the fifth pit, he reached out and pushed the door, and the door of the fifth pit was locked from the inside.

Lin Chen squatted down slightly, and looked in through the crack of the wooden door.

Like the door of this kind of public toilet, the gap under the door is relatively large, and you can clearly see whether there are feet inside.

After looking at the crack of the fifth pit, Lin Chen found that there were no feet inside, which meant that there was no one inside.

"These doors were locked by the murderer." Lin Chen stood up and said.

"The murderer locked the doors of the other pits, just to let people who walked into the toilet find this body?" Xia Miaoyan understood the meaning from Lin Chen's words.

"That's right." Lin Chen nodded and said, "The murderer did this in order to let people find the body sooner, and the person who found it would notify the police, that is to say, he hoped that the police would know about it in a faster time. A corpse appeared."

"This... It is a kind of show and provocation by the murderer to the police, and there is a possibility that he wants to make his presence felt."

"A sense of existence... I want the police to find out soon..." Xia Miaoyan frowned and said, "Isn't it faster to be found by throwing the body directly on the road?"

"Throw the body on the road, and he will be caught faster." Lin Chen shook his head and said, "Let's go, go out and call the police."

As soon as Lin Chen finished speaking, the voice-activated lights in the public toilet dimmed again.

Seeing this, Xia Miaoyan stomped her feet quickly to make the voice-activated light return to light.

The two came out of the public toilet and found that Qi Hongyuan was sitting on the ground in a daze. After hearing the movement of Lin Chen and Xia Miaoyan coming out, Qi Hongyuan turned his head.

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