Lin Chen and Xia Miaoyan walked downstairs, Xia Miaoyan held the box with the soil eggs in her hand, her head drooping, which was completely different from the good mood when she went upstairs.

Seeing Xia Miaoyan like that, Lin Chen smiled and said, "Are you very unhappy?"

Xia Miaoyan lowered her head and whispered, "Master... When I was young, my cousin and I used to play together a lot. Later, they moved to Mohai, and they occasionally contacted me. When I came to her house before, I felt that she looked down on me. Unexpectedly, now she is even more excessive."

"Is your cousin and uncle like this too?" Lin Chen asked.

"They..." Xia Miaoyan pondered a little: "They seem to be okay, maybe after cousin she went to the magic sea to study, the people she came into contact with were different, so that's it."

"It's okay." Lin Chen patted Xia Miaoyan's back lightly, and said with a smile, "I will take you to the company in the morning tomorrow."

When Xia Miaoyan heard this, she raised her head, looked at Lin Chen and said, "Master, didn't you agree to the special case team of the human skin nailing case, are you going to participate in that case?"

"This matter does not prevent us from going to the company early tomorrow morning." Lin Chen smiled and said, "There will be a good show in the morning tomorrow."

Xia Miaoyan was curious and didn't know what the good drama in Lin Chen's words meant, but Lin Chen didn't mean to say it, so Xia Miaoyan didn't ask any more.

Qi Hongyuan was standing beside the car smoking a cigarette. After seeing Lin Chen and Xia Miaoyan coming down, he wondered, "Why did you bring the things back, is no one at home?"

"No." Xia Miaoyan shook her head without explaining.

Lin Chen smiled and said, "I was looked down upon by others."

While Lin Chen put things back in the trunk, he talked to Qi Hongyuan about what happened just now.

"Damn it." Qi Hongyuan scolded: "If you are kind enough to give her a souvenir, then you force a woman to put on airs. What kind of relatives are there?"

Lin Chen didn't say anything, started the car, and drove the car out of this old community.

There are many hotels nearby. Lin Chen finally found a hotel with a better environment and closer to the city, and asked for a single room and a double room.

Originally, there were three single rooms, but Xia Miaoyan was afraid and did not dare to sleep alone, so she shared a room with Lin Chen.

After entering the room, Xia Miaoyan gently placed Xiaohui on the chuang, covered her with the quilt, and then she took the clothes and went to the bathroom.

When taking a bath, Xia Miaoyan looked at the frosted glass door from time to time, wondering if the master would suddenly rush in and see her naked body.

Xia Miaoyan, who was thinking wildly, put aside the unhappiness she encountered just now.

After taking a shower, she put on pajamas and walked out of the bathroom.

Lin Chen sat on his chuang, and saw Xia Miaoyan walking out of the bathroom with her pretty face flushed, with a scent of shower gel on her body.

Xia Miaoyan's eyelashes are very long, her eyelashes flickered twice, and said to Lin Chen, "Master, it's getting late, you should go and wash it too."

Lin Chen stood up and said with a smile, "Miaoyan, do you remember the last time you were at the top of Huanya Mountain?"

When Xia Miaoyan heard this, she immediately thought of the scene where she Wen Lin Chen on the top of Huanya Mountain. Xia Miaoyan understood that Lin Chen was referring to this.

593 Suddenly, Xia Miaoyan lowered her head slightly, her voice a little lower: "I don't remember..."

"Isn't it?" Lin Chen said: "You still ask me if your Wen is sweet, so you forgot about it so quickly?"

Xia Miaoyan was very embarrassed, she said, "Master, why are you mentioning this?"

"It's nothing." Lin Chen said, "I just forgot what your wen tastes like."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he stretched out his hand to lift Xia Miaoyan's delicate chin, and gently went down.

Compared with the last time, Wen's time was much longer this time. In the end, Xia Miaoyan pushed Lin Chen away, ran back to her chuang, and got into the quilt.

Lin Chenxin said that this girl was very shy about this, and she was not ready.

Shaking his head helplessly, Lin Chen went to the bathroom to take a shower. When he came out, he found that Xia Miaoyan and Xiaohui had fallen asleep next to each other.

Xia Miaoyan's breathing was even, her long eyelashes fluttered, and her pretty face was very peaceful at the moment.

Lin Chen pushed away the hair on her forehead, kissed her forehead, then walked back to his chuang, turned off the light and went to sleep.

Only when Lin Chen turned off the lights, Xia Miaoyan's eyes opened.


PS: This is the fifth update today. It has been a long time since the fifth update. Thank you for your support. .


531 I can pack my things [Subscribe]

In the darkness, Xia Miaoyan's eyelashes flickered, there was a little light in the room, and she could see that Lin Chen was already lying on the chuang.

As Lin Chen thought, Xia Miaoyan was not ready yet. After Lin Chen went to take a bath, this girl's heart beat so fast that she felt that something might happen tonight.

Xia Miaoyan looked at Lin Chen for a long time, with a sweet smile on her face, and then she fell asleep peacefully.

The next morning, after a few people got up, they went to the roadside to eat some breakfast.

Lin Chen called and contacted Shen Qiu, then drove towards the office building where the company was located.


Today is Fang Mei's first day to work in a new company, she got up from chuang early.

Fang Mei's parents also got up early and prepared breakfast for their daughter. When Fang Mei had breakfast, her father said, "Daughter, it is not easy to get a monthly salary of [-] yuan. You have to work hard."

"Don't worry, I can cherish it myself." Fang Mei smiled proudly.

She didn't tell her parents about Xia Miaoyan's visit last night, because she felt that the two families did not move around frequently, and it was the same whether they said it or not.

After breakfast, Fang Mei went downstairs, called the bus to the subway station, and then headed for the station closest to the company.

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