Sitting on the subway, Fang Mei was thinking, with a monthly salary of [-] yuan, that day would be [-] yuan.

When my salary is paid this month, I must buy more Korean cosmetics and take good care of my skin.

I just don't know what the boss of this powerful new company is like, whether he is handsome or not, whether he is a good person or not, and whether he will be an unspoken female subordinate.

When this idea came up, Lin Chen's handsome face appeared in Fang Mei's mind.

I have to admit that the man next to my little cousin last night was indeed very handsome, even more handsome than any male star Fang Mei had ever seen.

Just seeing that he was being rude to her, Fang Mei's impression of him was extremely bad.

As for Xia Miaoyan's little cousin, she looks much prettier than herself, but what's the use, that kind of simple guy will be deceived as soon as he leaves the school.

While thinking about it, the subway arrived at the station, Fang Mei got out of the subway and walked towards the company.

The company is in a good location, in a skyscraper that just looks very stylish.

Walking into the building, walking into the elevator, Fang Mei came to the floor where the company is located.

The scale of the company is not small, and the office area on this floor was directly rented out by this new company with a lot of money.

When she came to the company, Fang Mei first reported to the personnel department, signed a few forms, entered her fingerprints, and then officially started her first day of work.

Fang Mei was assigned to a well-located office area, which was close to the window, and when she turned her head slightly, she could see the scenery outside the window, overlooking the prosperous area of ​​the Magic Sea.

Fang Mei is very satisfied with the salary and working environment.

Soon, Shen Yue, the general manager of the company, summoned all the employees and asked them to gather in one office area.

Shen Yue said to everyone: "Wait for the boss to come, you all clean up your desks, wipe the dirty places, and then line up to welcome the boss, don't let the boss come and see the unsatisfactory place. ~'."

"Yes." All the employees agreed and started to clean up their desks.

Hearing that the boss was coming, Fang Mei was quite curious. Such a powerful company boss must be very old, right?

Looking at the twin sisters of the company's executives, they might be the boss's lover.

When cleaning up the desk, Fang Mei learned from her colleagues that the boss is very young, only in his twenties, young and promising, this company has great potential, and the future prospects are extraordinary.

Ten minutes later, General Manager Shen Yue said that the boss was already downstairs in the building and was about to come upstairs. He asked all the employees to wait at the door and welcomed the boss.

Today's Tianchen Computer Co., Ltd. has nearly [-] employees, and it is still recruiting.

Fang Mei stood at the back of the line, and those old employees were standing by the door at the entrance.

The employees arrange their clothes and hair, trying to impress the boss.

Fang Mei also rubbed her face to make her face look rosier.

A few minutes later, an employee standing outside the door shouted to the inside: "The boss is here."

This sentence made all the employees stand up straight.

Fang Mei also opened her eyes wide and looked towards the door.

But a few seconds later, she saw the young man who was rude to her last night and walked in first.

Behind the young man, followed by a girl, it was his little cousin Xia Miaoyan.


Fang Mei wondered, how could her little cousin and that young man come here?Are they looking for themselves?

As soon as this thought flashed through, Fang Mei's face became extremely ugly, because she realized that the young man who walked in and was very rude to him last night should be the boss of this company.


"Hi boss."


The employees on both sides of the team opened their mouths to greet Lin Chen, Lin Chen walked in step by step, and the eyes of the employees all fell on him.

Fang Mei has been petrified.

This... how is this possible?The guy who was rude to him last night was actually the boss of this company?

Then you treated him like that last night, didn't you?

Fang Mei can't imagine the consequences anymore. Last night, her attitude was as rude as she wanted.

She really wanted to turn her head and leave so that Lin Chen wouldn't see her, but General Manager Shen Yue was on the side, so it would be more obvious to leave at this time.

After Lin Chen walked into the company, his eyes quickly locked on Fang Mei's body. She walked over and smiled at her: "What a coincidence, are you in my company?"

Xia Miaoyan was stunned, she didn't expect her cousin to appear here.

"Biao... cousin, why are you here (Wang Nuozhao)?" Xia Miaoyan asked in surprise.

Fang Mei's face was extremely ugly, her heart was beating so fast, she felt that the monthly salary of [-] yuan seemed to be leaving her.

But this job is very important to me. If I lose this job, how can other jobs have such high wages?

"Boss, do you know each other?" Shen Yue glanced at Fang Mei, then at Lin Chen, and said with a smile.

"I know, of course I know." Lin Chen smiled and said, "Is she a new employee of our company?"

Shen Yue nodded and replied, "Yes, the one who just joined today is in the planning department."

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