The owner of the car repair shop also said: "Comrade police, I don't know anything else, anyway, after Tang Hong came to work here, he worked diligently every day, and he would not argue with his colleagues. He had a good temper. , this is a good boy."

Wu Tianyu ignored the words of the owner of the car repair shop. He looked at Tang Hong and asked about Tang Hong's alibi when Fan Yinghao died.

After Tang Hong heard this, he said, "I watched TV at home after get off work that day, and I didn't go anywhere. I remember that it was Friday and I watched a popular variety show."

"It's been almost four weeks since that day, you remember it quite clearly?" Wu Xuan asked in a suspicious tone.

"Of course it's clear." Tang Hong wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve and explained, "Because after Fan Yinghao died, Donglan called me very soon. I thought that her husband was not at home, so she could come out to find me again, but who knows the first sentence of picking up the phone, Donglan just asked me if I had killed someone."

"When I heard this sentence, I doubted whether the person over the phone was Donglan. I asked her what she meant by that, and why she was inexplicable, and then Donglan burst into tears. She said that her husband Fan Yinghao died, he died tragically, ask if I killed him..."

"How could I possibly kill, so I told her no, I didn't kill, Fan Yinghao's death has nothing to do with me..."

When he said this, Tang Hong paused a little and said, "I tried my best to explain to Dong Lan, but I know that Dong Lan is still skeptical of me, and she refused to see me in the first few days. Me, she only met me after she believed in me more."

Lin Chen, Ouyang Chuying and the others listened to Tang Hong's words. Tang Hong's words were similar to what Cang Donglan said, but they were narrated from a different angle.

The owner of the car repair shop was glaring at the side. From the words of this employee, I learned that he seems to be getting together with someone else's wife?

"After Fan Yinghao's death, you wanted to marry Cang Donglan, can't wait to move in with her?" Wu Tianyu asked.

"No." Tang Hong replied without thinking.

"Don't lie." Wu Xuan said, "I found your shoes near Cangdonglan's chuang, the condoms you used in the trash can, and some of your clothes in the closet, and you said that you are not coveted by Cang. The Donglan family's money, want to marry her, and then get her property?"

"Donglan and I love each other sincerely." Tang Hong defended: "Her marriage is not happy at all. She loves me, and I love her too. I want to marry her, what's wrong?"

"Really in love? Hehe..." When Ouyang Chuying heard this, she couldn't help but said, "Now men come when they open their mouths, okay, let me ask you, are you and Cang Donglan really in love? , What are the things she likes to eat? What are the things she hates to eat? Her hobbies, her zodiac sign, do you know all these?"


Ouyang Chuying's words completely stunned Tang Hong. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Seeing this, Ouyang Chuying sneered: "What is true love? You and her really love each other. After being with her for so long, do you still not even know these basic things?"

"The two of you will come together. One is that your husband cheated, his relationship was hurt, and he wanted to take revenge on her husband, and you, coveting her to have some good looks, and her family's good conditions, Cang Donglan asked her husband to take the money, Did you buy a lot of things for you?"

Facing Ouyang Chuying's remarks, Tang Hong was a little hard to say.

When Ouyang Chuying and the others saw this, they thought that Tang Hong had admitted it, and those who were with Cang Donglan with this mentality were very likely to kill Fan Yinghao for money.

"Last night, Fan Yinghao's body was thrown out by the murderer." Ouyang Chuying said: 763 "You told Cang Donglan that you and your colleagues were drinking last night, and you sent her a photo of a drinking dinner, right? "

"That's right." Tang Hong said: "Several colleagues gave me proof last night, you don't have to suspect that I am the murderer."

Ouyang Chuying looked at the owner of the auto repair shop: "Tang Hong and the others had a dinner last night, were you there?"

"I'm not here, and I don't know about it." The owner of the auto repair shop shook his head.

Ouyang Chuying said to Tang Hong: "Then tell the names of those who drank with you last night and ask your boss to call them all over."

Tang Hong immediately named the five colleagues who had been drinking with him, and the owner of the car repair shop went to call those people.

A few minutes later, the five colleagues Tang Hong mentioned were called over, and Wu Xuan began to ask, "You and Tang Hong had a drink last night, right?"



Several car mechanics nodded in response.

"Recall, from what time did you drink until what time, and when did you separate?" Wu Xuan asked.

A few car mechanic said one sentence at a time, and finally, their unified time was: last night after get off work at seven o'clock, they drank together, and they finished it after nine o'clock, and then went home separately. The places where Tang Hong lived were different. .


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After hearing the drinking time and separation time given by these people, Wu Tianyu, Wu Xuan and the others were all bright.

When they separated at 10:50, the murderer threw the body around [-]:[-]. After Tang Hong separated from his colleagues, he had time to commit the crime.

"I have an alibi." Tang Hong looked at Ouyang Chuying and the others and said, "Now, you can stop doubting me, can I continue to repair the car?"

"After separating from your colleagues, is there anyone else who can alibi for you?" Wu Xuan asked.

Tang Hong frowned and said, "I watched TV after drinking and went back to sleep. I'm the only one living where I live. Is the certificate given by my colleagues not enough?"

"I'm sorry." Ouyang Chuying said to him: "You separated from your colleague before 9:10, and the murderer was throwing the body around 50:[-]. There was more than an hour in between. During this time , it is entirely possible for you to throw the corpse."

"When the deceased was killed, your alibi is not sufficient, so we hope you can go back with us for investigation."

"I'm not going..." Tang Hong stared, his body was trembling, and his voice was a little roaring: "I'm not a murderer, why should I go with you? I'm going to the Public Security Bureau with you, what should I do if my work is delayed? Do you pay for your salary?"

"Little Tang." The owner of the auto repair shop pushed him and said, "The police comrade asks you to cooperate with the investigation, so you will cooperate. What a lot of nonsense."

"No, I'm not the murderer, why should I go, boss?" Tang Hong clenched the car repair tool in his hand and threw it, as if he was going to smash someone.

Lin Chen has been observing this Tang Hong, standing aside without saying much, his brows have been frowning slightly.

Seeing Tang Hong's appearance, Wu Tianyu pointed to the car parked over there and said, "If you have nothing to do with this case, we won't waste much of your time. If you don't cooperate like this, it will deepen us even more. Doubt about you.〃."

"If you want to ask, just ask here, I won't go to the Public Security Bureau." Tang Hong's attitude was unusually firm, clutching a car repair tool full of oil in both hands, and he was reluctant to go to the Public Security Bureau.

His colleague couldn't stand it anymore: "I said Tang Hong, it's fine if you go for a while, it's not good for you."

"What's wrong, if I can't say it, I just don't go." Tang Hong said, breathing a little short, and his hands were shaking.

Just as Tang Hong said these words, two police cars parked on the side of the roadside of the auto repair shop, the doors opened, and policemen got out of the cars one by one and walked towards this side.

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