These are all members of the special case team. Although they are grouped with Lin Chen, Ouyang Chuying and the others, there is no competition to solve the case. The clues are contributed.

After knowing that Lin Chen and his party had found the hidden suspect Tang Hong, they felt that the suspect was indeed very suspicious, so they rushed over together.

Among the pedestrians, Guo Tongguang, the deputy director of the Shanbao District Public Security Bureau, was also the leader of the special case team in the case of human skin nailing.

Wu Tianyu and Wu Xuan stopped talking with Tang Hong after seeing Guo Tongguang coming, and said hello to Guo Tongguang.

Guo Tongguang nodded slightly, then greeted Lin Chen with a smile, and then asked about the situation here.

Wu Tianyu told him immediately. After Guo Tongguang heard it, he glanced at Tang Hong who was resolute, and said to the members of the special case team behind him, "Take him directly."

Several policemen immediately walked towards Tang Hong, and Tang Hong took a few steps back when he saw this.

One of the policemen said, "Are you ready to violently resist the law?"

"I don't, I just don't want to enter the Public Security Bureau." Tang Hong defended, his voice became unnatural.

The owner of the car repair shop became anxious. He rushed forward and snatched the car repair tool from Tang Hong's hand, and then said, "You fool, what are you thinking about, hurry up, you are not the murderer, The police can't wrong you either."

In the end, Tang Hong was reluctantly taken to the police car, and the police officers of the special case team asked the repairmen in the repair shop how Tang Hong was.

The evaluation given by the workers is that he is a good person, but sometimes he has a short temper, just like just now, he is unwilling to go to the public security bureau.

Guo Tongguang and the others left soon, and Wu Tianyu and Wu Xuan also followed them back.

In the end, only Lin Chen and Ouyang Chuying were left standing in the open space at the door of the car repair shop. Ouyang Chuying glanced at the car next to him and said to Lin Chen, "They are all gone, let's go too."

Hearing this, Lin Chen turned his head, glanced at Ouyang Chuying, and said, "How likely do you think Tang Hong is the murderer?"

Ouyang Chuying didn't expect Lin Chen to ask such a question, she immediately said: "He has a motive for committing the crime, he has no alibi, he has time to commit the crime, and he just showed such reluctance to go to the Public Security Bureau, he is in my eyes. The possibility of being the murderer is very high.”

After saying these words, Ouyang Chuying asked Lin Chen back: "...why do you ask this? Is it possible that you have a different opinion on Tang Hong?"

Lin Chen shook his head slightly, without saying a word, he stepped into the car repair shop.

Ouyang Chuying looked at Lin Chen's back, and muttered, "What is this guy doing? Tang Hong is so obvious. Does it mean that he still thinks the murderer is someone else?"

Ouyang Chuying couldn't understand what Lin Chen was thinking, but she followed him and walked towards the car repair shop again.

When the owner of the auto repair shop saw Lin Chen and Ouyang Chuying, he was slightly surprised and asked, "Comrade police, do you have anything else to do?"

The people from the special case team just asked a lot about Tang Hong's situation, and the owner of the car repair shop and the employees said everything they needed to say.

"Do you know the situation at Tang Hong's house?" Lin Chen asked the owner of the car repair shop.

The owner of the car repair shop nodded, indicating that he knew a little, and then told some of his family's situation.

(Wang's) Tang Hong is from other provinces and came to Mohai City to work. He said that his parents opened a grocery store in his hometown. They relied on saving money and gave him a down payment in the county town. house.

The down payment for the house was bought, but after that, the loan had to be repaid for [-] years. He couldn't make much money in his hometown, so Tang Hong came to Mohai to work.

He works here, and he can earn about six or seven thousand a month.

Tang Hong's parents are his only son, the only child.

After Lin Chen heard this from the owner of the auto repair shop, he nodded, thanked him, and then walked out.

"What do you mean by asking about Tang Hong's family situation?" Ouyang Chuying asked Lin Chen.

"You call Wu Tianyu and the others, and then investigate the situation at Tang Hong's house." Lin Chen said.

When Ouyang Chuying heard the words, she immediately took out her mobile phone and called Wu Tianyu to ask him to investigate the situation at Tang Hong's home. .


562 Don't you think it's a big problem? [4 more subscriptions]

The easiest and quickest way to investigate Tang Hong's family is to directly contact the public security bureau where his hometown is located, and the public security bureau will instruct the local police station.

The police from the police station went to Tang Hong's home to investigate the situation of his home.

After receiving the call from Ouyang Chuying, Wu Tianyu reported the matter to Guo Tongguang. As soon as Guo Tongguang heard it was Lin Chen's intention, he immediately ordered someone to contact the public security bureau where Tang Hong's hometown was located.


Ouyang Chuying put down her phone and said to Lin Chen, "I did as you said, and I guess I will soon know the specific situation of Tang Hong's family."

"Well, that's fine." Lin Chen nodded slightly, walked over and got into the car.

After Ouyang Chuying got into the passenger seat, she asked Lin Chen, "Looking at your expression, do you think Tang Hong is not the murderer?"

Lin Chen glanced at Ouyang Chuying and said, "To be honest with you, I really think so."

After getting Lin Chen's exact answer, Ouyang Chuying immediately said: "Tang Hong's motive, the time of committing the crime, and the reaction just now are obvious. Why do you think he is not the murderer?"

Lin Chen started the car and said, "I can't be sure right now. I'll talk about it when I go back to the 650th mile of the Public Security Bureau and after the interrogation of Tang Hong."

There was nothing to say all the way, and soon, Lin Chen and Ouyang Chuying returned to the Shanbao District Public Security Bureau.

Guo Tongguang and the others came back first. When Lin Chen and the others came back, Tang Hong had already been brought into the interrogation room and handed over to the old detective to interrogate him.

Lin Chen did not go to the interrogation room, but walked into the monitoring room beside the interrogation room.

The interrogation rooms of the Public Security Bureau are generally equipped with surveillance cameras. When interrogating prisoners, they will choose whether to film the interrogation process or close them according to the needs of the situation.

In this interrogation of Tang Hong, the camera in the interrogation room was turned on, and the pictures were displayed on the LCD screen in this room.

After Lin Chen and Ouyang Chuying entered the room, the policeman sitting in front of the screen immediately gave up their seats.

Lin Chen waved his hand, indicating no need, and then turned his attention to the LCD screen.

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