After hearing this, Ouyang Chuying and the others immediately looked at the sanitation worker.

I saw an old man wearing a sanitation worker's overalls standing on the side of the road a few dozen meters away. From this angle, I can't see his face clearly, but looking at his front, we can tell that he is at least fifty or sixty years old. around age.

He had a hat on his head, a white towel around his neck, and a cleaning tool in his hand, standing in the sun cleaning the street.

It is almost noon now. In July, the sun is fierce. Working in the sun is very hot and hard.

The clothes of this 757-[-]-year-old old man were soaked with sweat, and his face was sweating constantly. When the sweat was about to flow into his eyes, he would stop the movement of his hands, reach out and grab it and hang it on the The white towel on the neck was wiped towards his face.

After wiping, go to work.

A few meters away from him, there was a garbage truck loaded with garbage. Whenever he swept some garbage into the dustpan, he would dump the cleaned garbage into the garbage truck.

Ouyang Chuying, Wu Tianyu, Wu Xuan and the others stared at the old sanitation worker over there, Lin Chen leaned on the seat, squinted his eyes slightly, and said softly, "Compared with the dozen or so sanitation workers before, this old man, The feeling on the body is different, this person is a little suspicious."

Ouyang Chuying and the others heard the words, and after observing again, nodded slightly.

Ouyang Chuying looked at the old sanitation worker in the distance and said, "Indeed, the work clothes on this old sanitation worker are very neat, much more tidy than the dozen or so sanitation workers before. The towel hanging around his neck is not Hang it around your neck like that."

"It was neatly folded and hung around the neck. After wiping off the sweat, I stroked the towel around my neck and continued to sweep the floor."

"Also, on such a hot day, I can't wait to wear less. This old man is wearing rubber gloves."

For the first dozen sanitation workers, some of them had towels hanging around their necks, while others didn’t. For those who hung towels, their towels were casually hung around their necks. When they wanted to wipe their sweat, they grabbed it Wipe the sweat off the corner of the towel.

But for this old man, his towels were folded squarely and hung neatly around his neck. After wiping off his sweat, he still kept the towels neat.

"He also swept the floor very seriously. He swept the rubbish on the ground very cleanly. Judging from my senses, the ground he swept was cleaner than those of the previous people." Wu Tianyu said what he saw. .


Lin Chen nodded and said, "Look at the square towel folded around his neck. The color is white, and it is very white. For those sanitation workers who had towels before, none of their towels were white. , and it doesn't look as clean as the white towel around the old man's neck."

"Judging from the plushness of the surface of the towel, it is not a new towel, it has been used many times, and after many times, it can still maintain this whiteness, there is only one reason, that is, he put the towel on Washed very clean."

"If I think about it from another point of view, I want to wipe the sweat. I won't choose a white towel because it's too difficult to clean. I choose a dark towel, and I can't see it when it's dirty."

"Neatly dressed, cleaning more seriously than others, clean and tidy white towels, wearing rubber gloves on such a hot day, these cannot prove that he is the murderer we are looking for, but it can also make us suspect him."

"Compared with the first dozen or so people, his suspicion is indeed higher." Wu Xuan said after observing.

This (bbfj) sanitation old man gives them the impression that he is a very particular person who loves neatness and cleanliness. Some of the paper scraps that he will sweep into the dustpan are blown more than ten meters away by the wind, but he will still walk. Go ahead and sweep away that little bit of confetti.

This can be said to be very dedicated, but it can also be said to be somewhat similar in character to the killer of perfectionism obsessive-compulsive disorder.

After observing the old man for a few more minutes, he finished cleaning the garbage here. He walked to the garbage truck, put the broom and dustpan into the garbage truck, and then went to the next street he was responsible for.

Lin Chen looked at his back and asked Ouyang Chuying, "What's this old man's name?"

Ouyang Chuying glanced at the paper in her hand and replied, "His name is Huang Maode, and he is 47 years old this year."

"Huang Maode... 47 years old, he doesn't look like 47 years old, he is much older than this age..." Lin Chen muttered, then started the car and said, "This person can focus on Keep an eye on it and now go to the next street to be cleaned by the sanitation workers."

Ouyang Chuying hummed, and drew a circle on Huang Maode's name, marking him out.

Lin Chen drove to the next street, where he saw the sixteenth sanitation worker on the list.

Time passed by minute by minute, Lin Chen and the others searched street by street like this. Every time they found a sanitation worker, they would stop to observe and exchange their views on the sanitation worker in front of them.

Ouyang Chuying looked at the list in his hand and said to Lin Chen, "There is only one sanitation worker left in this area. If there is nothing suspicious about the last sanitation worker, we can only lock the yellow one. Proud."

The sanitation workers observed after Huang Maode were all very casual and not as particular as Huang Maode.

At present, there is only one person who is suspected of being Huang Maode.

After seeing the 29th sanitation worker, Lin Chen and the others saw that this was a female sanitation worker who was very old. Under the scorching sun, she was sweating profusely, and she seemed to be unable to breathe.

After observing for a while, Lin Chen stopped the car, opened the door and walked down.

Seeing this, Ouyang Chuying opened the car door and followed.

There is a convenience store next to it, Lin Chen bought a bottle of iced mineral water inside, and then walked towards the aunt.

"Auntie, it's hot today, here, drink some ice water." Lin Chen handed over the iced mineral water in his hand.

The sanitation aunt was slightly stunned. Seeing the ice-cold mineral water handed by Lin Chen, although she wanted it very much, she politely declined.

At Lin Chen's insistence, the sanitation aunt accepted the bottle of mineral water and took a beautiful sip.

Lin Chen revealed his identity at this time, saying that he was here to investigate the case and wanted to ask the sanitation aunt something. .


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The sanitation aunt doesn't care whether Lin Chen is investigating the case or not, he will buy a bottle of water for himself, this young man is a good person.

The sanitation aunt glanced at Ouyang Chuying next to Lin Chen, and said, "Young man, just ask what you want to ask. Last time your police came to our sanitation station to investigate~ we're here."

Lin Chen nodded and asked her, "In your sanitation center, there is a worker named Huang Maode, right?"

"Huang Maode?" The aunt sanitation murmured, and after less than a second, she nodded and said, "Yes, there is Huang Maode."

Lin Chen smiled slightly, and said to the sanitation aunt: "It only takes about a second from when I say the name to when you say you know this person, with such a fast reaction speed, aunt, you must be familiar with this Huang Maode, right? ?"

The sanitation aunt nodded and replied: "I'm familiar with it. We usually chat in the sanitation center. If we meet on the road, we will go together."

"What do you think of him?" Lin Chen asked.

"He's just that kind of person. If I want to say why I'm familiar with this person, it's mainly because Huang Maode is like a woman." The sanitation aunt said.

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