"Like a woman?" Lin Chen repeated.

"Hehe, it's not that he looks like a woman, it's that person who loves cleanliness very much. Every time I see him, whether it's work or rest, he's dressed neatly. He joked and asked him if he was dressed so neatly, if he was going to see any woman." The aunt sanitation said in a relaxed tone.

"Is that so..." Lin Chen smiled.

Standing in the shade of a tree and chatting with this sanitation aunt, Lin Chen was all talking, and Ouyang Chuying stood aside and didn't interrupt.

After the question, when she left, Ouyang Chuying explained to the sanitation aunt and asked her not to disclose the matter to anyone for the time being.

After sitting back in the air-conditioned car, Ouyang Chuying reached out and fanned the air: "In such a hot day, they still have to work under the sun and eat the meal brought from home at noon. It's really hard."

Lin Chen started the car and said, "You think it's easy to live in this society. You live in a big family. If it's an ordinary family, you're running around for a living now."

Ouyang Chuying nodded, and immediately brought the topic to Huang Maode.

In the words of the aunt who was familiar with Huang Maode just now, Huang Maode was a good person and a person who loved cleanliness very much. What the aunt said about him was very similar to Lin Chen's inference of the murderer's characteristics.

Lin Chen said: "I originally thought that the sanitation workers in this area were not suspicious, so I went to the nearby area, but now it seems that there is no need for this, so let's start investigating this Huang Maode."

"Well." Ouyang Chuying said: "Then I will call the person in charge of a sanitation center and ask him to give us all the information about Huang Maode."

Ouyang Chuying immediately called the sanitation institute and asked the person in charge to report the specific information about Huang Maode.

The call took several minutes, and after a few minutes, Ouyang Chuying put down the phone.

Seeing her put down her phone, Lin Chen asked, "How is it?"

Ouyang Chuying looked at Lin Chen: "The person in charge of the sanitation institute said that Huang Maode was a temporary sanitation worker of the sanitation institute and provided the information on Huang Maode's ID card."

"Where is he?" Lin Chen asked.

"Nanhe Province, from Chengding County," Ouyang Chuying replied.

"Nanhe Province, Chengding County." Lin Chen nodded.

At this time, Wu Tianyu and Wu Xuan also finished the phone call.

Their task is to call the Shanbao branch and ask them to find out the records of the last investigation of these sanitation workers in the sanitation center.

Wu Tianyu said: "In the last investigation record, there are only a few simple sentences about the investigation and inquiry of Huang Maode."

"The area in charge of Huang Maode is far away from the murderer's corpse throwing place. In addition to the time when the murderer throws the body, he has proof of his absence. The police investigators didn't pay much attention to him and focused on the responsible area. on other sanitation workers near the body site."

Wu Xuan said: "In general, in the last investigation of Huang Maode, he did not have the time to throw the body, and the street in charge was far away from the place where the body was thrown."

Hearing these words, Lin Chen nodded again, without saying a word, he drove the car quickly and headed for the area in charge of Huang Maode.

There are generally no traffic jams on the roads in the suburbs. Lin Chen's car drove fast on the road. After arriving at the area in charge of Huang Maode, Lin Chen found it on the road in this area.

· · Flowers · · ·

Soon, Lin Chen found Huang Maode again on a small road ahead.


Lin Chen's car was parked next to the garbage truck, and the movement of the parking was a bit loud. Huang Maode, who was sweeping the floor, immediately stopped the movement in his hand, turned around and looked over.

Lin Chen got out of the car and walked towards him. At this time, Lin Chen and the others saw the front of Huang Maode clearly.

Huang Maode is 47 years old, but he looks at least 55 years old, with darker skin and older.

On his face, there are several obvious scars. If you look closely, there are also scars on the lower part of his neck.

If these scars are a fatal blow to a girl or a young person, Huang Maode in front of him is already 47 years old. At this age, in terms of appearance, there is nothing too high to pursue.


"Hello, old man." Lin Chen said and greeted him.

Huang Maode nodded slightly, with a blank look on his face: "Hello, what's the matter?"

"There is a case, I hope you will cooperate with the investigation." Ouyang Chuying, who was standing beside Lin Chen, said.

"There's a case?" Huang Maode grabbed the broom with both hands and asked, "What case? Is it the same as last time?"

When the police were investigating the case last time, they were not going to disclose it to these sanitation workers, but on the night the first body was found, a sanitation worker happened to pass by, and the news spread.

However, these people have also been requested by the police and are not allowed to go out, and the sanitation worker who passed by has also been carefully investigated, and the result of the investigation is that there is no problem.

"That's right." Lin Chen nodded: "It's the same case from last time."

"Why, in the last case, the murderer hasn't been caught yet?" Huang Maode was a little surprised, and the expression on his face was a little puzzled.

"Not yet." Lin Chen said, "Old man, where does your family live?"

Huang Maode replied, "My home is over there, not far from here."

Huang Maode pointed his finger in one direction, indicating that his place of residence was in that direction.

"We're going to your residence now, please lead the way." Lin Chen said. .


574 I will wear it [4 more subscriptions]

When Huang Maode heard Lin Chen's words, he said, "Comrade police officer, I still need to work. I'm going back now. The supervisor knows that I might be fired. Are you worried? Why don't you wait for me to go after get off work? Bar."

"It's okay." Lin Chen said, "I've already greeted your supervisor, let alone go back now, even if you don't work for one day today, he won't deduct your salary."

"Have you said hello?" After hearing this, Huang Maode immediately laughed and said, "That's good, that's good, I was thinking about the clothes at home that I forgot to take out after washing last night. Well, since the supervisor doesn't deduct my salary, comrade police, let's go to my house."

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