The special case team felt that the murderer did not kill at will, and the four people killed by the murderer should have some kind of connection with them.

After Ouyang Chuying said these words, she said: "Other people in the special case team have now fully investigated the connection between these victims, and some have started from other aspects, Lin Chen, last time I was there Guangyu County, you found the murderer before me..."

"This time, do you have the confidence to win everyone in the special case team?"

Wu Tianyu and Wu Xuan, who were sitting at the back, looked at each other when they heard the words.

If Lin Chen can find the murderer before the case team in this case of nailing the corpse, his name will be known to more people in Mohai City.

Lin Chen turned his head and glanced at Ouyang Chuying, smiled lightly, and said nothing.

The new suspect, Song Wu, works at a cold fresh food store in the downtown area of ​​Shanbao.

Lin Chen drove back from Dongpu to Shanbao District. The traffic jam on the road was serious, and it was half an hour later than the planned time to reach the destination.

Lin Chen drove to the side of a road, turned his head and looked across the road. There was a number on the door of a store across the road: No. 367.

The sign above reads: Crown Cold Fresh Foods.

"It's here." Lin Chen glanced at the house number and said something.

Wu Tianyu glanced over there, and after seeing the decorated bamboo shelves in front of the store, he said, "This store has just been renovated, and it seems to be doing well."

Several people got out of the car and walked across the road.

This crown cold food store is very large and well decorated. In addition to selling cold fresh chicken and duck, it also sells beef, sheep and seafood.

On the tempered glass of the gate, there is a large poster, which says that the store has been re-installed for 1.9 repairs, and the business has been greatly rewarded, which has improved the shopping environment, lowered the price of commodities, and is more favorable than before.

At this moment, there are many customers in this cold fresh food store picking things.

After Lin Chen and the others walked in, Wu Tianyu directly showed the police card to the clerk.

Looking at the clerk, Wu Dongfang asked, "Excuse me, do you have an employee named Song Wu here?"

"Song Wu?"

The clerk nodded immediately: "Yes, comrade police, what are you doing with Song Wu?"

"Something needs to be investigated by him. Where is he now?" Wu Xuan asked.

"It's in the freezer at the back, I'll take you there," said the clerk.

Under the leadership of the clerk, Lin Chen and the others saw a lame man at the door of a refrigerator. .


585 The Calm Song Wu [2 More Subscriptions]

This 'Crown Fresh Food' store has a large storefront and good business. They have their own refrigerator in this market.

Usually you can buy more goods and store them in the freezer in case of emergencies.

The man who appeared in front of Lin Chen and them looked like he was in his thirties. He was wearing ordinary clothes, a pair of denim shorts, and a pair of black sneakers on his feet.

The pair of net shoes were white, and he had already worn them black. The net was dirty and looked dirty.

When Lin Chen saw him, he was holding a box of goods in his hand and was about to go into the cold storage.

His left leg was injured, and he walked with a limp, looking very inconvenient.

"Song Wu." The clerk who brought Lin Chen and the others here shouted at Song Wu's back.

Song Wu, who was carrying the goods, turned around immediately after hearing the clerk's shout.

His eyes first fell on this colleague, then on Lin Chen and the others. After seeing the police uniforms on Ouyang Chuying and the others, Song Wu's eyes narrowed slightly.

"What's the matter?" Song 11 Wu asked.

The clerk brought Lin Chen and the others closer, he pointed at Lin Chen and the others, and said, "These are police officers from the Public Security Bureau, and they said that there is a case that wants you to cooperate with the investigation. Don't be too busy, and cooperate with the police in the investigation. ."

"Oh, then I'll move this box in first." Song Wu let out a faint sigh, then continued to hold the box and limped into the freezer.

"Comrade police, then you can investigate. I'll go to work first." The clerk of the Wangguan Cold Fresh Food Store, after saying a word to Lin Chen and the others, turned around and trotted back to the store.

Lin Chen and the others continued to take a few steps forward, standing outside, watching Song Wu move the box of goods into the freezer.

He fiddled inside twice, then came out and closed the door of the freezer.

"Comrade police, if you want to ask anything, just ask." After closing the door of the refrigerator, Song Wu looked at Lin Chen and the others.

When Song Wu said these words, there was no expression on his face, it was very flat, and he spoke very slowly.

Lin Chen looked at this very calm person and said, "We suspect that you are related to a murder case."

"Murder case?" Song Wu raised his eyes and glanced at Lin Chen.

"From 6 pm on June 8 to 10 am on June 6, where are you at this time?" Lin Chen asked.

"This is a long time ago, how can I remember." Song Wu shook his head and said calmly: "I can't remember."

Seeing this, Lin Chen raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said, "Remember carefully, it's only been less than a month, maybe you can remember it?"

Song Wu looked like he was thinking. After thinking about it for more than ten seconds, he still shook his head and said, "I really can't remember this. My memory is not very good."

"What about last night, this, do you remember it?" Ouyang Chuying asked.

What Ouyang Chuying was referring to was naturally the man's body found in the toilet this morning, Zhu Jianguo, who was working in the gynecological hospital.

"Last night..." Song Wu thought about it again and said, "I went out after get off work last night, and then returned home around eleven o'clock."

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