"Where did you go out?" Wu Xuan asked.

Song Wu said, "Look for a friend for a drink."

"What time do you go out, what time do you start drinking, and what time do you part with friends?" Ouyang Chuying asked again.

Song Wu continued to recall, he said that he got off work at [-]:[-] yesterday. After work, he went home to take a bath, and left the door at about [-]:[-], and then drank wine with friends at [-]:[-], around [-]:[-] Separate, arrive home at eleven o'clock.

Song Wu said his friend's name and said that he could ask his friends if he really drank with them last night.

According to the investigation by the special case team, a nearby resident ran at night last night in the toilet where the doctor Zhu Jianguo was thrown.

The resident said that he passed by there at [-]:[-] last night and went into the toilet.

At the scene of Zhu Jianguo's corpse throwing, the doors of other pits were locked. When the resident entered, there was no abnormality in the toilet, and the toilet doors were not locked.

In other words, last night, the murderer's body throwing doctor Zhu Jianguo, his body throwing time was after [-]:[-].

"What about when you get home?" Ouyang Chuying said, "Can anyone prove that you have been at home since you got home and didn't go out?"

Song Wu heard the words and immediately said: "This is not a good proof, right? But when I went back, I met two old men who were playing chess downstairs. I knew them and said hello."

He also asked Song Wu a few words about the murderer's alibi when he committed the crime and dumped the body. Song Wu's answer was fast, slow and methodical.

Unlike the previous Gao Xiaoliang, he seemed very nervous and cramped in front of Lin Chen and the others.

After asking these questions, Lin Chen said to him, "Gao Xiaoliang, do you know him?"

"Gao Xiaoliang?" Song Wu thought for a while, then nodded his head and said, "I know, Xiaoliang and I are friends, but we haven't been in contact for a long time, and we haven't seen each other."

As soon as Song Wu finished speaking, the mobile phone in his pocket rang.

Song Wu quickly took out his mobile phone, looked at the caller ID, and said to Lin Chen and the others, "The boss is calling, you wait..."

After finishing speaking, Song Wu took the mobile phone and walked aside to answer the boss's call.

"Mr. Lin..." Wu Tianyu said to Lin Chen in a low voice: 663 "This Song Wu looks very abnormal. His performance is too cold and too calm."


"According to common sense, ordinary people will at least think about it for a while, and answer when they think they can't remember it. Moreover, he answers every question slowly, not in a hurry, and doesn't explain much. His answers are just It's like it's ready."

"Yes, that's true." Wu Xuan said in agreement.

Lin Chen smiled and said, "You two are right, this Song Wu is a little suspicious."

"Which point?" Wu Tianyu asked immediately.

Lin Chen glanced at Wu Tianyu and said, "We came to him and told him that we came to investigate him because of a case. He was very calm and answered our questions one by one."

"When you go to investigate an ordinary person, you say that you are investigating him because of a case, his first reaction, or a question he is very concerned about, isn't it because of what case you are investigating me? Why is this case investigating me? ?"

"But this Song Wu, from beginning to end, didn't ask us why we were investigating him."


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Lin Chen said lightly: "Song Wu doesn't seem to care about what case he came to for, as if he knew why we were investigating him, and he was very clear about this case."

"Could it be that Gao Xiaoliang called him on our way here?"

Wu Xuan blurted out a sentence.

Lin Chen shook his head and said, "No, Gao Xiaoliang promised to keep it a secret, and you forgot what Song Wu said just now?"

Wu Xuan remembered what Song Wu said, she nodded: "Oh, I remember, Song Wu said that he hadn't contacted Gao Xiaoliang for a long time. Since no one told him, he is really suspicious."

After Wu Xuan's voice fell, Song Wu, who answered the phone with his mobile phone, had finished the call. He put down the phone and limped back.

"Go ahead and ask." After walking back to Lin Chen and the others, Song Wu's eyes swept over Lin Chen and the others indifferently, and said without any emotion.

"it is good."

Lin Chen nodded and said, "When was the last time you met Gao Xiaoliang?"

"It's the end of May or the beginning of June. I don't remember very clearly. He called and said he wanted to invite me for a drink, so I went." Song Wu replied.

"When he was drinking, he told you what happened to him, do you remember?" Lin Chen asked.

"Remember." Song Wudao.

"Tell it again."

"Xiao Liang asked me for a drink that night. I heard on the phone that something was wrong with him, so I went over after get off work."

Song Wu said: "After the past, I found that Xiaoliang's face was very wrong, and there were still injuries on his body, so I asked him what was wrong, he shook his head and said nothing, but he was not in a good mood, and he had no friends, so I went to find him. I went out for a drink."

"I could see that something happened to him, but if he didn't tell me, I couldn't help it. After drinking with him for a while, he told me what was on his mind after he was drunk."

"He said that his girlfriend was raped by the boss. Not only did the boss not beg for mercy, but he even threatened him with the underworld. He was almost killed by the underworld."

"He said that he was out of town and that his boss was so powerful that it was useless to call the police, so he had to suffer a big loss."

Lin Chen looked at Song Wu's unchanging face and said, "Have you seen Fan Yinghao?"

"I've seen it. The poultry meat from our cold food store is directly pulled from his slaughterhouse. I've met him many times." Song Wu replied.

"What do you think of Fan Yinghao?" Lin Chen asked.

"The beast of the beast, who raped other people's girlfriends, and bullied others, let people beat Xiaoliang and them, and called him a beast, which is an insult to the word beast." Song Wu said these words At that time, his tone was obviously not as calm as before.

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