Lin Chen raised his hand, stopped her, and said, "Let's talk in the car later."

When Ouyang Chuying heard the words, she stopped talking.

Coming to the newly renovated bbda cold food store, Lin Chen found a few available clerks and asked them, "How long has Song Wu been working here?"

"More than a year." Someone replied.

"How is your relationship with him?" Lin Chen asked.

"Relationship, it's no use trying to get along with him. That guy is withdrawn and doesn't like talking to people," said a male clerk.

"Song Wu is indeed very withdrawn and doesn't like to talk. It may be because he has a lame leg and has low self-esteem." Another clerk said.

"How did his leg hurt?"

"I don't know. Ask him and he didn't say anything."

"What do you think of Song Wu?"

"It can endure hardships quite well, except for being withdrawn, everything else is fine," said a male clerk.

"In addition to being withdrawn, he also has shortcomings. He is too sloppy. In spring, it's fine if he doesn't take a bath every few days. In summer, he can go three days without taking a bath."

A female clerk said with a look of disgust: "I went to the freezer to get something a few days ago and asked him to open the freezer. He walked past me, and the smell was so big. I felt bad, so I asked him how he smelled. So big, he said he hadn't showered for three days, and I was speechless at that time."

"Well, this is true." Another male clerk said, "Song Wu is indeed a little sloppy. The shoes on his feet have been worn for a few months, but they haven't been changed. I can't imagine that he took his feet from those shoes Take it out of the shoe, how stinky it is."

Lin Chen smiled slightly: "He drives and manages the warehouse, right?"

"Yeah." The female clerk said, "He has a problem with his legs, and he shouldn't have been allowed to drive, but he said that if he wanted to pay more, it was not easy for the boss to see him. In addition, although he had problems with his feet, his driving skills were not easy. Very good, let him do it."

"That's it, then your boss is good." Lin Chen nodded.

"Our boss is very good, even Song Wu himself is sloppy, and he also made a mess of the freezer. The goods are placed in disorder. If he doesn't let him find some things, it is not easy to find them."

After asking these shop assistants a lot of questions, Lin Chen said thanks, and then took Ouyang Chuying and Wu Xuan back to the cold storage.

Lin Chen and the others just arrived, and it happened that Song Wu also moved all the goods into the cold storage.

Song Wu was about to close the door of the freezer when Lin Chen walked over and said, "Wait."

"What's wrong?" Song Wu glanced at Lin Chen suspiciously.

Lin Chen walked to the door of the cold storage, pushed open the heavy door and glanced inside.

There are a lot of things stored in the cold storage. As the clerks said, the cold storage was a bit messy by Song Wu.

"The cold storage you manage is quite messy." Lin Chen said, "Didn't the boss tell you?"

Song Wu replied: "It's all right, as long as you can find something, our boss rarely comes to the cold storage."

After finishing speaking, Song Wu asked, "Have you finished reading? I'll close the door after reading it."

"Well, it's over." Lin Chen nodded.

Then Song Wu closed the door of the cold storage, and after closing the rolling shutter outside, he pointed to a refrigerated transport truck parked there: "I'll drive that car, you just follow me."

"Yes." Wu Tianyu walked over, took Song Wu's cell phone out of his pocket, and said, "But your cell phone, I have to keep it for the time being, is it okay?"

Song Wu was a little unhappy, but still said: "No problem."

Immediately, Song Wu led the way in the refrigerated transport truck, and Lin Chen followed behind in a black Audi Q5.

In the car, Ouyang Chuying said a little excitedly: "I feel that this Song Wu, he is the murderer, but I can't guess the motive of his murder."

"Yeah." Wu Xuan also said happily: "His personality is too calm, which matches the murderer's personality. When Mr. Lin told him that Fan Yinghao was dead, he didn't have much reaction, as if he already knew Fan Yinghao is dead."

"Hehe, that's right." Ouyang Chuying also showed a rare smile on her cold face, she said, "And, most importantly, when Lin Chen said that Fan Yinghao died last night, he was stabbed ten times in a row. After a few knives, his indifferent expression changed when his head was hung on the factory gate."

"Becomes very confused and inexplicable, and then when he answers questions, he is also nonchalant."

Wu Tianyu said: "Well, there is only one real reason for Song Wu's reactions. He was a murderer. Fan Yinghao was obviously killed by his skin. Hearing Mr. Lin's wrong description of the victim's death method, he was quite I don't understand how Fan Yinghao, who was killed three weeks ago, died last night."


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After Lin Chen heard Ouyang Chuying's discussion, he said: "The murderer used cruel methods to kill people and dumped their corpses in a public toilet where people could easily find them. His purpose was to attract the attention of the police, and it was also a kind of provocation. The police, the factors causing social panic are in it.”

"The murderer provoked the police like this, which means that he was dissatisfied with the police in his heart."

"In the conversation with Song Wu just now, I could see his dissatisfaction with the police, and, when I deliberately said that the police wanted to investigate him, just investigate him, and what the police said was the reason, Song Wu sarcastically said yes, What the police say is what they say, how can you defy the police?"

"He was very dissatisfied with the police, so after knowing what happened to Gao Xiaoliang, he didn't persuade him to call the police because he didn't trust the police." Ouyang Chuying said.

"Song Wu's suspicion level is very high." Wu Dongfang frowned and said, "But, what was his motive for killing? Avenging Gao Xiaoliang? This is a bit unreasonable, right?-"

"As long as it can be proved that he is the murderer, the motive for the murder can be interrogated from his mouth." Wu Xuan_ said.

"I feel... the murderer of the human skin nailing case will be caught by a few of us..." Wu Tianyu said with some anticipation.

"Yeah, maybe this time we will make a big contribution." Wu Xuan waved her fists a few times.

Ouyang Chuying was also a little happy. The honor and rewards after solving the case were not important to her, and being able to bring the murderer to justice was what she wanted most.

Ouyang Chuying stared at the small refrigerated transport truck in front of her, turned her head and glanced at Lin Chen again.

Immediately, Ouyang Chuying found that Lin Chen frowned slightly at this moment, and there was no smile on his face.

Seeing this, Ouyang Chuying asked Lin Chen, "Why, you don't seem to be very happy?"

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