Hearing this, Lin Chen turned his head and glanced at Ouyang Chuying. After seeing Ouyang Chuying's curious eyes, Lin Chen shook his head and didn't say anything more.

The place where Song Wu's family lived was still some distance away from where he worked, in a private house.

The location here isn't out of the way, but it's not much better either.

On this road, a row of ordinary houses used to be in the past. After the refrigerated transport truck was parked on the side of the road, Song Wu stepped out of the car.

Lin Chen and the others also got out of the car, and saw Song Wu walking towards a few old people who were playing chess under the tree.

These old people set up a small table under a big tree and sat on the horse.

Song Wu limped over, calling out the names of the old men as he walked, and then said, "Uncle Liu, how many games have you lost today? Didn't you get called a stinky chess basket?"

Then Uncle Liu rolled his eyes, shook his hands, and said, "Go, go, don't disturb my chess game, you're a stinky chess basket."

These uncles who played chess were the ones Song Wu said he was familiar with.

Lin Chen and the others approached and took a look at these old men.

Song Wu immediately took Lin Chen and the others and walked upstairs.

"Which floor do you live on?" Wu Xuan asked, looking at Song Wu, who was leaning on the railing with one hand and struggling to walk up the stairs.

Song Wu's left leg was very inconvenient and said, "On the second floor."

On the second floor, Song Wu took out the key and opened the house where he lived.

He pushed the door open and stood there, not intending to go in first.

He looked at Lin Chen and the others, and said, "If you want to investigate, hurry up and check, and I will rush back to do things later."

Lin Chen and the others walked into Song Wu's room. Once they entered the room, they felt clean and tidy.

The room was neatly tidy, the floor was clean, there were several murals on the wall, and some clothes were neatly hung on a clothesline by the window in the house.

In the house, there is an old-fashioned refrigerator, although the refrigerator is very old, but the surface has been wiped clean.

Ouyang Chuying looked at the room and frowned slightly.

It's really strange. From the mouth of Song Wu's colleague, I know that Song Wu is a very sloppy person. He doesn't care about his personal image. He can go without a bath for three days in summer.

You can also tell from his clothes.

How can such a person who does not like cleanliness have such a clean home?

Wu Tianyu and Wu Xuan had the same question in their hearts, Lin Chen beckoned to Wu Tianyu, Wu Tianyu immediately leaned over and asked Lin Chen what was going on with his eyes.

Lin Chen whispered a few words to Wu Tianyu, Wu Tianyu nodded, said okay, and ran downstairs.

Ouyang Chuying glanced at Lin Chen. Although she didn't hear what Lin Chen said, she should have asked Wu Tianyu to investigate or something.

Lin Chen walked towards the old refrigerator, opened the door on the top of the refrigerator, there were some vegetables and fruits, and some eggs.

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

Open the refrigerated area below, and the refrigerator drawers inside are full of frozen chickens and ducks. These frozen chickens and ducks fill the refrigerator and can no longer be stuffed with other things.

Lin Chen pointed at the frozen chickens and ducks, and said, "These chickens and ducks, did you secretly bring them back from the warehouse and eat them yourself?"

Song Wu glanced at the refrigerator, but did not speak, it was a default.

Lin Chen closed the refrigerator and walked to a small cabinet. There was a pot of green dill on the cabinet. The flower pot was not made of ceramics, but was cut out of a large plastic bottle.

Next to this pot of green dill, there is a row plug, which is plugged in, an Android charger is plugged in, and a Nokia charger is placed next to it.


Because the cabinet is relatively small, the Nokia charger with long charging cable, its cable is neatly wound in a circle.

The Android charger was plugged into the row and did not charge anything.

Lin Chen glanced at the two chargers calmly, and then started to check Song Wu's house with Ouyang Chuying and the others.

Under the chuang, Lin Chen saw a courier box, which had been opened and contained several ointments marked in English.

Lin Chen picked up the box, looked at Song Wu who was standing outside the door, and said, "Is this Dermatix cream from abroad? This cream is used to remove scars. What are you buying this for?"

Song Wu said lightly, "I have scars on my body."

"Why do you have scars? Which department?" Lin Chen asked.

"It's not convenient for outsiders to see the position." Song Wu replied.

After Lin Chen heard the words, he looked at Song Wu, and then looked at the Shuhen cream in his hand, and he put the box back in its original place.

Ouyang Chuying and Wu Xuan are searching carefully, they have searched a lot of places and found nothing suspicious.

At this moment, a call came from Ouyang Chuying's cell phone.

Ouyang Chuying took out her mobile phone and saw that Guo Tongguang was calling, she immediately connected.

"Guo team leader." Ouyang Chuying greeted.

"Comrade Ouyang, haha, this case has made great progress. Just now, news came from the forensic doctor that two clear fingerprints were found on the body of the fourth female body." Guo Tongguang said. .


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Ouyang Chuying was slightly stunned when she heard Guo Tongguang's words.

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