"I felt sorry for my friend, so I found a chance and killed him."

"The second deceased, what about Huai Kang, the beggar?" Wu Dongfang stepped forward and asked hurriedly.

Song Wu replied: "...when I was attacking Fan Yinghao, I happened to... happened to be seen by the beggar. He wanted to run away at the time. He was stunned."

"Bring Fan Yinghao and the beggar home, and I'll kill them all."

"Why are they skinned, why are their skins exchanged, why are nails nailed to them?" Guo Tongguang asked.

Song Wu glanced at them and said lightly, "After I stabbed them all to death with a knife, I felt that the knife cut through the human skin was very good. As soon as the knife went down, the skin was cut open by me. That kind of touch is really amazing. Comfortable."

Song Wu paused, exhaled, and continued: "I felt so comfortable, so I used a knife to peel off all the skins on their bodies, and then, on a whim, let them wear each other's skins."

"But the skin would always slip when it was worn on them. I just saw iron nails beside it, so I used the nails to fix the skin on them (Manuo Zhao)."

"The iron nails I bought were very sharp. When I drove the iron nails into the skin and flesh, I could hear the sound of the iron nails piercing the human skin, and then millimeter by millimeter into the human skin. In their flesh, there are some relatively long iron nails that can even be driven into their bones."

"That kind of feeling, you can't understand it, it's an extremely beautiful feeling that can make me immerse in it."

When everyone in the special case team heard this, they looked at him differently.

Pervert, this guy is definitely a pervert. He treats killing as a kind of enjoyment. This kind of person is not a pervert.

"Is this guy mentally distorted?" Wu Xuan looked at Song Wu with disgust.

Ouyang Chuying shook his head and said, "Every perverted murderer's psychology is distorted."

At this time, Lin Chen suddenly showed a smile on his face, and said to himself, "This Song Wu really knows how to make up stories."


592 Half-truth and half-false 【Subscription】

Lin Chen's self-talk was very quiet, and there was some noise in the interrogation room, and no one else heard it.

After Guo Tongguang heard the words, he squinted his eyes, looked at Song Wu, and said, "Do you think the process of killing and skinning and then nailing the body is enjoyable?"

"Yes." Song Wu said blankly: "This process is very worthwhile for me to reminisce. I like it very much."

"What about the gynecologist Zhu Jianguo, and the prostitution lady Zhou Yuetao?" Guo Tongguang stared at Song Wu and said, "Why did you kill them?"

Song Wu slowly leaned on the back of the chair, clasping his handcuffed hands tightly, he raised his head slightly, and said, "After killing Fan Yinghao and Huaikang, I have never forgotten the feeling of killing. "

"It was also those two guys who were unlucky. I met them. The first two I killed were men, and one of the latter two was a woman. When I killed her and skinned her, it gave me a sense of freshness. I felt that skinning women It feels more beautiful than other men's skins."

"The reason for killing them?" Guo Tongguang asked.

"I said, they were unlucky and met by me." Song Wudao: "I, Song Wu, killed him. I don't need too many reasons. As long as I don't like it, I will kill him."

Song Wu's answer was very straightforward, his face was expressionless, and his eyes did not fluctuate. When he said these words at 870, his face seemed to be paralyzed.

"Murder tool, where is the skinning site?" Guo Tongguang asked.

Song Wu played with the handcuffs on his wrists. He let the handcuffs on both wrists collide lightly, making a metal clanging sound.

"Of course the murder tool is a knife. It's in my kitchen. Haven't you already tested it in my room with some luminol reagent?"

Song Wudao: "The place where I peeled the skin was in my room. When I killed Fan Yinghao and the beggar, I peeled off their skins and exchanged them. I didn't think it was necessary to throw both bodies out, so I threw Fan Yinghao's body into the refrigerator to freeze."

Guo Tongguang heard the words, looked at Wu Tianyu beside him, and asked, "Officer Wu, can one person be stuffed into the refrigerator in his room?"

Wu Tianyu nodded and said, "No problem, the refrigerator in his room is very big, both of them can do it."

Guo Tongguang snorted, and he asked Song Wudao, "Why did you choose to throw the body in a public toilet? Without an accomplice, can you do all this alone?"

"It's just to carry the corpse, why not?" Song Wu asked calmly: "As for the toilet, don't you think it's very beautiful to put the corpse in the toilet and sit there? He just sits quietly like that, it's just obedient. Extremely."

When everyone heard the words, many people looked at each other, thinking that a pervert is a pervert.

Putting a skinned corpse on the toilet, he actually said it was very beautiful.

"What time did you throw Zhu Jianguo's body into that public toilet last night?" Guo Tongguang asked.

"It was around 12:30 last night."

"Was that female corpse thrown on the day she was killed?"

"Yes, the corpse that was thrown that day has been there for many days, and no one has found it. I am quite disappointed..."

Guo Tongguang and other police officers asked him a lot of questions, and Song Wu answered them all.

His answer was slow and methodical, and his calm attitude made many police officers shake their heads when they saw it.

"What have you experienced that made you become like this?" Guo Tongguang asked.

"What can I experience."

Song Wu shrugged and said, "I haven't experienced anything. It's just that after the first murder, the desire in the bottom of my heart aroused. It made me enjoy the process of killing and skinning. What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." The smile on Guo Tongguang's face has long since subsided. He looked at Song Wudao: "It's just that your behavior has caused serious consequences. You have to pay a heavy price for what you did."

"Hehe, it doesn't matter. Anyway, I enjoyed the beautiful feeling of killing four people. It's worth being caught by you now." Song Wu smiled, which was a kind of hatred. Incomparable smile.

Song Wu's words have already been said for this sake. He has admitted all the guilt in this case. After Guo Tongguang asked these questions, he was slightly relieved, and finally he could have an explanation to the above.

But at this moment, Lin Chen, who had not spoken, walked towards the front.

As Lin Chen approached Song Wu, he smiled and said, "Okay Song Wu, can your performance end?"

Lin Chen's remarks made many police officers look astonished.

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