Can Song Wu's performance end?

What does this mean?

"What?" Song Wu looked at Lin Chen, as if he didn't understand what Lin Chen meant.

Guo Tongguang also looked at Lin Chen: "Mr. Lin, what do you mean by that?"

Lin Chen glanced at Guo Tongguang and said, "My meaning is very obvious. What Song Wu said just now is half-truth and half-truth, admitting part of it and covering up part of it."

Ouyang Chuying's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly. Just now, Lin Chen didn't speak. Where did he think about things? Did he now understand some aspects of this case?

At this moment, Ouyang Chuying was looking forward to what Lin Chen said next.

"A part of it was covered up?" Guo Tongguang frowned.

Wu Tianyu and the other police officers stared at Lin Chen, waiting for Lin Chen to speak.

"My words are half-truths?" Song Wu asked Lin Chen, "Why are my words half-truths?"

"The human skin nailing corpse case, four victims were killed, their skins were peeled off and exchanged, and their bodies were thrown to four places. You can't complete these things alone." Lin Chen said coldly.

"Mr. Lin, you mean, this Song Wu, he has an accomplice?" Guo Tongguang asked.

"Yes, there is an accomplice." Lin Chen nodded, looked at Song Wu, and said, "Song Wu, you have an accomplice, right?"

Song Wu's pupils shrank, but the expression on his face did not change. He said, "No, I am the only one in this case from beginning to end."

"Ha ha."

Lin Chen smiled and said, "It may be that we gave you too little time to make this lie perfect."

"Song Wu, just now they asked you why you killed Fan Yinghao, and you said that it was because he raped Gao Xiaoliang's girlfriend, and after killing him, it aroused a certain desire in your heart, which made you very interested in killing. Strong ideas."

"You said that you enjoyed killing people, the knife cut through their skin, the nail pierced their body, and made a thud, you wanted to make people think that you were a perverted murderer, but... you ignored the most important thing. a little……"

Song Wu narrowed his eyes. He sat on the iron chair with handcuffs on his hands. He asked, "What's the most important point?".


593 What can I prove [2 more subscriptions]

Lin Chen said: "When you were describing these processes, your words were very neat, but your eyes and your expressions were not disturbed."

"Like a failed reciter, he reads poems without any emotion~.color."

"A psychopathic murderer, when he described his record of killing, he was very proud, proud and longing in his eyes, because he felt that it was his glorious past, and when he recalled, he could - let himself be in the territory."

"But when you say this, your expression, eyes, tone, and dryness are just narrations. It's not like you're talking about yourself at all, but, it's like describing someone else."

"You say you enjoy the process of killing people, the feel of the knife cutting through their skin, and the feeling of the nail being driven into their body, but, when you're talking about this, I can't see any aftertaste of enjoyment on your face, It's just a rigid statement."

"Your purpose in doing this is to fake yourself into a perverted murderer, right?"

Lin Chen's remarks made everyone in the interrogation room fall into contemplation.

They began to recall the story of Song Wu's words just now. Lin Chen said it. Indeed, when Song Wu described his killing process, his face was expressionless and indifferent.

He was saying that he enjoyed the killing process, but when he said that, it was too dry.

This is like a person who seeks sympathy. He tells everyone how pitiful his family is and how difficult it is.

This way of gaining sympathy makes people feel uninvolved.

"What can your observation... prove?" The handcuffs in Song Wu's hands made a soft clatter.

"My observation is not the main one, nor can it be proved more authoritatively that you are not a pervert."

Lin Chen said: "However, from other aspects, it can be proved that the case of human skin nailing is not only your murderer, but also the existence of another person."

"Haha." Song Wu smiled and looked at Lin Chen with a look of disdain: "I admit that I am the murderer, you still have another murderer, okay, you cheat one out and let him be with him If you go to jail with me, I will have a company."

"I'm sorry." Lin Chen shook his head: "To catch your accomplice, it's not for him to accompany you to jail, but for him to accompany you to eat guns. Your crime can't be jailed."

At this moment, Ouyang Chuying had a somewhat clear look on her face. If there was more than one murderer in Song Wu, it would be obvious who the other murderer was.

Wu Tianyu and Wu Xuan both followed Lin Chen to investigate the case this day, and they also took a look at Ouyang Chuying and had a choice in their hearts.

Song Wu looked at Lin Chen coldly, and said nothing more.

"Song Wu, you admitted so happily to protect and cover up someone who is very important to you, right?" Lin Chen asked Song Wudao.

"You're right, then that's right." Song Wu looked at Lin Chen as a fool, disdainful.

"If I guessed correctly, is that person your father?" Lin Chen asked again.

As soon as these words came out, Song Wu's calm expression changed for a moment, and his expression was obviously not as calm as before.

The expression on his face at that moment was as if something important had been peeked through.

Guo Tongguang was very close to Song Wu, and when he observed the change in Song Wu's eyes at that moment, he wondered: "Could it be true, as Mr. Lin said, is the father and son working together to commit the crime?"

Ouyang Chuying, Wu Tianyu and Wu Xuan, but the three of them looked surprised.

Lin Chen said that Song Wu had accomplices, and the first thing they thought of was the sanitation worker Huang Maode.

Because today Lin Chen's speculation about the murderer is focused on him.

But now Lin Chen said that Song Wu's accomplice was his father, one was Song Wu and the other was Huang Maode. The two people's surnames couldn't match.

Could it be that Song Wu was Huang Maode's lost son, who took someone else's surname, and is now back again?

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