"What father?" The corner of Song Wu's mouth rose slightly, and he sneered: "Can't your public security bureau access citizens' files? You can go and investigate the situation in my home."

"Guo team leader, has the situation of Song Wu's family been investigated?" Wu Tianyu asked Guo Tongguang.

Guo Tongguang replied: "It has been investigated, but the specific situation has not been investigated yet, it should be soon."

Song Wu leaned back on the iron chair and regained his calmness and composure.

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When Ouyang Chuying saw this expression on Song Wu's face again, she frowned slightly. This guy really can't guess his mind. Could it be that there is something special about the situation in his home?

At this moment, the door of the interrogation room was pushed open, and a police officer walked in slowly.

He glanced at the interrogation room, and finally his eyes fell on Guo Tongguang, saying: "Guo Bureau, Song Wu's basic information has been found."

"Read it out." Guo Tongguang instructed.

The police officer said a yes, and then began to talk about Song Wu's basic information: "Song Wu, 31 years old, originally from Taishi, Luliang County."

"His father is an only child, and he is also an only child. There are no immediate family members in the family. More than a year ago, Song Wu's mother died of high blood pressure. Song Wu's father, because of excessive sadness, chose to commit suicide by jumping into a river. The police station in Liang County issued the death certificate of Song Wu's parents."


"Song Wu now, his parents have died, and he has no direct relatives."

The policeman told Song Wu's basic information.

After everyone listened, they all looked at Lin Chen with puzzled eyes.

Lin Chen just said that Song Wu was not alone in this case, Song Wu also had an accomplice, that person was his father.

But now, after investigating Song Wu's basic information, he found that his parents had already died, and both of them had death certificates.

Some young police officers in the special case team are staring at Lin Chen with a bit of a joke at the moment. Lin Chen just swore that Song Wu's accomplice was his father, and now he is directly slapped in the face.

With a smile on Song Wu's face, he said to Lin Chen, "Comrade police officer, my father is dead. You said there is another murderer who is my father. Could it be that my dead father can climb out of the cemetery? Can't you come out and kill with me?"

"Your father jumped into a river to die?" Lin Chen asked.

"That's right." Song Wu nodded.

"Has your father's body been found?" Lin Chen said.

Song Wei paused for a moment before saying, "I found it..."

"When you answer this sentence, it sounds a little lacking in confidence." Lin Chen laughed. .


594 I hate being smart [3 more subscriptions]

"Insufficient confidence?" Song Wudao said, "I really hate talking to you, and I hate you, a smart policeman like you."

Lin Chen ignored his words, but said to himself: "As far as I know, if you want to issue a death certificate, you can do it in several ways when the body is not found."

"For example...you only need a few witnesses from the villagers to testify to you, and the village committee will issue another certificate, and the local police station will be able to issue a death certificate."

"Song Wu, my guess is that although your father chose to jump into the river because of his sadness, he didn't drown in the river and survived, right?"

Song Wu's pupils suddenly shrank again, and the handcuffed hand also clenched his fist slightly.

"Haha..." Song Wu smiled and said, "Although I hate your self-righteousness, "Three Nine Seven" I also hope that my father is not dead, but unfortunately, he can't come back."

"Hasn't he returned to you already?"

Lin Chen stared at Song Wu's eyes and said with a smile, "But his surname is different from yours now. His current name is Huang Maode, Huang Maode!"

When it came to the three words Huang Maode, Lin Chen deliberately repeated it, his tone became more serious, and his voice was unusually severe.

After Song Wu heard the words, his face immediately made waves, and a look of horror appeared on his originally expressionless face.

He tried his best to hide it, but the horrified look still appeared on his face for several seconds.

Guo Tongguang, Ouyang Chuying, Wu Tianyu and the others all noticed this, and many other male and female police officers saw it.

"Huang Maode? I haven't heard of it. I don't know what you're talking about." Song Wu shook his head slightly and said lightly.

"Mr. Lin, the Huang Maode you're talking about is the sanitation worker who collected his fingerprints, right?" Guo Tongguang asked immediately.

"Yes, it's him." Lin Chen nodded and said slowly.

"Huang Maode's identity information is from Nanhe Province and Chengding County. Song Wu is from Yuantai City and Luliang County. The distance between these two counties is still very far." The beautiful policewoman said to Lin Chen.

"Have you investigated Huang Maode's identity information in detail?" Lin Chen asked.

The female police officer replied immediately: "Uh... I've been busy with the two newly discovered bodies today, and I haven't investigated Huang Maode in detail yet."

Lin Chen nodded and said, "If I'm not mistaken, the sanitation worker Huang Maode, his original name is not Huang Maode at all, he should have picked up a 'Huang Maode' ID card."

"Picking up someone else's ID card?" Wu Tianyu said.

"Yes." Lin Chen said, "Ouyang Chuying, Wu Xuan, Wu Tianyu, we were the first to suspect that Huang Maode. After seeing him, what do you think he is like?"

Wu Xuan recalled and replied, "Because he is a sanitation worker, he is exposed to the wind and the sun every day. His skin is a little dark, and there are some scars on his face and neck."

Lin Chen nodded: "Yes, in addition to these, there are two more points. First, the date of birth on his ID card indicates that he is 47 years old, but he looks at least 55 years old."

"Second, he is from Nanhe Province on his ID card, but he doesn't have an accent there. His accent is almost the same as Song Wu."

"These two points are not very beneficial, but combined with others, it is enough to make me doubt Huang Maode's true identity."

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