After Lin Chen finished speaking, he didn't stop any longer, and walked outside, leaving behind his aunt and mother with ugly faces. .


064 Analysis of the law of committing crimes [10 more subscriptions]

After walking out of Qi Hongyuan's cousin's aunt's house, Xia Miaoyan immediately curled her lips and said, "This cousin's aunt's family is too much. They live in a house in the community with Qi Hongyuan's money, but they are like Qi Hongyuan."

"It's really too much."

Zhang Tiannan nodded and said, "Who made Qi Hongyuan's family have so few relatives? After the parents left, there is only one cousin left."

Lin Chen walked down the stairs in silence, without speaking.

This was Zhang Tian'an's aftertaste, and she suddenly said, "Lin Chen, did you notice?"

"What did you find?" Lin Chen asked.

Zhang Tianan said, "Just when you said that Qi Hongyuan was not the murderer, his cousin's aunt's son was very excited and nervous. His behavior was a little unusual, don't you think?"

"He seems to want that Qi Hongyuan to be shot, could it be..." Xia Miaoyan covered her mouth with her hand and said, "Could he be a murderer? Qi Hongyuan was framed?"

"It's possible." Zhang Tianan immediately looked at Lin Chen and asked, "Lin Chen, aren't you very accurate? Do you think that cousin's aunt's son has anything to do with Qi Hongyuan's case? "

"It shouldn't matter." Lin Chen shook his head.

Lin Chen's answer was beyond Zhang Tian'an and Xia Miaoyan's expectations. Zhang Tian'an said, "How do you see that the cousin's aunt's son is fine?"

Lin Chen said, "You will know soon."

After Lin Chen said this, he didn't speak any more, and walked quietly, Xia Miaoyan put her mouth to Zhang Tian'an's ear and said, "Officer Zhang, my master is such a bad temper. Sometimes I hate him a little too..."

A wry smile appeared on Zhang Tian's face, and he also whispered in Xia Miaoyan's ear, "Many people in our public security bureau hate him."

Lin Chen heard the whispers of the two, but he didn't say anything.

Immediately, the two drove back to No. 168 Changpo Road.

Lin Chen left the two women in the living room and went upstairs by himself.

After the afternoon, Zhang Tiannan's cell phone rang. She took out her cell phone and saw that it was Miao Yunfei calling.

"Sister Yunfei~〃." Zhang Tianan said something after pressing the answer button.

Miao Yunfei's voice came from the receiver: "The murderer who poisoned the bus driver has been caught. The murderer is now in the interrogation room. You can ask Lin Chen to come over."

"It's so fast." Zhang Tian'an said in surprise, and then she immediately said, "Okay, I'll talk to Lin Chen right away."

Zhang Tianan put down the phone and ran upstairs. When she came to the door of Lin Chen's house, she saw Lin Chen sitting in front of the computer and said, "Lin Chen, the murderer who poisoned the bus driver last night. caught."

Hearing this, Lin Chen turned off the computer and said, "Okay, let's go."


Half an hour later, Lin Chen walked into the Public Security Bureau of Tianhai City. Miao Yunfei was waiting for Lin Chen in the hall. When she saw Lin Chen coming, she said, "It's coming fast."

Lin Chen didn't respond to her words, and asked, "Why did the murderer who was caught poison the driver? Did you ask?"

Miao Yunfei nodded, indicating that she had asked, and then Miao Yunfei began to speak.

The deceased Xu Yongjian had a bad temper. He often abused his wife at home. His wife also had a man outside behind his back because of her domestic violence.

Xu Yongjian's wife and the man are getting better and better. His wife wants to divorce, but Xu Yongjian is not willing.

Two days ago, after Xu Yongjian abused his daughter-in-law because of money, the man hated Xu Yongjian very much, but the man was so thin that he couldn't beat Xu Yongjian.

Because of the promotion of mineral water in the supermarket, Xu Yongjian likes to bring a bottle of mineral water to work, so he bought a few boxes of mineral water at home.

The man thought it was a good idea to poison the mineral water bottle. When Xu Yongjian died, the police would think that there was a problem with the mineral water in the supermarket, so he acted without the knowledge of Xu Yongjian's wife.

After Miao Yunfei finished speaking briefly, she shook her head and said, "This murderer has not received any cultural education. This kind of killing method can be said to be stupid. In addition, he only admits poisoning, not that he killed the bus station. The four dead at the pavilion."

"Got it." Lin Chen walked towards the interrogation room.

In the interrogation room, a policeman was interrogating the poisoned man. After Lin Chen walked in, he said to Miao Yunfei, "You all go out, I'll be fine by myself."

Miao Yunfei said yes, and went out with the person. Only Lin Chen and the thin poisonous man were left in the interrogation room.

After Miao Yunfei, Zhang Tianan and some detectives from the task force waited outside the interrogation room for more than [-] minutes, Lin Chen came out.

"How is it?" Miao Yunfei asked, looking at Lin Chen who came out.

Lin Chen said to go to the conference room to talk, so the group walked to the conference room next to them.

After entering the conference room, Lin Chen looked at Miao Yunfei and said, ".. I said before that the murderer committed crimes on a regular basis. You really want to know why I say that, right?"

"That's right." Miao Yunfei's eyes lit up slightly and said, "Are you willing to say it now?"

Next to the conference room, there is a mobile blackboard, Lin Chen walked to the front of the blackboard, picked up a pen, wrote while saying, "Four murders, the first victim, she died on Line 3, the seventh site."

"The second victim, she died at the eleventh site."

"The third victim, she died at the fifteenth site."

"The fourth victim, she died at the nineteenth station of Baofeng Line 6."

"We all know this." Miao Yunfei said.

"You know, but you didn't pay attention to the clues here." Lin Chen said: "The four dead, the sites of death are 7, 11, 15, and 19 in order. Don't you think these four numbers are the same? Are the four numbers together, very regular?"

(Zhao Mo Zhao)

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