After hearing Lin Chen's words, Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tiannan's eyes gradually showed a look of surprise.

Before the two women could speak, Lin Chen continued: "These four numbers are all singular, the odd number from 7 is 9, the odd number from 9 is 11, and the number from 11 goes down two odd numbers, it is 15."

"The murderer committed the crime and chose to commit the murder at an odd-numbered site, and every odd-numbered site must be separated by one. After committing the crime at the 7th site, he chose the 9th site after 11, and the 11th site was killed. Perfect, after a 13, I chose to commit the crime at the 15th site."

"According to my analysis, there are several possibilities for the murderer to commit such a crime..."


PS: Three chapters have been published in a row, and the tenth update is over. There will be several chapters updated in the early morning tonight, please ask for an automatic subscription.

This kind of article is very brainy to write, and the update speed is not fast, please forgive me. .


065 Conference Room Reasoning【Subscribe】

In the conference room, Miao Yunfei, Zhang Tianan, Fang Xinzhou and those old detectives were all immersed in surprise and thinking when they heard what Lin Chen said.

Yes, before, these people only focused on the number of people who died, the state of death of the deceased, and the time of the death of the deceased. No one paid any attention to the site where the deceased died.

The first died at site 7, the second at site 11, then 15 and 19.

An old detective stroked the beard on his chin and said, "What you said does seem to be a bit regular, but... the murderer picked the odd number of bus stops to choose the target to kill him. Could it be just a coincidence? "

"Why does the murderer have to pick an odd number of sites to kill?" Fang Xinzhou said, "As he said, it may just be a coincidence. This kind of coincidence is not impossible."

Lin Chen grabbed the pen in his hand and said, "Except that the four stations where the deceased died are odd numbers, Baofeng Line 3, this 3, is also odd, the homicide occurred at the 6th station of Baofeng Line 19. , that Baofeng Line 6, a month ago, was called Baotai Line 5."

"Line 3, Line 5, it's no coincidence that both are singular."

Miao Yun16 Fei and Zhang Tianan looked at each other, they both understood at this moment, why Lin Chen asked them to go to Baofeng Line 6 to check whether the name has been changed.

Lin Chen swept his eyes from everyone and said, "The murderer would love the odd number so much. One possibility is that he had been stimulated by the odd number, which made him unforgettable about the odd number."

"The second possibility is that he is a psychopath, coupled with a severe number of obsessive-compulsive disorder, and the number of obsessive-compulsive disorder is divided into odd-numbered obsessive-compulsive disorder and double-numbered obsessive-compulsive disorder."

"A person with even-numbered obsessive-compulsive disorder wants to buy a pair of things. He can put two pots and four pots on the table, but he must not put an odd number of pots."

"For people who are more serious, when watching TV, watching movies, or listening to songs, they need to adjust the volume to the odd or even number they like, and they have to choose the odd or even number of seats they like when they take a plane, a high-speed train, or a movie. "

Miao Yunfei's beautiful eyes blinked. She pointed out an index finger in the air and said, "You asked us to check whether Baofeng Line 6 has changed its name, just to prove whether the murderer has a singular obsessive-compulsive disorder?"

"That's right." Lin Chen nodded and said, "Because the four crime scenes have all been restored to their original state, and many days have passed, I can't get any useful clues from the crime scene. The murderer is a singular obsessive-compulsive disorder, although It's just my guess, but I think it's very likely."

"I always feel a little unreliable." Fang Xinzhou reached out and scratched his head.

"Still think my reasoning doesn't make sense?" Lin Chen took care of Fang Xinzhou when he saw that the other old detectives were hesitant.

"It makes sense, but I always feel that something is missing." Fang Xinzhou said, with a hint of disbelief in his expression.

"I don't think anything is missing. Lin Chen's analysis makes sense." Miao Yunfei stood up and spoke for Lin Chen.

Lin Chen stretched out a finger, waved it gently, and said, "Except for the bus stops and bus lines being singular, I can see from the information you provided that after the murderer killed the deceased, he hung him in the bus stop booth. Inside, a fishing line rope made of 3.5-gauge fishing line is used."

"The first deceased was slightly bent and raised her hand to stop the car. She had two fishing lines around her neck and one in her hands, adding up to three."

"The second deceased, hanged in the booth, bent over, with a fishing line around his neck, three on his waist, and one on his raised foot."

"The third deceased, with his hands hanging, one around his neck, three in total..."

"The fourth deceased, lying on the ground, one on his left foot and one on his right hand, one on his neck, all three..."

The people in the conference room were all silent. This was another blind spot that they didn't notice. The number of fishing lines the murderer used to hang the body was odd.

Lin Chen's eyes swept away from everyone's faces, and asked softly, "What I said, can it prove that the murderer has a serious singular obsessive-compulsive disorder?"

"Yeah." An old detective nodded vigorously and said, "I now believe that the murderer is a singular obsessive-compulsive disorder. Every time he kills the deceased, he only cuts off a piece of scalp on the deceased's forehead. Speaking of singular..."

Fang Xinzhou's face turned gloomy. He clenched his fists and said to himself, " come I never thought of this before..."

The other criminal policemen in the conference room also spoke out, saying that the murderer was probably what Lin Chen deduced.

When Lin Chen was reasoning, his expression was calm and calm, and there was an indescribable appeal, which made Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan look slightly absent-minded for a moment.

"Then one of the characteristics of the murderer can now be locked, that is, living around the route of Line 3 and Line 6, and has a serious singular obsessive-compulsive disorder." Miao Yunfei said.

Zhang Tiannan looked at Lin Chen and asked, "Lin Chen, the murderer who poisoned the bus driver Xu Yongjian, is he a singular obsessive-compulsive disorder?"

Lin Chen shook his head and said, "After my test on him, he is not a singular obsessive-compulsive disorder, and I also observed his expression when answering questions. The crime he committed was to poison the deceased bus driver Xu Yongjian."

"Then he has nothing to do with the serial murder case at the bus station pavilion. You can file another case with 597." Zhang Tiannan nodded.

After saying this, Zhang Tian'an suddenly remembered when he went to Qi Hongyuan's aunt's aunt's house before. At that time, the aunt's son hoped that Qi Hongyuan would die, and Zhang Tian'an still doubted him, whether he was the murderer or not. Qi Hongyuan.

However, Lin Chen said that Aunt Biao's son was not the murderer. Could it be that Lin Chen judged by observing that he was not a singular obsessive-compulsive disorder?

Zhang Tianan wanted to ask, but after looking at the people around him, he didn't ask.

Lin Chen looked at Miao Yunfei and said, "Miao Yunfei, my classmate Qi Hongyuan, according to my observation of others and the arrangement of the home, he does not have a singular obsessive-compulsive disorder, you can test him."

Miao Yunfei said: "Well, well, your classmate is still very suspicious at present. The knife he often carried on his body, the knife edge is very close to the wound on the deceased's body, and the physique is almost the same as the murderer... "

"However, we will still test him, but even if he does not have OCD, he cannot leave the Public Security Bureau until the murderer is found."


PS: The case and reasoning in this book are all I have been pondering for a long time, and it is very laborious. It has been almost two hours since I wrote this chapter.

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